Library list.

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MacThe Real

Jun 20, 2019, 1:33:44 PM6/20/19
to Clementine Music Player
So, I have a medium sized library.

I have 20 or so artists/albums where the album title is "Greatest Hits".

In the library list ALL the tracks on all albums "Greatest Hits" albums show up under a single album "Greatest Hits" under "Various Artists". And the album art is always the cover of the first song in the list.

For example if a Bruce Springsteen song from his greatest hits album is first then the cover is his. And there are tracks from Springsteen, ZZ Top, Felix Mendelssohn, The Byrds are listed in the album.

Doesn't matter what I select for filtering.

My files on disc are set up <Artist><Album><tracks> so:

Bruce Springsteen
      |____Greatest Hits
                   |_______Born To Run.mp3
ZZ Top
      |____Greatest Hits

What am I doing wrong?



Jun 22, 2019, 8:47:51 AM6/22/19
to Clementine Music Player
You can fix up the tags a bit
the album artist tag can do that kind of thing
right click on an album>edit track information for the clementine tag editor
Change the name of the album so greatest hits aren't the 1st words
The specific file name can be a problem, which you can see with easytag or some other tag editor

noel dennis

Jun 24, 2019, 3:22:40 AM6/24/19
to Clementine Music Player
I've had this problem and very simple solution try this see how it fits

Bruce Springsteen - Springsteen( or whatever name you wish (Bruce's)) Greatest Hits > Born To Run.mp3
ZZ Top > ZZ's Greatest Hits > Legs.mp3
 If you change the album name by having the artist's name or ??? then each artist's greatest hits will be under that artist,

Get Easytag and Krename all linux distros have them

 SO Put the artist name Prefix on Greatest Hits on that folder
the filename of the songs in that album you can use Krename and do it this bit quicker
in Krename look for the page 'filename' and in there look for 'find and replace'

ZZ Top > Greatest Hits
change to
ZZ Top > ZZ's Greatest Hits

in easytag no need to bother with the file name did that with Krename only need to change one item
remember to save your work after a few albums you can forget so check preferences in easytag for the reminder prompts are checked

in easytag change the field/tag for Album Name to the new name

don't try to do all on one day just a few at a time
Once you are done for that day or evening save the changes to your backup (you do have A Back-up um ?) that should be on an external separate harddrive, better safe than having to re-do all that work.
It might seem like a lot of work, it's not that bad really and once done and saved, I tried to explain this as easily to do as possible in-case someone else reading this is not familiar with Easytag or Krename or UH not familiar with Linux

and that should fix that
Hope it goes easy peasy for you

MacThe Real

Jun 24, 2019, 8:40:36 AM6/24/19
to Clementine Music Player
Thanks. Yes, I discovered changing to:
ZZ Top > ZZ's Greatest Hits > Legs.mp3

after I posted.

I backup regularly. (It's a habit I picked up during 40 odd years in the computer industry. ;) )
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