is NOT opening or reachable

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Pankaj Rai

Jun 26, 2020, 7:59:47 AM6/26/20
to beagl...@googlegroups.com
I'm just getting started with the BBB and i'm trying to go to on board server as mentioned in the Getting started doc.
But the problem is that is not opening or not reachable. While I have interfaced the BBB with mini B cable to laptop(I'm using Ubuntu 18.0.04 in it) and also connected the BBB with ethernet cable to my laptop.

Please suggest the possible cause and how to debug and make it work.



Jun 26, 2020, 12:00:39 PM6/26/20
to BeagleBoard
What Image are you using?
cat /etc/dogtag (provided it is a debian image)
or sudo /opt/scripts/tools/version.sh
or uname -a (might help)
How are you powering the board, 5v supply or usb? if usb, is it via a powered hub?
can you also provide the output of ifconfig from the beaglebone black?
Does Nautilus show BEAGLEBONE folder?

I'm running 'BeagleBoard.org Debian Image 2019-08-03' and am able to ssh to the beaglebone black on 7.2 and 6.1 from desktop (ubuntu 18.04)

Pankaj Rai

Jul 12, 2020, 1:45:32 PM7/12/20
to beagl...@googlegroups.com
Hi amf,
it's been a while since I've started using BBB. So, I dont know actually how to get started with BBB. 

I haven't installed any image on BBB on my own. I just followed the steps mentioned in Readme of BBB. (I've attached the SS for your reference). Do we need to install any image to BBB first? 
Don't the BBB comes with the preinstalled OS (or image)?

kindly guide me through this.


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Screenshot from 2020-07-12 23-05-37.png

Pankaj Rai

Jul 12, 2020, 2:40:15 PM7/12/20
to beagl...@googlegroups.com
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out

this is what i'm getting as error while connecting BBB to

what could be the reason and how can we resolve this issue.



Jul 13, 2020, 1:10:31 PM7/13/20
to BeagleBoard
If you have not modified it's configuration you should ssh to is the P.C. side.of the connection.

When powering the BBB up and connecting the USB cable does the PC play the UP tone?

Pankaj Rai

Jul 13, 2020, 1:14:00 PM7/13/20
to beagl...@googlegroups.com

Pc does play a sound while connecting BBB to pc. And I've not changed any configuration of the BBB.


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Jul 13, 2020, 1:43:33 PM7/13/20
to BeagleBoard
Your using Ubuntu 18.0.04 good, this is what I'm using also. Are you using any firewall software, like ufw, if you are, make sure port 22 is allowed.
Yes, BBB comes with pre-install OS. If your BBB boots without and sdcard, then it is booting form the emmc.
to boot from the sdcard, you have to hold the 'USER' button during the boot process. (that is from the time the power is applied, till the leds start flickering)
Do you have a USB-TO-SERIAL converter that can be connected to J1, it may help in debugging the issue.
Can you ping from your lap top?
When you ssh, are you using debian or root?
You do have openssh-server installed on the laptop, right?
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Jul 13, 2020, 1:44:33 PM7/13/20
to Beagle Board
What image are you running on the BBB?

Also, are you seeing an "" ip created on your Ubuntu PC?
You can check this using:
   ifconfig -a

You can check the 'dmesg' out on your PC to see if there are any errors connecting to the BBB.

Pankaj Rai

Jul 13, 2020, 1:54:39 PM7/13/20
to beagl...@googlegroups.com
I've enabled the port 22 on my pc and I'm not using sd card for flashing so I don't think i need to press the s2 button. 
And also i don't have any debugger and i tried pinging the BBB on that address but it shows all the sent packets are lost so i think I'm unable to ping.

Is there any other way to work this out?

Thanks for your help


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Dennis Lee Bieber

Jul 13, 2020, 2:37:50 PM7/13/20
to Beagleboard
On Mon, 13 Jul 2020 10:43:33 -0700 (PDT), in
gmane.comp.hardware.beagleboard.user amf
<fittereram-Re5JQ...@public.gmane.org> wrote:

>to boot from the sdcard, you have to hold the 'USER' button during the boot
>process. (that is from the time the power is applied, till the leds start

That is only required if you have a VERY OLD image in the eMMC (like...
Debian Wheezy! aka Debian v7). If the eMMC has been flashed with anything
in the Jessie, Stretch, Buster time-frame it should have a u-boot which
looks for the SD card, and transfers control to the SD card image to
complete booting (it may have a different problem -- in that early images
relied upon the kernel to load device trees, while newer images rely upon
u-boot to load the device trees)..

I have not used the BBB boot select button for something like three+
years (and the BB AI doesn't even have a boot select button).

