Common Gallinule-Wellington State Wildlife Area-Larimer

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Josh Bruening

2019年4月29日 20:04:152019/4/29
收件人 Colorado Birds

Shortly after 3 this afternoon I thought I’d take a shot in the dark and see if I could see anything through the snowflakes. To my surprise I found a Common Gallinule working the edge of some cattails on the pond north of County Road 60 in the Schware Unit of Wellington State Wildlife Area. Note that this pond is not Morris Reservoir which is a couple hundred yards west and on the south side of 60. If it wasn’t for the red shield and yellow bill tip that shone like Rudolph’s nose through the snow, I’m not sure I would have seen the bird at all. I included my Ebird list below with the one clearly identifiable pic I got through my scope. Visibility got awful quick while I was there so I bolted. This bird may require some patience. I know Rachel Hopper got on the bird later and I hope she was able to work some magic with her camera.

Bird is the word!

Josh Bruening
Fort Collins

David Wade

2019年4月30日 23:25:492019/4/30
收件人 Colorado Birds

Despite an annoying flat tire I managed to see and photograph the Gallinule in the same pond Josh described above. When I first arrived it was displaying out in the open, apparently unconcerned about me. I also heard a few very Coot-like grunts from the love seeking vagabond.  Nice find Josh!

David Wade
Ft Collins CO
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