Denver Urban CBC EASO [Screech-Owling]

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Dec 23, 2014, 9:19:38 PM12/23/14

Denver Urban CBC EASO [Screech-Owling]


I have not lived in Denver CO for over a decade now as I reside in Florida.

I have now completed one of the CBC  [Screech-Owl] counts - south Pinellas Co., This coming Saturday I do the Owling CBC is in north Pinellas Co.  Typically I detect between 50 & 100 owls for each count.. This year I only detected 51 owls


When I lived in Denver I had heard screech owls calling late-night in some of the neighborhoods around Congress Park, Neighborhoods that are very woodsy will harbor more Screech-Owls.  Some of the neighborhoods in urban Denver that might contain EOS include Park Hill, Congress Park, Capitol Hill, there are probably other neighborhoods that might hold EASO. I mentioned Capitol Hill but I never did feel safe in that neighborhood


I pull late nighters for screech owls here in Tampa Bay Florida the time for this count is 12:01 AM to 6 AM. This year I was not able to do the usual 12 to 6 owl count so instead I did the 6 PM to 12 PM. I guess it takes a bit of dedication especially for people joining me to do the 12:01 AM to 6 AM. It’s. owling can be done as long as it’s done on the day of the count and in darkness.


St. Petersburg Florida has always been on top with the most screech owls detected. Buck County, PA has occasionally lead with top of the nation for screech-owls a couple or times. A year ago I tallied 70 screech-owls.  We totaled 170 owls For all of south St. Pete. Other folks might want to do the owling for an one hour or two.  Some people may not want to do but an hour or two of owling but it all adds up.


IPOD or playback device VOICES EASO word of advice about owling.


DON’T OVERDO THE playing of the calls as these little guys can get aggressing and strike people in the head.  That happened to me several years ago.  Now I hear the birds – count the number at a particular location – only for a minute or less; then move on to the next stop; 2-3 blocks before calling another screech-owl, etc., etc., etc.!!! and I don’t get hit in the head.


I have noticed that if hear one owl is calling I listen for a second owl at that point. Both male & female of a particular pair sing the same vocalizations. Their calls are a very soft trill.  They also have a whinny call. You won’t necessarily detect these owls calling at some stops. The voices of the EASO are very cool. 


On one owling count my Ipod quit working as we only heard about 15 owls without it.  To make up for this lousy number I returned in the evening of that day, after I got my ipod to work; I got caught up on owl numbers.


This owling should be done by a couple of birders.  For safety and help determining how many owls are present at each stop.


David Laliberte

Clearwater, FL


P.S. if I lived in Denver I would definitely do the Owling .  But I ‘m settled here in FL. My hope is that someone will take on this task of locating EASO for the Denver Urban CBC OWLING.


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