Migration from 2.2 to 2.3

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Vasyl Ostrovskyi

Mar 27, 2021, 4:58:49 PM3/27/21
to BigBlueButton-Setup
Dear friends,
Once upon a time, I installed BBB on my server. Since I like to understand better what is going on, I selected manual install and configured my system, letsencrypt certs, nat, turn, so that all works almost perfectly.
Now I noticed that 2.3 beta is released and think it is time to migrate and enjoy new cool features. My plan is the following.
1. Backup full copy of existing filesystem on another disk
2. Remove bigbluebutton, libreoffice, mongodb, nodesource, rmescandon repositories from /etc/apt/sources.list.d (or just disable them)
3. stop BBB and remove all packages starting with "bbb-"
4. run do-release-upgrade, apt-get update, apt-get upgrade as usual
5. run script installing bbb
6. manually check and update configs for greenlight (set new secret), coturn etc.
What do you think? Didn't I missed something? 

Fred Dixon

Mar 27, 2021, 9:37:04 PM3/27/21
to BigBlueButton-.
Hi Vasly,

We would recommend you setup a new Ubuntu 18.04 server and install the latest version of 2.3-dev (at the time of this writing 2.3-beta-1) using bbb-install.sh

and then copy over the recordings from the older server

Assign the same shared secret to the 2.3 server as was in the 2.2 server.  Finally, you can then switch the domain name to point to the 2.3 server.

All your users will now be using the 2.3 server, with their recordings, and you have the 2.2 server as a backup in case you need to switch back (switch the domain name back to the 2.2 server).

Regards,.. Fred

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Vasyl Ostrovskyi

Mar 28, 2021, 4:54:11 AM3/28/21
to BigBlueButton-Setup
Dear Fred,
Thank you for your reply.
1. Unfortunately, I have only one server which can be used for bbb. But on the other hand, my bbb is used only several days a week, so some downtime is not critical. I will create exact bootable copy of my disk to be able to go back quickly if something goes wrong. I shall report the result of my attempt of migration on the same system.
2. In your recommendation (setting up a new server) I also need to migrate greenlight database containing users and their rooms, at the moment it is not clear to me how to do it properly.


неділя, 28 березня 2021 р. о 04:37:04 UTC+3 Fred Dixon пише:

Vasyl Ostrovskyi

Mar 28, 2021, 2:54:01 PM3/28/21
to BigBlueButton-Setup
Dear Fred, you were right, it was painful, but I did it!
Brief report (if somebody try to do this).
My setup was: bbb-2.2.33, server behind nat. My road was the following.
1. Stopped bbb: bbb-conf --stop
2. removed all bbb and kurento packages (bbb-*, kms-*, kurento-*), also ffmpeg and related libs.
3. apt autoremove, apt update, apt-upgrade
4. the last step issued error since I had installed docker-ce (do not ask me why), removed all produced by dpkg -l |grep docker
5. do-release-upgrade, reboot
6. remove all files from /etc/apt/sources.list.d
7. start install: wget -qO- https://ubuntu.bigbluebutton.org/bbb-install.sh | bash -s -- -v bionic-230 -s bbb.mydamain.ua
ups... who installed apache2? ok, remove, apt purge apache2-bin, apt aitoremove, some dependency errors, apt --fix-broken install.
8. Once again wget -qO- https://ubuntu.bigbluebutton.org/bbb-install.sh | bash -s -- -v bionic-230 -s bbb.mydamain.ua...
this time error installing libreoffice - conflict with old version. Remove all libreoffice stuff, start again... error with libreoffice-docker, some old docker packages still there.
Remove, restart. Finally all installed.
9. Of course, BBB does not start. The story was long, but in brief: 
 - before running the script, remove (backup) all remaining files in /etc/bigbluebutton, /etc/kurento, /usr/local/bigbluebutton, /usr/share/bbb-web, /usr/share/meteor, /opt/freeswitch
 - adding '-e m...@email.ua' was mandatory to configure ssl (not only to install letsencrypt certs, which I already had)
 - I had to create apply-config.sh and enableMultipleKurentos, since bbb-install did not create necessary configs for kurento, so I had 2001 errors.
 - I had to review and fix manually all settings related to nat
10. After that, run bbb-conf --setsecret XXXMYOLDBBBSECRETXXX, add greenlight section to nginx site flie, bbb-conf --restart
I understand that many of my steps were far from optimal, but anyway, now I have the latest and the coolest bbb.

