Beginner Tutorial: Hello World

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notyour mitch

Oct 2, 2021, 5:46:22 AM10/2/21
to CFWheels
Hello, SuperNoob here trying to get through the beginner tutorial. All was rolling along well until I got to the part about adding a second action.

When you hover over the "goodbye" you only see it link to the controller and it won't show the action (see bottom left corner).
And of course this is what happened when I clicked the link...

Here's my Say controller:

component extends="Controller"{
    function hello(){
        time = Now();

    function goodbye() {        

Here's my Hello.cfm:

<h1>Hello World!</h1>
<p>Current time: <cfoutput>#time#</cfoutput></p>
<p>Time to say <cfoutput>#linkTo(text="goodbye", controller="say", action="goodbye")#?</cfoutput></p>

And my goodbye.cfm:

<h1>Goodbye, you silly so and sos!</h1>

I really can't figure out what the problem might be. Any ideas??

Nov 20, 2021, 6:16:26 PM11/20/21
to CFWheels
Welcome to cfwheels.  It can be hard to get started, and some of the concepts can seem overwhelming at  times.  Took me a while to get my first app working correctly, and I still learn new things as I go.  
what is the url that you are using? sure that folder is plural and all lower case : "/views/..." {not /view/..."} 
what is the contents of your /config/routes.cfm?
what folder is your Say.cfc in ? should be  /controllers/Say.cfc  {notice that file name is singular and start with caps}
what folder is your Hello.cfm in ? should be /views/say/hello.cfm { {notice that file name is singular and NOT start with caps} 
what folder is your goodbye.cfm in ?  /views/say/goodbye.cfm 

On some operating systems, capitalization of filenames need to be exact.  "Hello.cfm" is not the same as "hello.cfm".

Make sure your filenames and folders are correct.  I also make sure capitalization of file name is correct. 


    <p>Time to say #linkTo(text="goodbye", action="goodbye")#?</p>

if that does not work, try 
    <p>Time to say #linkTo(text="goodbye", route="goodbye")#?</p>

Hope that helps... Dan G.

notyour mitch

Jan 3, 2022, 4:55:16 PM1/3/22
Anyone? I've seen others post noob questions after me and they got responses  Was it the way I asked my question? 

I'm really disappointed as I cut my teeth on cf way back around 2000 when there wasn't the kind of support available that is so accessible now. Trying to come back to it again after a long time away from web development and I thought I could get a little help but it's been crickets. How do you expect the community to grow (I am assuming that's something you'd like to see happen) when you selectively ghost folks? 

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Tom King

Jan 3, 2022, 4:59:02 PM1/3/22
to CFWheels
I'm sorry if you feel that way - I thought Dan's response was pretty good, and you didn't reply to it, so maybe you'd solved your issue.
If you're still having a problem, feel free to jump on the #cfwheels channel on the cfml slack ( ) and someone maybe more able to directly talk you through things.

notyour mitch

Jan 3, 2022, 11:22:05 PM1/3/22
I tried sending a msg to the group a few hours ago from directly within the group messaging space but it hasn't appeared yet -- apparently I might still be victim to various gremlins -- so I'm trying via my email. Let me say first of all that I'm thoroughly embarrassed. It's been a long time since I've used Google Groups but I was expecting a response to come via my email just as these last few have come. Thing is, I never got that message from Dan (I did another search of my email and nothing comes up), so I just assumed no one responded and, frustrated, I left it at that and moved on.

Only when I saw today's message from another apparent noob my frustration bubbled to the surface again, this time inspiring me to say something. I hope it's plainly obvious now that I never saw Dan's response and it's almost shameful that I didn't try to log back into the group just to double-check.

Dan, let me say that I really appreciate your thoughtful response. It's a complete list of reasonable ideas to try, which I know took some energy and empathy to bang out and that speaks well of you.On reflex I was going to fire up the tutorial project I'd started and run down the ideas one by one, but after thinking about it some more I realized, hey, as awesome as it was, that response took nearly three weeks to come. What happens if (when) I get stuck again? My confidence isn't brimming.

Right now I'm feeling like this might be a space for wiley vets and super patient noobies and unfortunately, I'm neither. Perhaps that speaks to what kind of patience I have for debugging things generally (or really the lack thereof) and that's a kind of self-selection.

Anyway, all the best to the CF clan. I hacked at this stuff many years ago and very much enjoyed plugging away with just a big, thick Coldfusion book as a resource (I think it was still in the hands of Allaire at the time), but perhaps it's time I let these things go and enjoy the memories.


Peter Amiri

Jan 31, 2022, 9:44:18 AM1/31/22
First of all let me say that I’m really sorry to hear this and thank you for taking the time to air your thoughts. I also must apologize for responding nearly a month after your original posts, I’ve been a lurker on this group for some years now as my day to day responsibilities have steered me further and further from day to day coding, but I’ve made a goal for myself this year to get more involved in the community and one of the things I want to tackle is building more introductory tools and tutorials to make it easier for people to try Wheels and make sure those initial experiences are positive. 


Tim Badolato

Jan 31, 2022, 9:55:08 AM1/31/22
to CFWheels
Hey Peter - As someone who has been pretty inactive due to no longer getting to work with CFWheels aside from personal side projects, I really appreciate your willingness to help out the community. On the topic of introductory tools and tutorials, I just heard about a new tool called Tango that automates the whole tutorial production flow for free. I plan to check it out myself. Might help you out. Here's the link:

Peter Amiri

Jan 31, 2022, 10:09:03 AM1/31/22

I just took a look at Tango. It looks pretty cool on the surface. I could see it coming in handy for web based tutorial or walk throughs. I don’t know how much if might help when you have to use a code editor and command line and stuff like that. I can definitely see a place for it though. I’ll have to actually create a workflow in it to see how it rights the steps and screenshots. Thanks for sharing.


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