CFO field workshop: CBC prep, Boulder County, Dec. 10

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Ted Floyd

Nov 30, 2016, 3:52:14 PM11/30/16
to Colorado Birds
Hello, Everybody.

The Christmas Bird Count (CBC) season is upon us! In just two weeks, the 117th CBC (20162017) will be under way. Here in Colorado and elsewhere, CBCs will be run almost daily from Dec. 14, 2016 through Jan. 5, 2017. 

As a warm-up to the CBC season, Carl Bendorf and I will be co-facilitating a field workshop to be held Saturday, Dec. 10, 2016 at Greenlee Preserve, eastern Boulder County. We'll review some of the special ID challenges facing Colorado birders in early winter: gulls, juncos, and the notorious "white-cheeked" goose complex (Canada vs. Cackling). We'll also go over the basics of counting birds in flocks, figuring party miles and hours, documenting rarities, and more. Oh!--and, mainly, we'll go birding and have a great time together!

Let's meet at 9am at the observation deck at Greenlee Preserve, and we'll bird on foot until around noon. Dress for the weather; bring binoculars, camera, and phone, if you have 'em. No RSVP necessary, but feel free to contact either Carl (carlbendorf "at" gmail "dot" com) or me (tfloyd "at" aba "dot" org) for details.

This workshop is sponsored by Colorado Field Ornithologists, Colorado Birding Adventures, the American Birding Association, and the City of Lafayette. The event is free and open to the public.

Ted Floyd
Lafayette, Boulder County
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