mor tagging is as i-PL

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Janet Y Bang

Jul 30, 2019, 7:32:46 PM7/30/19


We are running the following code to get word types: 

freq +sm;*,o% @

We noticed that for some instance of "is", that mor is treating it as is-PL: 

*MOT: I don't think I know what a pegasus is .
%mor: pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|think pro:sub|I v|know pro:int|what det:art|a n|pegasus n|i-PL .

Do you have suggestions for how we might be able to fix this automatically? 

Thank you,



Janet Y. Bang, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Psychology

Stanford University

Janet Bang

Jul 30, 2019, 9:04:52 PM7/30/19

I apologize, I don't believe there is anything wrong with the mor library. We had included the letter "i" as a noun in order to capture the following sentence: 

Here "i" is referring to the letter.
MOT: she know's all her i's

In this example, "i" was coming up as an unknown word, and we were not able to do i@l's. Is there a way for us to transcribe this line to capture this as a plural of the letter i? Or some way to include this letter to our internal library to capture this as a different type? 

Thank you,

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Leonid Spektor

Jul 30, 2019, 10:00:58 PM7/30/19

To get plural of “i” you need to trascribe it like this i@l-s.


Janet Bang

Jul 31, 2019, 12:07:23 AM7/31/19
Great! Thank you!

Brian MacWhinney

Jul 31, 2019, 10:16:49 AM7/31/19
to ChiBolts
Dear Janet,

For MOR to work properly on this, you need to transcribe this as i@l-s. It is ugly, but for the plurals of letters, this is the way it must be done.

-- Brian MacWhinney, Teresa Heinz Professor of Cognitive Psychology, Computational Linguistics, and Modern Languages, CMU
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Janet Bang

Jun 21, 2020, 3:47:57 PM6/21/20
to ChiBolts

We had a couple of questions for how to capture plurals in Spanish transcription:

1. Plural of proper nouns

In the example below, the plural form of the proper noun in English is noted with an "-s", but in Spanish this convention does not seem to work.  Is there a way to capture the plural form on the main line in Spanish? I tried using an "&PL" on the main line which seems to work, but wasn't sure if there was a more preferred option?

English only
*FAT: you know those blue Explorer-s ?
%mor: pro:per|you v|know pro:dem|those adj|blue n:prop|Explorer-PL 

Spanish only
*MOT: hay Mickey_Mouse-s aquí.
%mor: v|habe-3S&PRES&SPEC=have ?|Mickey_Mouse-s adv|aquí=here

Spanish with &PL
*MOT: hay Mickey_Mouse&PL aquí.
%mor: v|habe-3S&PRES&SPEC=have n:prop|Mickey_Mouse&PL adv|aquí=here

2. Plural letters in Spanish (also with two different special lexical forms): 

In the example below, the "s@s@l-s" is meant to denote that the mother pronounces the letter "s" in English (@s), but we also wanted to tag this as a letter (@l), and she uses the plural form. When we run MOR it doesn't seem to recognize how to break up this form, whereas in English we are able to get the breakdown to a plural letter. Is there a way we can tag the "s" as 1) second language 2) letter 3) plural?

English only
*MOT: [- eng] look here we have the s@l-s .
%mor: cop|look adv|here pro:sub|we v|have det:art|the n:let|s-PL 

*MOT: mija, aquí las tienes las s@s@l-s.
%mor: co:voc|mija cm|cm adv|aquí=here pro:obj|la&f-PL=she v|tene-2S&PRES=have det:art|el&f-PL=the ?|s@s-s 

Thank you!

Brian MacWhinney

Jun 21, 2020, 4:59:12 PM6/21/20
to ChiBolts, Janet Bang
Dear Janet,
    Most of the Spanish corpora have a %mor line in which the plural marker is coded as -PL, just as it is in English.  Spanish has very few irregular plurals, so &PL is uncommon.  Given the availability of tagging through MOR for Spanish, I would not recommend trying to pull off plurals from the main line.  
   As you note, we still rely on the -s tag for the plural of letters and proper nouns.  If you transcribe as s@l-s, you get n:let|s-PL which seems okay to me.  But I see that Mickey_Mouse-s comes out as n:prop|Mickey_Mouse–s which is not so great.  I can try to fix that, but this is a pretty rare case.


Janet Bang

Jun 21, 2020, 5:21:21 PM6/21/20
to Brian MacWhinney, ChiBolts
Hi Brian, 

Ah I see, I was just concerned that the part of speech tag was a ?, but we are focusing on the lemma so I guess this doesn't matter in that case since the morphemes are still being separated the way we want. 

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