Colorado Springs Recent Sightings 4/28-30 (El Paso)

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Lee Farese

Apr 30, 2014, 3:39:29 PM4/30/14
Hi All,

This is primarily I would think of local interest. No rarities to speak of, but there have been many birds around the Springs recently worth mentioning.

Monday (4/28) there were two Hermit Thrushes at the Colorado College Farm. I found several Cooper's Hawks: a nesting pair on CC campus, an adult male with a kill in Shooks Run Park, and two (one with a kill) in Williams Canyon north of Manitou Springs. In Williams Canyon there were two unexpected Osprey as there is hardly any water here (so likely flying up to Rampart Resevoir)—one perched on a pinyon up on the rim for an hour or so. At least one Prairie Falcon was also around, as well as several Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, and Yellow-rumps (which seem to be everywhere recently), Towhees, a pair of Gray-headed Juncos, Red-breasted Nuthatch, and several Broad-tailed Hummingbirds. Found also my first blooming Paintbrush (Castilleja) and Bluebells (Mertensia) of Spring.

Tuesday (4/29) Middle Shooks Run had an Orange-crowned Warbler along with the many Yellow-rumps around the park recently. Also a Brown Creeper. In the evening another Cooper's Hawk pair along W. Cheyenne Blvd. and a Turkey Vulture roost.

This morning (Wednesday 4/30) I walked in Sondermann Park which was very full of birds. Incredible amounts of Yellow-rumps (mostly Audubon's but a few Myrtle's too), at least three Orange-crowneds, Kinglets, and many (at least 15) Blue-gray Gnatcatchers comprised most of the songbirds. The highlights were my first shining Bullock's Oriole of the season at the far north end of the park and a Peregrine perched on a snag eating breakfast (a Mourning Dove). Also around were Blue Jays, singing House Wrens, Cowbirds, Broad-tailed Hummingbirds, a pair of Mountain Chickadees along with the Black-caps, a Red-tailTowhees, Song Sparrow, many Downy Woodpeckers, and of course countless Mourning DovesRobins and Flickers.

I think that's all. Hope everyone is enjoying the spring.

Happy Trails,
Lee Farese
CO Springs

Lee Farese

May 1, 2014, 12:04:27 AM5/1/14
Forgot also to add an American Dipper in Manitou Springs yesterday (4/29), at the north end of downtown along Fountain Creek. This seemed especially strange as they are digging out sediment in the creekbed, so there was heavy machinery within 20 ft. up- and downstream and the water was murky as can be.

Lee Farese
CO Springs
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