To follow up on this -- there have been a lot of gulls moving over the west Centennial / Greenwood Village area lately around dawn and dusk. I had about a hundred on Sunday morning over Blackmer Lake and a few hundred over Marjorie Perry Nature Preserve. A hundred or so have been moving over deKoevend during these times as well. They mostly seem headed west in the evening. I've been wondering where to...McClellan hadn't occurred to me.
This is bittersweet for me. I can hardly identify any of them. But the real bitterness comes from the first time a 100 or so passed over my yard, which was on Jan 2. I grabbed my camera and in my rush to try to get a picture for ID photos slipped on accumulated ice near my patio, bounced off my patio table, and knocked my binoculars, which were on the table, to the patio (which is merely concrete). Now, one of the eye pieces won't "stick" in its full extended position! I'll send it in for repairs, right after I get my budget pair (also busted!!!!) fixed so I won't be without! And, for the effort, those photos...all they show is ... "gulls."
For the past few days, when I see the gulls pass over, I think of my binoculars falling and what might have been had I not even bothered. Now, I'll also think of how David picked out anything other than Ring-billed in the flocks!
- Jared Del Rosso
Centennial, CO