More New Arrivals in Estes Park, Larimer Co.,

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Jim Nelson

Apr 25, 2017, 8:11:44 PM4/25/17
Enjoying more first arrivals in the Estes Park, we walked late afternoon at Lake Estes and were awarded with an American Avocet, three pairs of Cinnamon Teal, a female Bufflehead, a Killdeer, and a Western Meadowlark, all firsts in eBird for the Estes Park area for this year but right on time based on prior-year reports in eBird. One Willet was still present as well along with some American Pipits along the shore. Met two friendly local birders at the lake. It's always a pleasure connecting with folks who share our interest.

This morning on my regular morning walk, I found two Horned Larks, right on time but not yet reported in eBird for the Estes Park area this year.

Everyday brings surprises.

Jim Nelson
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