El Paso county, Ramah SWA 9/14/13

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Mark Peterson

не прочитано,
15 сент. 2013 г., 00:03:4615.09.2013
– CoBirds

Today my boys and I made a trip out to Ramah SWA, northeast El Paso county.  We were mostly looking for bugs but still managed to look at a few birds.  The highlights were THREE (that is a lot for El Paso county) BALTIMORE ORIOLEs.  Two adult males and then a third female type bird.  The other real highlight as for me it is only the second I have ever seen in the county was a FIELD SPARROW.  There were about 20 CLAY-COLORED SPARROWs and a single CHIPPING SPARROW.  Undoubtedly there were more than just that single Chipping but that is all I saw.  We also had an Archilochus species but just did not get a good enough look at it and no chance to photograph it.  All of this was in the afternoon.  Not much else of interest but I suspect timing and lack of concentrating on the birds played a part in that.

Mark Peterson
Colorado Springs
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