Two Northern Goshawks in Fort Collins (Larimer county)

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Joe Kipper

Nov 11, 2019, 6:32:11 PM11/11/19
to Colorado Birds
Good afternoon birders,
This afternoon I went to Spring Canyon Park (in Fort Collins and photographed an adult Northern Goshawk with and injured eyeball that was originally reported yesterday. My photos are here. After I photographed this bird, it flew off into a neighborhood to the northwest. When I got home (I live roughly 2.5 miles to the southeast of Spring Canyon Park) there was an adult Northern Goshawk chasing Eurasian Collared Doves and American Robins in front of my house. This bird gained flew off to the southeast after it was evaded by its quarry. 
I'm pretty certain that the two Goshawks I saw were different birds, and I find it unusual to have two adult individuals town on the same day.
Maybe there is a small movement of Goshawks towards lower elevations, so it might be a good idea to keep an eye out for them at your feeder. Also a new yard bird for me!
Joe Kipper,
Fort Collins

Joe Kipper

Nov 11, 2019, 6:33:38 PM11/11/19
to Colorado Birds

Sorry about the typo, I meant to say it gained altitude and flew off towards the southeast.
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