Bird Conservancy Banding Report - Chico Basin Ranch, 9/26/19

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Robert Snowden

Sep 26, 2019, 11:51:21 PM9/26/19
to Colorado Birds
There was a hint of fall briskness in the air this morning, but a persistent south breeze kept the birds hunkered down and forced some of our most productive nets to close early. That made for a markedly slower day than yesterday's business, with 18 banded birds, 2 recaptures, and 11 total species. A Vesper's Sparrow was the day's most unique capture.

The summary:

Wilson's Warbler 3 + 1 recapture
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 3
Orange-crowned Warbler 1
Dark-eyed Junco, Pink-sided 3
Lincoln's Sparrow 1
Hermit Thrush 3
Song Sparrow 1
Vesper Sparrow 1
White-crowned Sparrow, Gambel's 1
Brown Thrasher 1
Spotted Towhee 1 recapture

We are open 6 days a week, closed on Sundays. This week we're opening nets at 6:50 AM and closing at 11:50 AM, weather permitting. Come visit!

Robert Snowden
Bander, Chico Basin Ranch
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies
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