Dennis L Bieber

Dennis Lee Bieber

Jul 13, 2020, 2:50:05 PM7/13/20
to Beagleboard
On Mon, 13 Jul 2020 23:24:06 +0530, in gmane.comp.hardware.beagleboard.user
Pankaj Rai <pamkajkumar64-Re5J...@public.gmane.org> wrote:

>I've enabled the port 22 on my pc and I'm not using sd card for flashing so
>I don't think i need to press the s2 button.
>And also i don't have any debugger and i tried pinging the BBB on that
>address but it shows all the sent packets are lost so i think I'm unable to
>Is there any other way to work this out?

The surest is to NOT USE THE USB "network".

I presume your main computer is connected to some router.

Run an ethernet cable from the BBB to the same router. Connect a 5V
power supply to the barrel connector on the BBB. (If you must, you might be
able to use a 5V USB phone charger connected to the USB port -- but for
this debugging you do NOT want the USB port connected to the main

Check the router configuration pages for what IP # it assigned to the
BBB (note: if the router is modern enough, it may do DNS and have assigned
the host name beaglebone.local to the BBB, in which case you can connect
using the host name instead of the router assigned IP #).

IP Allocation
IPv4 Address / Name MAC Address Status Allocation Action / EPSONF4EF32 00:26:ab:f4:ef:32 on DHCP Allocation / DIRECTV-HR54-C94828D7 18:16:c9:48:28:d9 on DHCP
Allocation / unknown5ca39d084ab9 5c:a3:9d:08:4a:b9 on DHCP Allocation / unknown64c6670531d3 64:c6:67:05:31:d3 off DHCP
Allocation / Galaxy-S9 8c:45:00:6d:1a:4c on DHCP Allocation / pi-star-3b b8:27:eb:4b:0b:d5 on DHCP Allocation / microdiversity b8:27:eb:ce:b1:eb on DHCP Allocation / ElusiveUnicorn b8:ca:3a:79:0c:36 on DHCP Allocation / HP7C548D c4:65:16:7c:54:8d on DHCP Allocation / beaglebone d0:39:72:18:3e:e5 on DHCP Allocation

(my router does not show the .local, but access from Win10 works with or
without it)

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19041.329]
(c) 2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

C:\Users\Wulfraed>ssh deb...@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be
ECDSA key fingerprint is
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known
Debian GNU/Linux 10

BeagleBoard.org Debian Buster IoT Image 2020-04-06

Support: http://elinux.org/Beagleboard:BeagleBoneBlack_Debian

default username:password is [debian:temppwd]

deb...@'s password:

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
Last login: Sun Jul 5 14:40:38 2020 from fe80::c932:bd85:577:9922%eth0

Dennis L Bieber


Jul 13, 2020, 3:31:12 PM7/13/20
to BeagleBoard
So this is the original image that came with the BBB?
Like some one else just mentioned, you may want to use a ethernet cable connected to your router.
Without knowing what image is on the BBB, it's going to be difficult to trouble shoot this.

On Monday, July 13, 2020 at 12:14:00 PM UTC-5, Pankaj Rai wrote:

Pc does play a sound while connecting BBB to pc. And I've not changed any configuration of the BBB.


On Mon, Jul 13, 2020, 22:40 KenUnix <ken.u...@gmail.com> wrote:
If you have not modified it's configuration you should ssh to is the P.C. side.of the connection.

When powering the BBB up and connecting the USB cable does the PC play the UP tone?

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Kenneth Martin

Jul 13, 2020, 4:27:00 PM7/13/20
to Beagle Board
I thought you were running Windows.

Can you ping ?

It might show up as a virtual tty or USB port. Running Linux host I have not done.
If your using Windows pull up device manager and look in com/lpt ports and you
should see a new one something like USB Serial port COM4. That's what you
should connect to.


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In regards to,

Pankaj Rai

Jul 13, 2020, 10:58:28 PM7/13/20
to beagl...@googlegroups.com
Can we connect the BBB using ethernet cable to the computers ethernet port?
( It's because I'm living in hostel and here we have the hostel wifi available)

And can we power the BBB using 5 V charger?

If not, then will it work out on using the flashed sd card as boot? (I'm thinking to buy one(16gb) for this if doesn't work)


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Jul 14, 2020, 10:55:43 AM7/14/20
to BeagleBoard
connecting the ethernet to the computer will not provide you with an IP address on the BBB. BBB wants to use dhcp to get an IP, which what happens when connected to the router.
You should be able to ping from the laptop, if you see on the laptop.
Is this your personal laptop or a company laptop? companies tend to secure laptops such that ping and ssh aren't allowed (My personal experience)
Would recommend getting an sdcard, again if this is a company laptop, it may not help.

