Goodbye Bleve

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Marty Schoch

Aug 23, 2021, 2:09:12 PM8/23/21
Bleve Community,

At the end of August, I will be stepping back from the project. It has been an honor to work on Bleve the last several years and I am grateful to all of you for your support as we built Bleve together.

Bleve is still actively maintained by Abhinav Dangeti and Sreekanth Sivasankaran.  I have worked with them for several years and have no doubt they will continue to carry on the essential activities required to lead the project.  Inevitably there will be some changes, but I ask that you work with them for the good of the project.

On a personal note, Bleve has been a huge part of my life.  Leading an open-source project comes with incredible highs and lows.  The people and interactions that have come together to build Bleve have also indirectly molded and shaped me into who I am.  Thank you all for being a part of Bleve.


Panagiotis Koursaris

Aug 23, 2021, 2:14:36 PM8/23/21
Hi Marty, thank you for letting us know. What about bluge ? 

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Marty Schoch

Aug 23, 2021, 2:19:44 PM8/23/21
Things are less certain with Bluge, I hope to find a way to keep it going, but I'm unable to make any strong commitments at this time.  So far it has received almost no commercial interest anyway, so as long as developers are interested in hacking on it, nothing will change.


Amnon BC

Aug 24, 2021, 4:02:45 AM8/24/21
to bleve
Thanks for all the hard work, for building a great tool, and for having the patience to answer our questions.
Best of luck in your next adventure!

Silvan Jegen

Aug 26, 2021, 3:17:03 PM8/26/21
Marty Schoch <> wrote:
> At the end of August, I will be stepping back from the project. It has been
> an honor to work on Bleve the last several years and I am grateful to all
> of you for your support as we built Bleve together.

Thank you for all the time and effort you have put into Bleve!

All the best for the future and I hope we will meet again (online or
offline)! :)



Sep 10, 2021, 11:32:44 AM9/10/21
to bleve
Hey Marty,

Its sad to hear your go, but i hope that the new direction your heading works out.
You have been amazingly patient with having so many developers asking you endless questions. I also did :) so thanks for all of it...

Since Bleve has 2 maintainers via Couchbase, i was thinking with Bluge it's worth trying to get more financial support for you and others to work on it ongoing.
Bluge is quite something, in that there are not many golang libs that do what it does and it would be a shame for it for fall by the wayside.

Have some ideas and also time to devote to it.  EU Funding for open source is not quite the right match for Bluge IMHO.
But there are things that can be tried in that and other aspects if you interested.

You are probably ready for a break from it all i expect, but either way you are welcome to contact me and chat about what can be done.

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