Cattle Egret, South Platte River, Araphoe County

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Brian Johnson

Aug 31, 2020, 11:50:05 AM8/31/20
to Colorado Birds
Today I found a Cattle Egret with a large group of Snowy Egrets along my South Platte River patch. It was in the pond with all the Egrets. It was still there at 9:30, I could not however post on my phone for some reason.
To get there, park at the Little Golf and Tennis Club, which is on the corner of Federal and Bowels.  5800 S Federal Blvd, Littleton, CO 80123, its the large white dome. Park on the south side, across from Bowels. Follow the trail and walk under the bridge (Bowels underpass) and go south (upstream) about 200 feet (I am not good at judging distance so maybe more.) Its the pond along the dirt trail with the golf course on the other side, there is small grove of trees keeping you from seeing it until you reach the pond. The bird was closet to the trail, with about 34 Snowy Egrets, the most I have seen, and a few Wood Ducks. Hope it's still there.
Good luck,
Brian Johnson,
Englewood CO


Sep 1, 2020, 10:12:03 AM9/1/20
to Colorado Birds
At 7:15 a.m. today, the large group of snowy egrets was in the pond.  I did not have binoculars, but I saw a bird that looked distinctly different than the snowy egrets.  Good potential it's the cattle egret!

Bryan Arnold
Littleton, Jefferson County

Brian Johnson

Sep 1, 2020, 11:59:37 PM9/1/20
to Colorado Birds
Well I am going to have to throw some cold water on my discovery. After an email conversation with Scot Somershoe (Thanks Scot for your help) this is likely Not  a Cattle Egret. I thought for sure with a yellow beak it would be a Cattle, I also thought the neck and posture looked right. However there was a nagging felling in the back of my mind, what is it doing in the pond? It might be a odd Snowy Egret or a young Snowy Egret? I'm not sure what the heck this bird is, except for my favorite term, freak of nature. Kinda like the infamous goose of Belmar that has tricked many of us into thinking it was a Greater White Fronted Goose.
 Anyway I am attaching a link to my ebird checklist with the photo in question. The freak is under 'white egret sp.' for now.
Sorry if I got anyone exited.
Brian Johnson
Englewood, CO
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