Weather anomaly for Friday \ Saturday \ Sunday

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John Tumasonis

May 19, 2022, 1:00:27 PM5/19/22
to Colorado Birds
Weather anomaly will begin Thursday night into Friday \ Saturday \ Sunday, clearing Monday.   Temps today are near 90, and falling to 30's and 40's on Friday \ Saturday.  Snow is expected in a small band from Boulder to Denver - moving west to east.  

Expect:  vegetables and flowers to take a hit, maybe 3 - 6 inches of snow with intermittent rain showers, leaves dying on some trees, and possible tree branches and trees coming down.  

Birds: about 20 years ago a similar situation occurred where foothills and mountain birds were driven into canyon bottoms and suburban parks and backyards, along with phenomenon of hundreds of western tanagers, chipping sparrows, grosbeaks, vireos, and several rare species  coming down along Boulder Creek and Skunk Creek.   Birding during and immediately after (Monday \ Tuesday) may uncover many species.  Birds will go into a feeding frenzy after the front slowly moves out, so photography should be good.  Or, maybe, nothing will will happen, and it will be a wash.  (no pun intended). 

Good luck.  John T (Tumasonis),  Broomfield CO

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