Condition clinicalstatus search

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Alex Creech

Mar 22, 2019, 10:23:00 AM3/22/19
to Cerner FHIR Developers
I would like to filter out conditions that are entered in error. The fhir spec says that when verificationstatus=entered-in-error that there should not be a clinicalstatus. This appears to be true so I tried to do a clinicalstatus:missing=false query but it says the missing modifier isn't supported. So how can I filter out conditions that are entered in error?

Benjamin Eichhorn (Cerner)

Mar 22, 2019, 11:19:37 AM3/22/19
to Cerner FHIR Developers
Hi Alex,

Unfortunately, at this time, we do not support that modifier. You would need to provide a code from the Condition Clinical Status Codes Value Set if you were searching for clinicalstatus. We do not currently support searching by Verification Status for Condition. You will need to perform processing in your app to exclude entered-in-error results. You can see all of our current functionality at

Ben (Cerner)

Colin McCormack

Aug 28, 2019, 12:56:13 PM8/28/19
to Cerner FHIR Developers
Expanding on this topic... Are these really the only supported criteria for fetching Conditions?

I'd like to fetch diagnoses for a specific encounter but notice that I'm pulling in a significant amount of conditions that I end up throwing away (after filtering the results client side) because they are not associated to the encounter I want. 

var diagnosesForAllEncounters = smart.patient.api.fetchAll({
type: 'Condition',
query: {
'category' : 'diagnosis'

I'd like to add additional criteria, possibly like the example below to only pull down the diagnoses I'm actually going to use. This is causing a performance delay. 
var diagnosesForSpecificEncounter = smart.patient.api.fetchAll({
type: 'Condition',
query: {
'category' : 'diagnosis',
        'encounter.reference' : 'Encounter/' + smart.tokenResponse.encounter

Is there anything like that available?


Madhur Rajendran (Cerner)

Aug 28, 2019, 2:36:02 PM8/28/19
to Cerner FHIR Developers
Hi Colin,

Unfortunately, at this time those are the only search parameters we support. It looks like your use-case is using the 'encounter' search parameter, but we currently don't accept it.

Our documentation is kept as up-to-date as possible, so any changes to parameters will also be reflected in our documentation.

Madhur (Cerner)

Colin McCormack

Aug 28, 2019, 2:46:01 PM8/28/19
Thanks Madhur, This is what I figured i was just hoping I missed something. 

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