Cowbird chick with unknown host mom

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Jeff Parks

Jul 16, 2017, 10:56:16 AM7/16/17
to Colorado Birds

Hi all -

Yesterday afternoon looked like rain, so I had to get out and bird.  I hopped on the bike and headed down the South Boulder Creek trail, which gets pretty quiet when the weather turns.  I was hoping to see some Red-Tailed Hawks, since there is a nest in one of the large Cottonwoods down there, but they were either hatched or hiding, I didn't see any signs of a RTHA.  I went down along the creek for awhile, and there were LOTS of swallows skimming above the water, along with a small group of Cedar Waxwings.  I watched them for awhile, and as I was sitting there, I saw a small yellow bird flitting back and forth between some bushes and a slightly taller tree.  In the tree was a young bird, who turned out to be a Cowbird chick, waiting to be fed.  The little yellow bird would go and collect food, and bring it back to the young Cowbird.  I managed to get a few pictures of the yellow bird, and am hoping that someone can help me identify it.  I worked through Sibley for awhile, but am not coming to a conclusion as to what it might be.  The bottom picture shows it pretty well (along with the Cowbird chick), the other two are not as good, but show some features. Had it not been for the chick, I would have only seen a quick glimpse of this bird, and just written it down as "little yellow bird". 

cheers -

Jeff Parks

Ben S

Jul 17, 2017, 11:35:35 AM7/17/17
to Colorado Birds
My guess is Common Yellowthroat
Ben Sampson
Centennial, CO

Jeff Parks

Jul 18, 2017, 9:44:15 AM7/18/17
to Colorado Birds
Hi again -

I have received a few replies, I think Ben has identified it.  A female Yellowthroat.  I have seen the males before, as they are pretty easy to pick out, but I guess I haven't gotten a positive ID on a female COYE before. Most of the male birds that I have seen didn't stick around very long, so I wasn't able to see if a female was nearby, or what she looked like.  Anyway, this is a great example of how Cowbirds leave all of the work of raising the young to other species, as this mom was being very diligent in her efforts to feed the chick.

Good Birding -

Jeff Parks
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