Dinosaur Ridge probable big day: unofficial

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David Gulbenkian

Mar 28, 2020, 3:00:30 PM3/28/20
to Colorado Birds
Saw 21 hawks from 10:30-noon (9:30-11:00 MST), of which probably no more
than 4 would have been the local Red-tails. The first bird I saw appeared to be 
a Ferruginous, but he was already getting far off to the north when I spotted him.
He was followed immediately by 5 accipiters and a couple of falcons
in less than 20 minutes, flying at high speed just west of the ridge, in spite of a
vicious north or north-west wind.  For some reason, I didn't spot any of them
until they were already going by.
After that, just Red-tails, almost incandescent white because of the reflection off
the snow.  They were still coming when I left, but cruising more normally and 
without the spectacular illumination from below.
I am not one of the official observers, and I was not at the official observation site,
but was about a mile south of that on the ridge.
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