bareos exporter for prometheus

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no leída,
15 dic 2023, 9:25:04 a.m.15/12/2023
para bareos-users
good afternoon,
 is there an "official" exporter for bareos?
found some projects but all old.
Thank you.

Gerd Müller

no leída,
27 dic 2023, 7:10:06 a.m.27/12/2023
para bareos-users
did you check the /contrib/dir-plugins/prometheus folder? It uses the prometheus pushgateway. I am about to install it 


Gerd Müller

no leída,
28 dic 2023, 5:14:31 a.m.28/12/2023
para bareos-users
after testing many options I found this exporter works really good:

I just made a few changes (dashboard and int32 support) and forked it for me:


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