Bald Eagle- imm. along Colorado Trail near Wellington Lake on 10-1 being mobbed by ravens
Red-tailed Hawk- Intermediate Adult at Dome Rock SWA on 10-23
Northern Goshawk- Rampart Reservoir on 10-3
Osprey- Crystal Creek Reservoir on 10-2
Sandhill Crane- Flock flyover of about 50 on 10-2, new species for “yard area”
Northern Pygmy-Owl- Calling at Buffalo Creek Rec. Area on 11-1 around 8:30 AM, right at the intersection of Tramway Trail and Old Rd./Trail FS 543
Downy Woodpecker- A couple around all month
Steller’s Jay- 4 on 10-31
Clark’s Nutcracker- a couple around all month
Ruby-crowned Kinglet- along CO Trail near South Platte River Trailhead on 10-6
Golden-crowned Kinglet- along CO Trail near South Platte River Trailhead on 10-6
Bluebirds- Flock of about 20 along CO Trail near South Platte River Trailhead on 10-6
Western Bluebird- last seen on 10-4
Mountain Bluebird- Crystal Creek Reservoir on 10-2, flocking along Lovell Gulch Trail on 10-12
Hermit Thrush- along Colorado Trail near Wellington Lake on 10-1, along CO Trail near South Platte River Trailhead on 10-6
Townsend’s Solitaire- at birdbath on 10-1, singing along Lower Limbaugh Canyon Trail on 10-26
Black-capped Chickadee- 1 on 10-18, 10-24
Red-breasted Nuthatch- many along CO Trail near South Platte River Trailhead on 10-6, Buffalo Creek Rec. Area on 11-1
Brown Creeper- 10-4, 10-24
along Colorado Trail near Wellington Lake on 10-1, Rampart Reservoir on 10-3,along CO Trail near South Platte River Trailhead on 10-6, along Lovell Gulch Trail on 10-12, along Lower Limbaugh Canyon Trail on 10-26, Buffalo Creek Rec. Area on 11-1
Yellow-rumped Warbler- along Colorado Trail near Wellington Lake on 10-1, along CO Trail near South Platte River Trailhead on 10-6
Chipping Sparrow- 10-4, along CO Trail near South Platte River Trailhead on 10-6
White-crowned Sparrow- 2 on 10-4, 2 on 10-10 (1 ad., 1 im.)
White-throated Sparrow- 1 on 10-15 and 11-1, second yard sighting, tan-striped, first sighting on 11-5-17
Dark-eyed Junco, 25 on 10-9, all 5 subspecies on 10-31
Pink-sided- Arrived on 10-1, 2 on 10-9
Oregon- Arrived on 10-10
Slate-colored- Arrived on 10-23, 2 on 10-24
White-winged- Arrived on 10-26, 3 on 10-31
Evening Grosbeak- along Lovell Gulch Trail on 10-12
Pine Siskin- 1 on 10-8, 10-24
along CO Trail near South Platte River Trailhead on 10-6
Cassin’s Finch- 1F on 10-4, 10-31
Red Crossbill- About 10 along Baldy Trail at Buffalo Creek Rec. Area on 11-1
House Finch- 14 on 10-31 after snowstorm
House Sparrow- 1M on 10-10
Abert’s Squirrel- An “Abert’s” was in yard area all month, looks mostly like Abert’s but tassel ears and body size a bit smaller than a true Abert’s so I think this one has a little Fox in it as it is too tame as well.
Joe LaFleur
Woodland Park, 8500 feet