Sunāma: Beautiful Sanskrit Names

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Nityānanda Miśra

Oct 18, 2020, 2:00:24 AM10/18/20
to,, नवोन्मेष
namo vaḥ

I am pleased to announce the publication of my latest book, “Sunāma: Beautiful Sanskrit Names”. The book will be available for pre-order in November and will be out in December/January. The cover of the book and a 31-page preview PDF of the book is attached with this email.

Book details
Title: “Sunāma: Beautiful Sanskrit Names”
Genre: Non-fiction
Keywords: Hinduism, Sanskrit, Onomastics, Baby Names
Book summary in brief: A collection of more than 3,000 Sanskrit names (most of them rare or unused) from 77 Sanskrit texts including 38 sahasranāmas, with meanings, gender, references, and opposite gender versions
Language: English, with IAST and Devanagari for Sanskrit names and words
Author: Nityānanda Miśra
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India
Book design and typesetting in XeLaTeX: Nityānanda Miśra
Fonts used: Charis SIL and Chanakya Sanskrit
ISBN-13: 978-9-3903-5810-6
Book type: Paperback
Book size: B-format (198 × 129 mm)
Number of pages: 170
Price: ₹ 499

About the book
Parents wish to give a unique and meaningful name to their child. In India, a Sanskrit name is mostly preferred. Often parents turn to the Internet, which is replete with misinformation on Sanskrit names. Popular name websites mispresent meaning of many Sanskrit words and sometimes even list names from other languages, presenting them as Sanskrit names. Some bestselling books on Sanskrit names also carry such mistakes. Parents are misled by such sources and end up giving a kunāma (‘a bad name’) to their child.

Each Sanskrit sunāma—or ‘a good name’—has a mathematical derivation (vyutpatti) and/or a mystical explanation (nirukti). This work by Nityānanda Miśra is a wonderful collection of more than 3,000 sunāmas, most of which are rare or unused today. He studied more than 70,000 names in seventy-seven authentic Sanskrit texts, including seven Vedic saṃhitās, ten Purāṇas, the Rāmāyaṇa, the Mahābhārata, seven koṣas, three grammar works and thirty-eight sahasranāmas for this compilation. Each name entry includes the Devanagari and IAST spellings, gender, meaning, and the person or deity to whom the name belongs. Opposite gender versions of the names are also provided, wherever applicable.

A work of immense dedication and accurate research, this is a must-have for parents seeking rare or unique Sanskrit names for their child. 

The background text on the cover
The front cover background has the first 17 half-verses (13.149.14 to first half of 13.149.22) of the Viṣṇu-sahasranāma in Mahābhārata’s Anuśāsana-parvan, taken from multiple pages of a manuscript here. The back cover background has 14 half verses (second half of 13.149.23 to first half of 13.149.30) 

The book on the Internet
The sample PDF can is available under

Nityānanda Miśra


Megh Kalyanasundaram

Oct 18, 2020, 2:23:02 AM10/18/20
to भारतीयविद्वत्परिषत्
What a majestic and meaningful book! 
Many many congratulations, Misra-ji. 
May a million children bear a name courtesy your dedication. 

Best wishes, 

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Venkatakrishna Sastry

Oct 18, 2020, 3:03:15 AM10/18/20



Congradulations Nityananda ji for a good and needed work.



BVK Sastry


Siddharth Wakankar

Oct 18, 2020, 3:53:52 AM10/18/20
Dear Nitya and Nusta,

Extreme important work for giving a proper and meaningful name to one's own child.

We generally see a tendency to give a child a name which has no meaning or significance and then out of ignorance,it is either misspelt o mis.pronounced.

Your book,coming from the pen and pain of a first rate grammarian,will definitely serve a great purpose of giving a singinificant and Yathaartha name to a child.

No adequate words to express my gratitude for this yeoman's service.

Best of luck in all your future intellectual endeavors.

Prof.Siddharth Y.Wakankar

Siddharth Wakankar

Oct 18, 2020, 3:54:28 AM10/18/20
Sorry for the typing error.

