CAPE MAY WARBLER--Chico Basin/Pueblo

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May 29, 2017, 12:12:30 AM5/29/17
to Colorado Birds
Today, Art Hudak, David Starbuck and I went to Chico Basin trying to catch the tail end of migration.  After seeing a beautiful Magnolia Warbler at the headquarters(Pueblo) we decided to check out Rose Pond.  The first bird of interest was a beautiful, but very skittish Blue-headed Vireo.  We then decided to walk the north side of the pond.  After walking the marshy, wet , and slow area we were rewarded with a gorgeous CAPE MAY WARBLER.  This bird was in a tall cottonwood on the far north side.
  We finished the day at Mineral Palace Park.  While looking for the Yellow-throated Warbler, we were given the finger and cussed at unprovoked several times by a local cruiser. I guess he was trying to give us a bird to look at!!  Not long after we were able to locate not one but two Yellow-throated Warblers!  What a great late May day of birding.  Photos (the Party Train way) of these great rarities can be found below:

Mark Chavez
Lakewood-Green Mtn
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