Flagler Reservoir, Kit Carson County

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Apr 28, 2016, 5:39:05 PM4/28/16
to Colorado Birds

I got up early this morning at 5 and headed off to Flagler Reservoir. I have not been there before and it did not leave me disappointed after a long drive. Before getting there I stopped briefly at the rest area near Arriba (Lincoln County) and found the birds quit active there and beside the expected birds I found 5 White-Crowned Sparrows that proved a surprise for me. The Great-tailed Grackles were also actively calling.

At the reservoir it’s self I found 32 bird species. There was several types of shorebirds, Killdeer, 4 Pectoral Sandpiper, 1 Solitarily Sandpiper and 3 Lesser Yellow legs. These birds I found in the marshy field part of the reservoir proper alongside the dame, with the yellow legs hanging out at the outlet. Many ducks were present also along with two American White Pelicans, always a joy to see. A lifer for me was found in this area also, two White-Winged Doves flew by. The white outer tail tips on a rounded tail caught my eye as different. The other hightails for me were the Northern Mockingbird which was singing beautifully and a Loggerhead Shrike. While exploring the area bellow the dame I noticed a different looking buteo in flight. It was a Broad-winged Hawk javelin, light phase. This was another lifer for me.

After exploring this area, I went to the town park of Flagler briefly and found more great-tailed grackles along with the common park birds and a boatload of Cedar Waxwings, around 58 but the exact number was hard to get. This mob proved the most exiting at the park. Over all a very good day. If anyone is thinking about heading out to this area it is a good time. Here is the three ebird checklist I submitted.

Brian Johnson,

Englewood CO

Arriba Rest Area, http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S29265457

Flagler Reservoir http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S29266174

Flagler Park, http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S29266224

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