Migrants, Douglas

已查看 42 次

Hugh Kingery

2019年4月29日 18:22:042019/4/29
收件人 cob...@googlegroups.com
    Yesterday morning (Apr. 28 ) we had a brief look at a Lazuli Bunting under our feeders. Haven't seen him since.
Then this morning, a Black-headed Grosbeak -- in full breeding glory -- came to our sunflower seed hanging feeder and helped himself to a good meal.
    Later this morning, at the pond near our house, Urling spotted first, an Osprey devouring something, and then on the other side of the pond, A Cooper's hawks, also having a meal.
    On the Winkler Ranch today we saw a Western Kingbird & a couple of Blue-gray Gnatcatchers.
    On the Cherry Creek trail, yesterday, she saw two Eastern Phoebes, and on the Walker Pit, 2 Willets.

Hugh Kingery
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