Bobolinks, Larimer County, Reservoir Ridge

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Libby Edwards

не прочитано,
14 июн. 2019 г., 17:19:0314.06.2019
Two beautiful male bobolinks were on a fence together on the path near Overland Drive, Reservoir Ridge Natural Area, Fort Collins, about 10 this morning. They flew and chased each other and came back to the fence, only to fly off again.
Further along on the same path, near the marsh and pond south of the trail, there is a lone cottonwood. Two adult red-tailed hawks were seen there, one sitting in the tree, the other circling overhead. Near the top of the tree two chicks were standing up on the edge of a nest. I distinctly heard one say “will someone come and teach us how to fly, please!”

Libby Edwards
Fort Collins, Larimer County
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