On Monday, July 13, 2020 at 9:58:28 PM UTC-5, Pankaj Rai wrote:
Can we connect the BBB using ethernet cable to the computers ethernet port?
( It's because I'm living in hostel and here we have the hostel wifi available)

And can we power the BBB using 5 V charger?

If not, then will it work out on using the flashed sd card as boot? (I'm thinking to buy one(16gb) for this if doesn't work)


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Pankaj Rai

Jul 14, 2020, 11:19:21 AM7/14/20
to beagl...@googlegroups.com
Currently I'm working with my personal laptop only. And also i've ordered a 16 gb sd card for sure. But meanwhile i was trying to make it work with with preinstalled os in eMMC only.

Is there any way we can update the eMMC OS? So that it may able to connect to or ( this is because somewhere i've seen that Linux system uses this ip to connect with BBB).


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Dennis Lee Bieber

Jul 14, 2020, 12:44:05 PM7/14/20
to Beagleboard
On Tue, 14 Jul 2020 08:27:51 +0530, in gmane.comp.hardware.beagleboard.user
Pankaj Rai <pamkajkumar64-Re5J...@public.gmane.org> wrote:

>Can we connect the BBB using ethernet cable to the computers ethernet port?

You might need a cross-over cable -- though many newer NICs auto-detect
if cross-over is needed and switch internally.

>( It's because I'm living in hostel and here we have the hostel wifi
Unfortunately, at this point you are back to configuring the host
computer for Internet Connection Sharing -- otherwise there is no pass
through from WiFi to the cable (heck, on my computer, in order to even use
the WiFi I have to disable the cable connection -- it gives priority to the
cable, even if there is no "internet" on that line! I have never tried to
enable ICS).

>And can we power the BBB using 5 V charger?
A Beaglebone Black power supply is 5V 2A, a BB AI should probably be a
bit higher -- 5V 2.5-3A. The BBB has a barrel connector so common USB
chargers may not be applicable -- I've not tried a 2A USB charger.

Dennis L Bieber

Dennis Lee Bieber

Jul 14, 2020, 1:03:14 PM7/14/20
to Beagleboard
On Tue, 14 Jul 2020 20:48:49 +0530, in gmane.comp.hardware.beagleboard.user
Pankaj Rai <pamkajkumar64-Re5J...@public.gmane.org> wrote:

>Is there any way we can update the eMMC OS? So that it may able to connect
>to or ( this is because somewhere i've seen that
>Linux system uses this ip to connect with BBB).

It uses those addresses only for the USB Gadget. If your computer shows
an RNDIS device under network adapters (in device manager) you HAVE the
192.168.7.x connection. If (in a command prompt)

ssh deb...@

gives you a prompt for the beaglebone password
C:\Users\Wulfraed>ssh deb...@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? y
Please type 'yes' or 'no': yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known
Debian GNU/Linux 10

BeagleBoard.org Debian Buster IoT Image 2020-04-06

Support: http://elinux.org/Beagleboard:BeagleBoneBlack_Debian

default username:password is [debian:temppwd]

deb...@'s password:
then you HAVE a connection.

The problem you are having is that your host computer is not a router,
and is NOT passing traffic from the BBB to the WiFi. You have to configure
your host computer to route traffic between the WiFi and the device. Open
"Network & Internet Settings" -- does it show more than one network? (I
have "Ethernet" [my cable to router] and "Ethernet 2" [the BBB USB
connection]). If it does, try...

Click "Network and Sharing Center"

Click on the blue "connection" for your primary network (mine shows
"Ethernet", yours might show WiFi -- I'm not going to try to activate WiFi
for mine).

Click "Properties", Click on the "Sharing" tab

[X] Allow other network users to connect through the computer's Internet

Home networking connection: select the BBB (mine is Ethernet 2)

The above steps /might/ activate ICS for that linkage. I repeat that I
have never used ICS myself.

Dennis L Bieber


Jul 14, 2020, 1:11:08 PM7/14/20
to Beagle Board
I believe Pankaj is using Ubuntu and not Windows. 

Pankaj : 
I would suggest checking that your Ubuntu system is creating a ipaddress and is not having an issue connecting to the board via 'dmesg'.


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Jul 15, 2020, 10:49:31 AM7/15/20
to BeagleBoard
Only way to update the emmc os without a ethernet connection is by using a USB-to-SERIAL adapter, make sure to get the 3.3 volt version.
Not sure if you answered the prior question. does your laptop show and/or when doing 'ifconfig -a' from a terminal window?
If it does, I don't see any reason why you cannot at least ping the BBB at 6.2 or 7.2.

