Burrowing owls, DIA Owl Loop (Adams County)

瀏覽次數:113 次


2015年6月27日 晚上10:50:272015/6/27
We saw a dozen burrowing owls between 3:30pm and 5:00pm on the DIA Owl Loop this afternoon, 27 June 2015, four at each of three different locations near DIA. The usual suspects in the usual spots, but they're always fun to see. Lots of overgrown grasses and thistles and other plants this year can make it hard to even find the prairie dog mounds, let alone the owls. At least the plants provide good perches. I worried maybe that it was too sunny and hot that time of day - and it was sunny and hot - but there were plenty of owls out and about.

The first set was at the Quency location, 3.4mi from 96th and Tower. They were spread out over two different areas.

The second set was on the SW corner of 114th and Trussville. Much easier to see them here. Looked like one adult on guard with three juveniles exploring the area. Two kept popping in and out of a mound.

The third set was on Piccadilly north of 120th. A couple on the ground, one perching up on a plant, and one (dad?) on a fencepost right next to the road. Neat.

- Barry Gingrich
  Broomfield, CO
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