Cassin's Kingbird, Estes Park, Larimer Co. 5/28

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Jim Nelson

May 28, 2018, 8:35:00 PM5/28/18
We've been enjoying a nice late spring visit to Estes Park. 

About 5:00 this afternoon, after the rain stopped, I stepped out on the deck of our vacation home to see what birds would be around.  I immediately heard a two note call I did not recognize.  After scanning the ponderosa pines where the sound was coming from, I spotted the bird in the top of a pine across the road.  It was gray on top and around the head and chest and yellow underneath.  My first thought was Western Flycatcher, but I realized the sound was not like any I had ever heard from a Western.  I also noted that the head and chest were a darker gray than I would expect for a Western with a lighter area under the chin.  My thought went to Cassin's Kingbird because I have been reading reports on the Colorado listservs and the eBird rare bird alerts about Cassin's being seen.

The bird flew off before I could get a decent photo or try to record the call.  Checking the bird guide descriptions and illustrations and listening to calls on my phone app for the kingbirds and other flycatchers with variations of gray or brown upperparts and yellow underparts, I was able to confirm that it could only be a Cassin's Kingbird giving the characteristic "chi-bew", "chi-beer", or "CHI-Vrrr" (depending on the bird guide description) call.

Coolest thing is that this is a life bird for my wife and me.  Great to find it at our Colorado house.

Jim Nelson
Bethesda, Maryland

Jim Nelson

May 28, 2018, 10:21:38 PM5/28/18
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