Announcement: Excellent Field Trips, San Miguel County, THIS WEEKEND, June 27-28

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Ted Floyd

2015年6月24日 18:43:082015/6/24
Hello, Birders.

Apologies for the late announcement. Besser spät als nie, ja? Anyhow, Between the Covers bookstore and The Nature Conservancy in Colorado will be offering some fantastic birding opportunities in little-birded San Miguel County this coming weekend, Saturday-Sunday, June 27-28. Host is Yours Truly.

Black Swifts basically guaranteed; Pacific Wren will be looked for; county lists--well, one county in particular--will soar to empyrean heights; rarities possible; discovery a certainty.

Our hub will be Telluride, home of Between the Covers; address is 224 West Colorado Avenue. Thumbnail sketch of our itinerary:

Saturday, June 27, 7am, Tabeguache Preserve. Carpool from Telluride.
Saturday, June 27, 12 noon, short talk (me) and hike for Pacific Wren (and other stuff). Depart from Between the Covers.
Saturday, June 27, 3pm. Birding at South Fork Preserve.

Sunday, June 28, 7:30am. Bridal Veil Falls, Telluride. Gee, I wonder birds we'll look for...
Saturday, June 28, 11am. Birding at Keystone Gorge. Meet at the top of Galloping Goose trailhead, opposite Cindybread Bakery.

Please rsvp with me if interested. Email only. I'm tedfloyd57 "at" hotmail "dot" com. In the subject area, please indicate TELLURIDE BIRDING WEEKEND.

Thanks, and hope to see some of you this weekend!

Ted Floyd
Lafayette, Boulder County
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