Madhav Deshpande

Oct 18, 2020, 4:04:02 AM10/18/20
to Bharatiya Vidvat parishad
Congratulations, Nityananda Ji. Looking around for names people are giving to their kids, such a book is indeed needed. Best wishes,

Madhav M. Deshpande
Professor Emeritus, Sanskrit and Linguistics
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Senior Fellow, Oxford Center for Hindu Studies

[Residence: Campbell, California, USA]

Amba Kulkarni

Oct 18, 2020, 4:49:12 AM10/18/20
to bvparishat, samskrita, नवोन्मेष
Congratulations Nityananda ji for an excellent book.

Parents keep asking us about Good Names for their newborns, and I used to have a lot of difficulty in suggesting the names since the resources on Internet are not that good and full of errors as you have rightly mentioned in your preface. Referring to the dictionary used to be very time-consuming. 

Now I'll always recommend your book to such parents.

Amba Kulkarni

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आ नो भद्रा: क्रतवो यन्तु विश्वत: ll
Let noble thoughts come to us from every side.
- Rig Veda, I-89-i.

Professor & Head
Department of Sanskrit Studies
University of Hyderabad
Prof. C.R. Rao Road 
Hyderabad-500 046

(91) 040 23133802(off)

Hemant Dave

Oct 18, 2020, 6:31:41 AM10/18/20
Absolutely great, Nityanand ji. Congratulations and thanks.
Best regards,
"Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them..."

On Sun, 18 Oct 2020 at 07:30, Nityānanda Miśra <> wrote:

K S Kannan

Oct 18, 2020, 9:21:55 AM10/18/20
to bvparishat
A tsunami (of positive effects)
of su-nāman-s!
A great need fulfilled!

Dr. K.S.Kannan  D.Litt.

​Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj Chair Professor, IIT-Madras.

Senior Fellow, ICSSR, New Delhi.

Academic Director, Swadeshi Indology.

Member, Academic Council, Veda Vijnana Shodha Samsthana.

Nominated Member, IIAS, Shimla.

Former Professor, CAHC, Jain University, Bangalore.

Former Director, Karnataka Samskrit University, Bangalore.

Former Head, Dept. of Sanskrit, The National Colleges, Bangalore.

Manogna Sastry

Oct 18, 2020, 9:26:08 AM10/18/20
to,, नवोन्मेष
Many congratulations on the book, Miśra-ji! The cover looks very well designed; wishing it much success!


Kushagra Aniket

Oct 18, 2020, 3:37:28 PM10/18/20
नामसंस्कारसिद्ध्यर्थं लोके सुनाममालिनी।
वर्धतां राजतां नित्यं सा नित्यानन्दभारती।।

This is one book that is desperately needed to guard against the "tsunami" of absurd and meaningless names that has swept us from India to the U.S. 

This book is truly a service to dharma, since नामकरण is one of the primary samskaras of a Hindu's life. The critical importance of नामराशि is also recognized in Jyotish:

देशे ग्रामे गृहे युद्धे सेवायां व्यवहारके।
नामराशेः प्रधानत्वं जन्मराशिं न चिन्तयेत्।।

Many congratulations to Shri Misra Ji! Please inform us when this book becomes available on Amazon in the U.S., since I would like to request Columbia University Library to buy it for their collection.

A copy may also be gifted to the various Indian American politicians who have lately started explaining un-shastric meanings of names.


