??? Possible Snowy Owl near Golden Ponds in Longmont

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Susan Wise

2018年4月26日 12:32:322018/4/26
收件人 Colorado Birds
Maikel and I were out strolling Golden Ponds in Longmont (Boulder County) yesterday evening (4/26).  A large white bird the size and shape of a Great Horned Owl flew over.  It was very white.  It's head was the blocky shape of an owl.  I hollared to Maikel (the one with binoculars) but he was too far behind to get on it.  So I just let it go with a shrug. 
Today, I was perusing the Bird Trax at the bottom of the CFO website.  And what do I see?  A report of a Snowy Owl. 

Longmont Estates, Boulder County, Colorado, US Map )
Date and Effort
Tue Apr 24, 2018 10:20 PM 🌙 Nocturnal
Party Size:
15 minute(s)
Mindy Mullen
1 species total
Snowy Owl

Almost all White all over, very large, observed hooting loudly and sitting in top of a large cottonwood. I am pretty darn sure it was a snowy owl. We are near several large ponds.


Sharon Kay

2018年4月26日 14:55:262018/4/26
收件人 Colorado Birds
A snowy owl was recently released from a raptor center. Perhaps the same. No way to know.

Joe Roller

2018年4月26日 15:15:322018/4/26
收件人 cocatfan .、Colorado Birds
eBird shows that there have been no records of Snowy Owl anywhere near Colorado since early April this year.
Could happen, but I'm skeptical.
Sharon, do you have any way of finding out whether the recently released owl was young or adult, 
male or female?

Joe Roller, Denver

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Susan Wise

2018年4月26日 17:04:322018/4/26
收件人 jrol...@gmail.com、Colorado Birds、cocatfan .
So I’ve received numerous emails...
I can only speak to what I myself saw (very briefly).
Yes, it could have been a light morph Great Horned Owl.  The nesting density on the west side of Longmont is ridiculously high.
Yes, it could have been a Barn Owl.  After Great Horned, that’s the highest probability in this location.
No, I didn’t hear any sound therefore I don’t have a recording.
The location where I saw it fly is directly East of Golden Ponds where the St Vrain intersects with Airport Road.  The is private property - a farm.
Joe - I understand the skepticism.  When Maikel told me last year that he just saw a Scarlet Tanager north of Boulder , I said, ‘Are you sure it wasn’t a Vermillion Flycatcher?’  If looks could kill. 

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Susan Wise

2018年4月26日 21:48:482018/4/26
收件人 Colorado Birds
One of the responses I received was from Bill Kaempher:

‘There is a very pale GHOW sub-species from the arctic that does appear here on occasion (I’ve seen one once, and there was one reported this year in Nebraska).  In the report below, the words “hooting loudly and sitting in top of a large cottonwood” Make it almost certain that this observation was of a Great Horned Owl.  Snowy Owls would never sit at the top of a large cottonwood, and I don’t believe they vocalize the way described.’

I don’t have much experience with Snowy Owls (besides Hedwig) so I didn’t even think about the description of the Owl vocalizing.  And now I’m wondering... did Hedwig vocalize???  Whatever species it is, it is stunning.  As we live in this area, we will keep an eye and ear out.  Hopefully it will reappear.

Sharon Kay

2018年4月27日 17:32:172018/4/27
收件人 Colorado Birds

I had to hunt around to see where I found about the owl. Check facebook Rocky Mountain Raptor Center Page. Scroll down a bit for pic and verbiage. I am pasting the verbiage here. They did not give details you asked for but maybe if you are really interested they would give it to you on the phone. 

From there facebook page:

Free at last!

The Snowy owl that has been our care since the end of December was returned to the wild yesterday morning (4/16) after we finally got a break in the weather. With balmy weather and light winds , this visitor from the Great White North received his Second Chance at Freedom and quickly zipped away northwards and away from his captors (caretakers).

Due to a late start on its journey back home, we decided that it was in the owl’s best interest to not disclose the release area.

We would like to thank the folks with Colorado Parks and Wildlife in Crook, CO for their quick action in rescuing this owl back in December and the skilled staff at the CSU Vet Teaching Hospital for their excellent work in helping to repair his injured right wing.

We also would like to thank all of our donors that helped support the care of this owl and all of the other raptors that we care for on a daily basis. Michael Tincher


On Thursday, April 26, 2018 at 10:32:32 AM UTC-6, Susan Wise wrote:
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