Northern Cardinal in Fort Collins?

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2022年12月27日 15:26:412022/12/27
收件人 Colorado Birds
Hello birders!

Does anyone know if the Northern Cardinal is still hanging around in Fort Collins? I went to Fox Meadows this morning and walked around for quite a while, but without success. If anyone has tips for narrowing my search, or has seen it recently, I would love to know!

Happy birding,

John Shenot

2022年12月27日 19:26:152022/12/27
收件人 Colorado Birds
Natalie and others,

I moved to this neighborhood in October and have visited Red Fox Meadows Natural Area multiple times per week since. Looking at my eBird checklists, I've seen the Cardinal there only about HALF the times I've visited, and I usually spend more than an hour on my walks. On every day except one, the cardinal was in the area circled in red on the map below, but this bird definitely roams around between the natural area, neighborhood backyard feeders, etc. (I've seen it in my own yard twice.) It is very chase-able but it isn't a sure thing, unless you are willing to stick around for hours. I suspect it passes through the area I circled on the map every day, maybe multiple times, but it does NOT spend the whole day there.

My advice/request for all chasers: 
1) allow some time and be patient; 
2) study the call notes for this species - it calls frequently but so far I've only heard a fragment of a song; 
3) be respectful of the residents south of the ditch - they are used to people chasing this bird and seem to understand that people are looking at birds and not looking in their windows, but imagine what you would want if you lived there and act accordingly;
4) NO PLAYBACK, please - it isn't necessary and probably not helpful either; 
5) try to enjoy the visit even if the cardinal doesn't show! 

Good luck!
John Shenot
Fort Collins, CO

RFM map.jpg
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