Backyard CBC on Dec.25

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Robert A. Spencer

2014年12月28日 14:08:542014/12/28
Hi Cobirders. I no longer can do Christmas Bird Counts. However a lot of birds were coming to my feeders Christmas morning so off and on I
checked for 3 hours between 7:30 and 10:30 AM . At least 11 species were seen. Only one observer ME! Wx Calm cold with 4"snow on ground.

House Sparrow 4
House Finch 2
Black-capped Chickadee 2
Western Scrub Jay 2
Blue Jay 1
Cassin's Finch 1 male
Spotted Towhee 1 male
Gray-headed Junco 1
Red-winged Blackbird 3 imm.
Brewer's Blackbird 1 first fall
Eurasian Collared Dove 2

At 11AM my son Bob came and took me to his place for the rest of the day.

Have good birding in 1915.

Bob Spencer N.E. of Golden
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