LT Jaeger update, Boulder Res

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Bill Schmoker

Sep 17, 2014, 10:56:44 PM9/17/14
to Cobirds
For working stiffs heading to Boulder Res. this balmy evening, the LT Jaeger is now on the water and doing short flights near the E. dam. Main point is it is here and covering a lot of ground (er, water) on the big lake so be persistent if you don't track it down right away. Still 4 Sabine's Gulls on 6-Mile Res immediately S. of Boulder Res. along with a Common Tern. From the NE corner I just watched an adult Clark's Grebe (one of a pair) feed a 3/4 grown chick (also one of a pair.). I doubt if the still-mostly fuzzy chicks can fly so breeding there?

Enjoy- Bill Schmoker, Longmont. 

Bill Schmoker     

David Dowell

Sep 18, 2014, 1:35:25 AM9/18/14
Directions to Boulder Reservoir, which has access from 3 locations, are provided in the county birding guide:

According to the website (, the gates to the main entrance on 51st Street open at 7:00 AM and close at 6:00 PM.  Any cars inside must be out by 7:00 PM.  Hours change on October 1.  There is no admission fee this time of year, and the staff at the entrance gate is friendly to birders.  The main entrance provides access to the marina, boat ramp, and dam on the south side of the lake, and also offers views into Sixmile Reservoir, which is private, just south of Boulder Reservoir.

Otherwise, access to Boulder Reservoir is from the trailheads on the northwest and northeast sides.

David Dowell
Longmont, CO

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