Palm Warbler Fall immature

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Robert A. Spencer

Nov 24, 2013, 4:43:23 PM11/24/13
Hi Cobirders. Saturday about 3:45 pm I had a warbler appear in the
Chokecherry with the sparrows which was there for several
minutes. So I was able to see it well and noted these features :
definitely an immature with whitish throat and superciliary stripe and
a partial white eye ring, mostly brown upper parts with wing bars not
standing out, pale yellow on most of the under body except in the
middle. I did not get to study the tail much . It did not pump tail
that I noticed. The bill was dark on top and pale lower mandible.
It had no chestnut on crown that I saw.

So I consulted my copy of Warblers by Jon Dunn. It was a Palm
Warbler Fall immature of the "Western" race of Palm Warbler (D.P.

It may of ate a seed or two not sure and did not return Sunday.

On Friday 2 Robins came to front yard and ate some Pyracantha berries
about noon. They have not been seen since October !

We have had a couple of inches of snow to go with the cold here.

Very nice to get something unusual lately.

Bob Spencer N.E. of Golden

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