неділя, 28 березня 2021 р. о 11:54:11 UTC+3 Vasyl Ostrovskyi пише:

Fabrice Rouillier

Mar 29, 2021, 2:16:36 AM3/29/21
to BigBlueButton-Setup
2. In your recommendation (setting up a new server) I also need to migrate greenlight database containing users and their rooms, at the moment it is not clear to me how to do it properly.

1 - save your current greenlight directory on your 2.2 server :
      cd /root/greenlight
      docker-compose down  
      cd ..
      tar -cf greenlight-2.2.tgz greenlight
      cd greenlight
      docker-compose up -d
2 - install bbb-2.3 with the -g option for installing a fresh greenlight
3 - stop your greenlight on 2.3 :
       cd /root/greenlight
      docker-compose down  
4 - move your greenlight on 2.3
     cd /root
     mv greenlight greenlight.ori
5 - get your saved 2.2 greenlight from your 2.2 server  and uncompress it /root on the 2.3 server
     cd /root
     tar -zxvf greenlight-2.2.tgz
6 - replace the 18 first lines of greenlight/.env by those of greenlight.ori/.env
     (lines until BIGBLUEBUTTON_SECRET)
7 - restart greenlight : 
     cd greenlight
     docker-compose up -d



Ali Alhaidary

Mar 29, 2021, 9:17:14 PM3/29/21
to bigbluebu...@googlegroups.com

Very important. It should be added to the BBB documentation.


Fabrice Rouillier

Apr 4, 2021, 1:36:26 AM4/4/21
to BigBlueButton-Setup

Very important. It should be added to the BBB documentation.

Hum ... no. In fact this is an emergency procedure to help you but doing so you do not upgrade greenlight which has been upgraded from version 9 to version 13.

Migrating impose converting the posters database from version 9 to version 13.



Fabrice Rouillier

Apr 4, 2021, 2:12:44 AM4/4/21
to BigBlueButton-Setup
Sorry I ment : the Postgres database of greenlight has been upgraded from version 9 to version 13 which requires an explicit conversion.

Cedric Freiberger

May 14, 2021, 5:42:28 AM5/14/21
to BigBlueButton-Setup
For the migration, I just dumped the old database and restored it in the new Greenlight container. It seems to work. BUT this morning my colleague was logged in as some other user than him without doing anything. Now we are not sure if the system is ready for use. What do you suggest?

Yorgh LX

May 14, 2021, 10:39:20 AM5/14/21
to BigBlueButton-Setup
Hi all,

@Fabrice, thank you for the procedure you provided as it helped me to migrate mine.
Before applying it, I converted my Greenlight DB from 9.5 to 13.2-alpine following the existing procedure (https://docs.bigbluebutton.org/greenlight/gl-config.html#upgrading-postgresql-versions).
I then adapted my .env file and docker-compose.yml with the new existing settings and my previous values.

I did it 2 weeks ago and I do not have any user which experienced a trouble like @some.it...

I still have a trouble I already described in this conversation (https://groups.google.com/g/bigbluebutton-setup/c/X5EN7MpPkQ0/m/MMMUU5kdAwAJ) for which I received no replies yet.
A room manager cannot prevent from recording sessions in the room settings. 
I added in my .env file the ROOM_FEATURES recording but it is not reflected into my DB.

Do you have any idea how I could do?

Thanks in advance for any help
Le dimanche 4 avril 2021 à 07:36:26 UTC+2, Fabrice Rouillier a écrit :


May 23, 2021, 6:40:45 AM5/23/21
to BigBlueButton-Setup

Migrating BigBlueButton 2.2 to 2.3 requires just moving the recordings. (without greenlight)

I use rclone for that with the following command

sudo rclone move --create-empty-src-dirs --transfers=72 --no-update-modtime -P /var/bigbluebutton/ c3:/var/bigbluebutton

Then just

sudo chow -R bigbluebutton: /var/bigbluebutton

That's all


Fabrice Rouillier

May 24, 2021, 5:14:39 AM5/24/21
to BigBlueButton-Setup

@lx.y...@gmail.com : sorry, for RGPD reasons I deactivate entirely in the configuration all the recordings capabilities so that I was not surprised not to be able to activate/deactivate at the moderator level.


Yorgh LX

May 26, 2021, 1:21:32 PM5/26/21
to BigBlueButton-Setup
Thanks Fabrice and Ghazi for your message even if it did not help.

I finally manage to solve it.
I upgraded today morning BBB to the latest version and checked the Settings into Greenlight web interface.
I enabled the setting Require Room Owner and Joiner Consent to Recording.
It did the trick.
I cannot tell if this Setting was present before I upgrade. I cannot remember.

Problem solved for me.

Thanks again to the developers for their great job.

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