Megh Kalyanasundaram

Oct 18, 2020, 3:44:08 PM10/18/20
to भारतीयविद्वत्परिषत्
"A copy may also be gifted to the various Indian American politicians who have lately started explaining un-shastric meanings of names.": ☺
प्रमीला from प्रेम?.png

Madhav Deshpande

Oct 18, 2020, 7:52:07 PM10/18/20
to Bharatiya Vidvat parishad
A lot of people need such explanations of names. Otherwise some fanciful explanations develop.  This is not limited to Indian American politicians, but this is quite widespread.  I have heard explanations of the word गुरु as being composed of गु+रु, explanations of भारत as भा+र+त, and of course Kalidasa's folk-etymology of उमा as coming from उ+मा [cf. उ मेति मात्रा तपसो निषिद्धा पश्चादुमाख्यां सुमुखी जगाम, Kumarasambhava]. Yaska refers to etymology of सत्य given by शाकटायन as coming from unnatural components "अनन्वितेऽर्थेऽप्रादेशिके विकारे पदेभ्य: पदेतरार्धान् सञ्चस्कार शाकटायन: - एते: कारितं यकारादिं चान्तकरणमस्ते: शुद्धं सकारादिं च. The most extensive case of such interpretations is the five volume work of N.V. Thadani on the Mahabharata, where he interprets the text by assigning separate meanings to each syllable.  V. S. Sukthankar has appropriately criticized this approach.

Madhav M. Deshpande
Professor Emeritus, Sanskrit and Linguistics
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Senior Fellow, Oxford Center for Hindu Studies

[Residence: Campbell, California, USA]

Rucha Kelkar

Oct 19, 2020, 12:48:23 AM10/19/20

Heartiest congratulations and heartfelt gratitude for the book. 

Thanks and regards 
Rucha Kelkar 

Anubhav Balodhi Columbuzz Dexter

Oct 19, 2020, 12:48:23 AM10/19/20
Looks beautiful...
All the best for its success, Nityaananda ji :)



Pradip Sagdeo

Oct 19, 2020, 6:17:32 AM10/19/20
Namaste Nityanandaji,

Just the book I have wanted for years. I just checked and The book is not listed yet.  Please let me know when and where it will be available.  

I had also sent you an email requesting the meaning of the name SAISHA, and its correct written form in Sanskrit, if it is indeed a name with Sanskrit origin.  It appears that it never received your attention. 

Thank you.

Pradip Sagdeo 


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Pradip Sagdeo
Phone: 269-324-7641 (H) 269-830-4664 (C)


yogini vyas

Oct 19, 2020, 7:19:16 AM10/19/20
Heartiest Congratulations for the the publication of the extremely needed book.


Yogini Vyas

Nityanand Misra

Oct 19, 2020, 5:06:00 PM10/19/20
to भारतीयविद्वत्परिषत्
Thanks to Megh Kalyanasundaram Ji, Dr. BVK Sastry, Prof. Siddharth Wakankar, Prof. Madhav Deshpande, Prof. Amba Kulkarni, Prof. Hemant Dave, Prof. K. S. Kannan, Manogna Shastry Ji, Sh. Kushagra Aniket, Rucha Kelkar Ji, Anubhav Balodhi Ji, Pradip Sagdeo Ji, Yogini Vyas Ji for your kind comments. 

Pradip Sagdeo Ji, the book will be available for pre-order on Amazon by next month. I am sorry to have missed your email. I think you had initiated a discussion on Saisha on this group and I hope your questions about the name have been answered.

Thanks, Nityananda

Nityanand Misra

Dec 10, 2020, 4:48:26 PM12/10/20
to भारतीयविद्वत्परिषत्
namo vaḥ

I am pleased to announce that my book “Sunāma: Beautiful Sanskrit Names” is out. Some photos of the book are attached with this email. 

The book is available for pre-order on Amazon India and Flipkart. 

In a few weeks, it will be available in bookstores in India and also on internationally. The e-book and Kindle versions are expected to be out in a couple of months.

For now, if copies are required outside India, please email me off the list. For bulk copies also, please email me off the list. 

Thanks, Nityananda

Shankar Rajaraman

Dec 10, 2020, 5:31:39 PM12/10/20
Congrats Nityananda Mishraji
Shankar Rajaraman

Gudsoorkar A G

Dec 11, 2020, 4:21:58 AM12/11/20
Hearty Congratulations Nityanandji !! 
Can you please send photos of two pages, just to have a glimpse of the work? Regards.
-Ashok Gudsoorkar 

Sent from my iPhone
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