question mark in target names?

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Gregg Reynolds

Sep 1, 2022, 12:31:32 PM9/1/22
to bazel-discuss
I like the ergonomics of using '?' to mark config_settings and constraint_values as predicates:

In foo/BUILD.bazel:

platform(name = "vm",
         parents = ["@local_config_platform//:host"],
         constraint_values = [":vm?"])
constraint_setting(name = "target")
constraint_value(name = "vm?", constraint_setting = ":target")

Then we can have `target_host_constraints = ["//foo:vm?"]` in a rule, and pass `--//foo:vm` on the command line.

More general, for command-line settings, e.g.

In compilation_mode/BUILD.bazel:

config_setting(name = "dbg?",
               values = {"compilation_mode": "dbg"})

and then in rules

select({ "//compilation_mode:dbg?": ["-foo"] ...})

But it makes me nervous. It feels like one of those things that seems great at first but later turns out to have pestiferous corner cases. Is it a bad idea?  Anybody have experience using such names?



David Turner

Sep 1, 2022, 1:59:36 PM9/1/22
to Gregg Reynolds, bazel-discuss
(NOTE: I am not on the Bazel team and do not speak for them!)

Interesting! To be honest, the question mark (?) looks like a special operator that is not part of the name, and I find this confusing. And there are already so many confusing things in Bazel :-)

For example, config_setting() does not "set" anything at all, but defines an item that can be referenced in select() calls. This should have been called config_condition() instead!.

I like to use `is_` or `has_` prefixes for these, as this makes my Bazel files clearer (e.g. "is_debug", "has_foo_feature").

I think that solves the issue you want to address in the second part of your proposal without introducing changes to Bazel.

Regarding constraint_setting(), their value cannot be selected with `--<label>=<value>` on the command line. The only thing that impacts them is the platform name. On the command line, this is done with `--platforms=<label>`. And during analysis, constraint values can only be changed by using transitions that change the value of "//command_line_option:platforms". Note that despite the use of a plural (i.e. --platforms), this option only takes a single label value, so this is not something you would use to set the value of a single build flag, independent from the others.

It looks like a build_setting() would be a better choice for your example:

# From foo/BUILD.bazel

# A user-settable build configuration boolean flag. Use `--//foo:vm=True` on the command-line to set it.
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:common_settings.bzl", "bool_flag")

# A condition to be referenced in select() statements that will hold true when //foo:vm is set.
    name = "is_vm",
    flag_values = {
        ":vm": True,

# From compilation_mode/BUILD.bazel
    name = "is_dbg",
    values = {
        "compilation_mode": "dbg",

Oh, and constraint_setting() should really be named constraint_dimension(), and build_setting() should really be called build_variable() :-)

Hope this helps.

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Alexandre Rostovtsev

Sep 1, 2022, 2:02:35 PM9/1/22
to Gregg Reynolds, bazel-discuss
'?' is prohibited in Windows paths. If some rule somewhere down the line ends up using your constraint value as part of a file or directory name, it will fail on Windows.

Gregg Reynolds

Sep 1, 2022, 4:03:08 PM9/1/22
to David Turner, bazel-discuss
Thanks for the feedback.

On Thu, Sep 1, 2022 at 12:59 PM David Turner <> wrote:
(NOTE: I am not on the Bazel team and do not speak for them!)

Interesting! To be honest, the question mark (?) looks like a special operator that is not part of the name, and I find this confusing. And there are already so many confusing things in Bazel :-)

Yeah, I've been writing a lot of Scheme code lately, where it's normal, but it's bound to look slightly alarming to those coming from languages with more "standard" (i.e. restrictive) syntax.

For example, config_setting() does not "set" anything at all, but defines an item that can be referenced in select() calls. This should have been called config_condition() instead!.

I like to use `is_` or `has_` prefixes for these, as this makes my Bazel files clearer (e.g. "is_debug", "has_foo_feature").

Yep, trying to avoid that kind of thing.  I had been using stuff like `//foo/bar` and `//foo/bar:enabled` but then the problem is you end up with related build settings and config settings in different packages. I like the simplicity of "foo" and "foo?".

I think that solves the issue you want to address in the second part of your proposal without introducing changes to Bazel.

Regarding constraint_setting(), their value cannot be selected with `--<label>=<value>` on the command line.

Right. The example I gave is a bit of a special case, where I have a platform of just one constraint_value, so I want to use the same name for both. Makes it easier for the user to write custom rules with `target_compatible_with'.
The only thing that impacts them is the platform name. On the command line, this is done with `--platforms=<label>`. And during analysis, constraint values can only be changed by using transitions that change the value of "//command_line_option:platforms". Note that despite the use of a plural (i.e. --platforms), this option only takes a single label value, so this is not something you would use to set the value of a single build flag, independent from the others.

It looks like a build_setting() would be a better choice for your example:

# From foo/BUILD.bazel

# A user-settable build configuration boolean flag. Use `--//foo:vm=True` on the command-line to set it.
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:common_settings.bzl", "bool_flag")

# A condition to be referenced in select() statements that will hold true when //foo:vm is set.
    name = "is_vm",
    flag_values = {
        ":vm": True,

I could use a build/config setting in a "target_settings" toolchain attribute, but that's a separate design issue.  I think I prefer "vm?" to "is_vm" but that's obviously a matter of taste. 

# From compilation_mode/BUILD.bazel
    name = "is_dbg",
    values = {
        "compilation_mode": "dbg",

Oh, and constraint_setting() should really be named constraint_dimension(), and build_setting() should really be called build_variable() :-)

Don't get me started on the terminology here.  It's worse than bad. A huge impediment to learning and using IMO.  In some cases I'm using wrapper macros with sensible names to protect the innocent.

Hope this helps.


Gregg Reynolds

Sep 1, 2022, 4:04:19 PM9/1/22
to Alexandre Rostovtsev, bazel-discuss
On Thu, Sep 1, 2022 at 1:02 PM Alexandre Rostovtsev <> wrote:
'?' is prohibited in Windows paths. If some rule somewhere down the line ends up using your constraint value as part of a file or directory name, it will fail on Windows.

Ah yes, I knew there had to be something.  Thanks.
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