Red-throated Loon Boulder

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David Wade

Nov 3, 2015, 3:22:49 PM11/3/15
to Colorado Birds
The Red-throated Loon continues at Terry Lake. We saw it on the North end of the lake from the road (Hoover Rd?). There was also a late lone Greater Yellowlegs working the East shoreline.
After that we went to Estes Park and failed to find the Redpolls but did see 3 late Yellowrumped Warblers and a possible Swamp Sparrow and at the Matthew-Reeser bird sanctuary.
David Wade
Georgia Doyle
Ft Collins , CO

Nov 4, 2015, 12:57:06 PM11/4/15
to Colorado Birds
Kay Ward and I saw Red-throated Loon at Terry Lake this morning.  Finally found it on southern end, when it suddenly ran, took off, circled the lake a few times and landed near the flock of Western Grebes at the northern ed.
Irene Fortune, Loveland, CO
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