Sick birds, Douglas

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Hugh Kingery

Sep 25, 2020, 7:11:16 PM9/25/20
    In the last week we saw a sick House Finch and a sick Spotted Towhee. Accordingly we quit putting out the feeders for a week or two, in hopes that our feeder birds might disperse. So far with limited success. We see only 1-2 House Finches (15 = a recent high count), BUT the towhees continue to probe the ground under the former feeder locations -- 9 yesterday, 7 today. With them, 3 White-crowned Sparrows (newly arrived) & 3 Gray-headed Juncos. An occasional chickadee, white-breasted nuthatch, and scrub-jay.
    At least our alternate walking path has lots of species. Species typical of our area - 3 nuthatch species, 2 chickadees, 3 jays; lots of towhees, robins & solitaires. A few warblers - Wilson's & Orange-crowned but no other species.
    We still keep close to home due to Covid & polluted air (trying not to add to our air pollution).

Hugh & Urling Kingery
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