ST Fly- Sedgwick; BTGray- Yuma

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Steven Mlodinow

Apr 26, 2014, 10:11:48 PM4/26/14
to Colorado Birding
Nick Moore and I birded from Yuma to Sedgwick Counties today. The Bird o' the Day was a Scissor-tailed Flycatcher just on the side of the road by the campground on the Sedgwick side of Jumbo Res. It flew off into the campground proper after allowing for some nice photos.
Also of note was a male BTGray Warbler in the junipers that make up the "Lens Farm Shelterbelt" just e of US 385 along CR 54. Perhaps Yuma's first
In Phillips County there was a Common Poorwill and two Field Sparrows at Holyoke Cemetery and 13 Willets at the Haxtun Sewage Ponds

Most places visited seemed to have a handful of Yellow rumps, a Wilson's or two and a couple OC Warblers. Most also had a couple W Kingbirds. A Lazuli Bunt at the Wray Fish Hatchery was early, too.

Good Birding
Steve Mlodinow and Nick Moore
Currently headed SW on I-76

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