Centennial Birds (Arapahoe)

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Aug 31, 2020, 4:49:57 PM8/31/20
to Colorado Birds
An earlyish Green-tailed Towhee in my Centennial yard this morning, along with a yard first Eastern Kingbird. I don't come upon the latter all that often in Centennial, so this was a real treat. A flock of a dozen Cedar Waxwing swung through this afternoon. A Mountain Chickadee first appeared on 8/23 and was around today, too.

Lark Buntings and Vesper Sparrows at Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens (8/28). Chipping, too, of course. 

Common Nighthawks have been gone (to me) since 8/25, punctuating almost nightly sightings of flocks of the bird, usually feeding, since August 1. I'm sure other migrating birds will pass by before too long. 

Over the past week, the local Swainson's Hawk family is circling overhead, perching on wires, and screeching, dramatically and loudly, all morning long. They've buzzed our yard a few times, often pursued by the local Blue Jay family (also screeching all morning long). 

- Jared Del Rosso
Centennial, CO


Sep 1, 2020, 9:28:00 AM9/1/20
to Colorado Birds
To add to this: yesterday evening, I had a Western Wood-Pewee in my backyard and walked out my front door to a Rock Wren. This was  just my second encounter with the latter in my yard. 

- Jared Del Rosso
Centennial, CO

Jared Del Rosso

Sep 4, 2020, 6:57:18 PM9/4/20
to Colorado Birds
A trio of Common Nighthawks fed over my Centennial neighborhood in Arapahoe County for about 20 minutes on September 2, before cutting south (flying over my house, right as I returned to it with my dogs from the walk on which we first saw the bullbats). The visiting Mountain Chickadee has made sporadic visits to my yard in September. Today, I had a Wilson's Warbler and a MacGillivray's Warbler. This is my first time seeing the latter in my yard since 2017, when one spent most of May calling and singing in my suburban yard. 

- Jared Del Rosso
Centennial, CO

Jared Del Rosso

Sep 9, 2020, 5:15:41 PM9/9/20
to Colorado Birds
A first of the season White-crowned Sparrow and a yard first Red-naped Sapsucker were in my Centennial yard today. This was my first Red-naped Sapsucker in Arapahoe since 2016, my first year in the county. Also, Common Raven and Turkey Vulture sightings. 

- Jared Del Rosso
Centennial, CO
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