Cassin's Vireo and Finally Warblers

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Aug 28, 2018, 1:26:53 PM8/28/18
to Colorado Birds
Today, I planned a 15 minute "look see" at the 8S Turnout Grove at the Monte Vista Refuge (Rio Grande County). Well, 2 and a half hours later, I still don't think I saw all the birds there! It was an extraordinary day for our area. But it required diligence to see them in the thick foliage and took numerous trips around the loop.

Best bird was Cassin's Vireo, unusual in our Valley. Warbling Vireos were also about.

Six species of warblers, included OC, YR, Yellow, Virginia's, Wilson's, and MacGills.  Finally some warblers for the drought in my soul!

Western Wood-pewee, Western tanager, GT Towhee, Chipping Sparrow, Lazuli Bunting and Vesper Sparrow were all nice to see.

Yesterday, I birded Blanca Wetlands (Alamosa County). It seems the Snowy Plovers have moved out. Still some excellent shorebirds with Western, Baird's and Spotted Sandpipers, LB Dowitcher, and Black-necked Stilt. Plenty of Bitterns too.

At Home Lake (Rio Grande County), on the south mudflats, up to 4 Solitary Sandpipers have been feeding there.
Enjoy the fall migration.

John Rawinski
Monte Vista, CO
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