Reynolds Park - Jefferson County

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JBreitsch - Denver

Aug 19, 2014, 1:56:22 PM8/19/14
I went out today with the express purpose of finding at least one bird to photograph so I could get the horrible reptile off of the first page of my Flickr site (I don't like snakes).  I had no place in mind when I left my house, and as has often been the case when that has happened this year, I ended up at Reynolds Park.  I guess I just like it there.

I hit several mixed flocks.  The biggest one held my attention for almost half an hour.  Among the species it contained were the following:

All three Colorado nuthatch species
More than half a dozen Brown Creepers
More Townsend's Warblers than creepers
Ruby-crowned Kinglets,
Mountain Chickadees
Western Tanagers
Several thrush species
and adult and young Chipping Sparrows

Throw in the swifts overhead, the juncos, wrens, flycatchers, and vireos (warbling), and it was a party.  I flushed a Dusky Grouse that I didn't get a picture of and then flushed another one that only made it as far as a tree right along the hiking path.  That one I did photograph.  This was all on the Eagle's View trail.  On my way to the bottom, when I'd gotten myself onto Raven's Roost Trail, I had a female Williamson's Sapsucker.

The temperature was 46 when I got out of my car and in the high 69 when I got back in a couple of hours later.  It was a good morning.

John Breitsch
Denver, Colorado
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