Blue-winged Warbler, Denver County, Yes

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Brian Johnson

May 3, 2021, 1:55:16 PM5/3/21
to Colorado Birds
Sometime yesterday someone, I don't know who but thank you, found a Blue-winged Warbler at the same place were the Yellow-crowned Night-heron was. The bird was staying high up in the the trees gleaning with Yellow-rumped Warblers. Me and several others saw it about 9:50 today in light rain. It's a beauty and a lifer for me.
To reach this place take Green Valley Ranch Blvd to Himalaya Dr and park on the other side of the street in the neighborhood at 53rd street or around there. There is a public pathway following the creek and a golf course, the golf course is a privet  with fines for trespassing so be careful where you walk and respect this property. Just stay on the path and you should be fine. The bird was staying with the old cottonwoods. The night heron was also still there.
Hopefully if it sticks around someone will update this thread. Ebird hotspot is First Creek at Green Valley Ranch.
Good Birding,
Brian Johnson
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