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Arthur Bezuidenhout

2020年12月29日 下午1:31:152020/12/29
收件者:Colorado Birds
I have the bird at 820 Estes St

Bez Bezuidenhout
Arapahoe County

Scott Somershoe

2020年12月29日 下午1:35:032020/12/29
收件者:Colorado Birds
To all White-winged Crossbill chasers, the owner of the house where the crossbill is present DOES NOT WANT ANY VISITORS. They have a family and do not want people walking on their street, parking in front of their house, etc.  This has been made very clear.  Just passing along info.  

I would recommend people refrain from swamping this small street and neighborhood per request of the homeowner.  

Scott Somershoe
Littleton CO

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2020年12月29日 下午5:56:072020/12/29
收件者:ssome...@gmail.com、Colorado Birds
COBirders -- Please remember that you NEVER post someone's personal address without their approval.  The first clue is that the homeowner posted her checklist at the park.  There is nothing wrong with looking for the bird and being successful. You just view the bird and post back at the park. You need to remember this is someone's home and neighborhood.  Joe Roller was always great about getting info from the homeowner and getting the rules out to the community. This is just common sense!!
We have lost several good birding locations because of birders' rude behavior.  There was a great location up in Summit County that had all the rosies and mountain species.  Several birders knew of the location who were approved by the homeowner.  It was an amazing experience to start the new year!  He only asked that we stay in the street, respect his neighbors, and not post his exact location to social media.  Well, someone posted the exact location and it became a circus!  Not only did he shut it down to birders,  but he took all his feeders down.  I spoke with him after the fact, and he said birders were walking into his backyard, parking in the driveway, and upsetting the neighborhood.  He was very sad that his great backyard experience was taken from him.  In another instance, we had access to an Inca Dove.  The homeowners were really sweet and allowed viewing.  They eventually shut it down for their privacy and the health of the bird.  She had Joe post that viewing was over.  Birders continued to disrespect her wishes for days.  I asked a birder why she went after the post and she stated "The street is public property so screw them."  Yes, the street may be public, but you are looking with binoculars into their property!  This type of behavior makes me ashamed of those in our birding community who conduct themselves in this manner. 
Mark Chavez
Lakewood-Green Mtn

Brian Johnson

2020年12月30日 晚上7:36:292020/12/30
收件者:Colorado Birds
I was wondering if things have changed with this. Today my JeffCO need alerts have exploded with people going to chase this bird. I was not planing on chasing it out of respect for the owners, as Mark says it's their private home. Or is it OK to visit the park only? I would love to see a White-wing but I don't want to if it's not welcome.
Thank you
Brian Johnson
Englewood CO


2020年12月30日 晚上8:39:212020/12/30
收件者:Brian Johnson、Colorado Birds

Hi Brian,


I too wasn’t going to chase this bird out of respect for the owner’s wishes, but then I saw Joey Negeann’s eBird post referencing the CFO Facebook post from the homeowner. I’m not on that group, but here is Joey’s eBird list that mentions the rules for viewing it…




It might be best to go in the morning, as I was there for a couple hours this afternoon and it wasn’t seen for most of the afternoon.


Adrian Lakin,

Mead, CO

Meg Reck

2020年12月30日 晚上9:04:302020/12/30
收件者:Brian Johnson、Colorado Birds
I would like to know as well!

Meg Reck

Sent from my iPad

On Dec 30, 2020, at 5:36 PM, Brian Johnson <bunting...@gmail.com> wrote:

Jean Folsom

2020年12月31日 凌晨12:34:162020/12/31
收件者:Brian Johnson、Colorado Birds
I want to say that the over 100 birders that came to view and photograph the red-bellied woodpecker that has been coming to my feeder since November 24th have been very respectful of my yard, my neighborhood and the bird. Everyone viewed the bird without entering the yard or invading my privacy. I was glad to see so many enjoying this special bird! By the way the bird is still here!!
Jean Folsom

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