Pankaj Rai

Jul 15, 2020, 11:26:20 AM7/15/20
to beagl...@googlegroups.com

It seems I'm not getting the or on command ifconfig -a


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Jul 15, 2020, 12:05:34 PM7/15/20
to Beagle Board
Unplug and plug the BBB back in and then check the output of running the command : dmesg


Pankaj Rai

Jul 15, 2020, 12:46:05 PM7/15/20
to beagl...@googlegroups.com
I could see couple of errors listed out with and without BBB connected to my laptop using mini USB cable(given in box). But i couldn't figure out totally, the difference between plugged and unplugged BBB.

I'm attaching the output file hereby for your reference. thanks for your help.



Pankaj Rai

Jul 15, 2020, 12:57:56 PM7/15/20
to beagl...@googlegroups.com
PFA for screenshots of the output message on running the command dmesg with plugged in BBB.

Screenshot from 2020-07-15 22-25-44.png
Screenshot from 2020-07-15 22-25-24.png

Jon Morss

Jul 15, 2020, 1:42:39 PM7/15/20
to BeagleBoard
It is possible that you either have a bad USB cable or your PC can not provide enough power to properly power up the BBB.
The preference would be to upgrade you eMMC, however, this message does appear in your files though:

[ 8428.112630] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Synchronize Cache(10) failed: Result: hostbyte=DID_NO_CONNECT driverbyte=DRIVER_OK
[ 8428.408057] usb 2-1: new high-speed USB device number 8 using xhci_hcd
[ 8428.536147] usb 2-1: Device not responding to setup address.
[ 8428.744111] usb 2-1: Device not responding to setup address.
[ 8428.952095] usb 2-1: device not accepting address 8, error -71
[ 8429.924105] usb usb2-port1: Cannot enable. Maybe the USB cable is bad?
[ 8429.924193] usb usb2-port1: attempt power cycle
[ 8431.272034] usb 2-1: new high-speed USB device number 10 using xhci_hcd
[ 8431.293196] usb 2-1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0104, bcdDevice= 4.01
[ 8431.293200] usb 2-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=4, SerialNumber=5
[ 8431.293202] usb 2-1: Product: BeagleBoneBlack
[ 8431.293205] usb 2-1: Manufacturer: Circuitco
[ 8431.293206] usb 2-1: SerialNumber: C0-5018BBBK0C2


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Pankaj Rai

Jul 15, 2020, 1:48:39 PM7/15/20
to beagl...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for letting me know the reasons, why its not working.
I've already ordered a 16 gb sd card to use the latest image using sd card boot. 
Anyway could please tell me how can i upgrade the emmc?

Thank you so much!

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Jul 15, 2020, 2:10:20 PM7/15/20
to Beagle Board
Yeah, I am only guessing that the power or cable is the issue, but it does seem like it based on what I had seen in your dmesg output.

For upgrading the eMMC, I believe it would depend on how comfortable you are running through the process.  It would be much easier via an SD card, but I did find the following links related to this.

Others might have better advice for you though.

Good luck.


Dennis Lee Bieber

Jul 15, 2020, 3:56:39 PM7/15/20
to Beagleboard
On Wed, 15 Jul 2020 23:18:02 +0530, in gmane.comp.hardware.beagleboard.user
Pankaj Rai <pamkajkumar64-Re5J...@public.gmane.org> wrote:

>Thanks for letting me know the reasons, why its not working.
>I've already ordered a 16 gb sd card to use the latest image using sd card
>Anyway could please tell me how can i upgrade the emmc?

The procedure for flashing the eMMC hasn't changed in years -- it
should be easy to find using a search engine.

That said... My recommendation is to first make sure it is operating
from a recent image on the SD card. Run the "sudo apt update"/"sudo apt
upgrade" procedure and do any customizations on the SD card. When you are

THEN edit the /boot/uEnv.txt file. Normally the last line in that file
is commented out. Removing the #s on the line will turn that image into a
"flasher" image. Reboot. It should run the flashing procedure copying the
SD card data to the eMMC.

WARNING: it is strongly recommended that you use a 5V 2A (or higher) power
supply on the barrel connector. Flashing the eMMC is a significant power
drain and USB power may not be reliable! (The standard specification for a
USB 2 connector is 5V 0.5A [and that is for the entire "hub", basically, if
you have a four port hub it can provide 5V 0.125A to each port, or 0.5A to
one port if the others are empty --
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USB_hardware#Power ])

NOTE: After flashing, you will have to remove the SD card and reboot. Do
NOT leave that SD card in the slot or you will just restart the flashing
process again. You have to put the #s back on that line to disable future
flashing attempts. That means mounting the SD card into a system that is
already booted, and maneuvering to the uEnv.txt file /on the card/ (you
don't want to accidentally modify the one on the running OS).

Dennis L Bieber

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