Audax Oz PBP 2019 participipants

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Peter Mathews

Aug 16, 2019, 2:13:43 AM8/16/19
to Audax-Oz
As far as I have been able to find this is a list of Australian entrants in this weekends PBP. The data is public on the rider tracking app (  Once the event starts you can go to this search page to determine riders progress.

Don't forget that some of our participants have added their SPOT/ phone tracking details to Spotwalla

Tracking Audax Australia riders.

Ride well everyone. PBP has been one of my biggest adventures.



Adam White D008
Anthony Nocka Y067
David Riddel T005
Kerri-Ann Smith J101
Michael Bentley J102
Peter Heal F077


Sergey Shulubin B020
Dome Deli F108
Hugh Spear H205
Andrew Hulme J018
Chris Horsfield K001
Garry Armsworth L046
Geoffery Burge L216
Francis Lim M037
Paul Cribb M042
Derek Wolfson M232
Graham Webber P035
Simon Irvine T055
Rebecca Morton V001
Mark Lloyd V009
Neal Plowright V066
Graeme poile X072
Warren Page Y068
Nicholas Fisk Y069
Jonathan Page Y101
Howard Dove Z001
Ian Garrity Z040
Katherine Bryant Z041
Mudiarto Widjaja Z074
Martin Drummond Z103
Tony Brooks J019
Soufiane Boufous J020
Alex Simpson V087
Bhanu Lokubalasuriya Z038


Gayle Sticher Z039
Brian Hornby H075
David Taylor K209
James Jinks M043
Kym Raffelt S037
Mark Riley Z010
Nicholas Booth C094
Raoul Dover G006
Ruth Brown T096
Steve Powell X074
George Row F030


Mikhail Balaev B118
Natasha Bysterveld H076
Daniel O'Connor J100
David Fairweather J274
James Litt K099
Matthew Walden L016
Warren Foreman L063
Steve Tsoukaladakis P03


Alex Bakauskis S148
Anthony Hoare K098
Brendan Lang X141
Damina Knightsbridge C043
David Gerrard J099
Garry Wall S073
Gregory Pratt X073
Hayden Fenn X114
Ian Know I070
Leigh Paterson L017
Marek Cichy Z037
Mark Rodgers L217
Mick Creati F122
Paul Kalitsis I071
Peter Donnan L045
Peter Carr Y007
Richard Reed K024
Richard Thwaites Y136
Sally Theofanides P033
Sarah Chaplin M038
Scott Lovegreen X140
Shannon Turner T056
Simon Maddison H074
Simon Dempsey P032
Stephen Watson K076
Thomas Salinger Y160
Tiffany Winchester C008
Sean Soh X139


Nicholas Mandoki G115
Wayne Hickman M020
Guido Gadomsky X009
Gary Peakall X038

Peter Mathews
p: +61 (0) 43 999 2130

Fraser Rowe

Aug 16, 2019, 4:19:48 AM8/16/19
to, Audax-Oz
Missing Victorian rider 
Mark Newton, Y135 from, Beechworth.

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Peter Mathews

Aug 16, 2019, 4:42:58 AM8/16/19
to Audax-Oz
Apologies to those concerned and thanks to those who have alerted me.

I missed Mark Newton Y135 from Beechworth, Vic (Australie ;-)
Andrew Heard (Tas) G005
Simon Ward (Tas) X008

The entry system applies no consistency to club names, so if you spot an others I've missed please let me know.



Aug 16, 2019, 5:06:05 PM8/16/19
to Audax Australia
There are a couple of other Aussies riding PBP who aren’t Audax Oz members, the front of George Row’s tandem for one (that would be me).


Dave Minter

Bill Parker

Aug 17, 2019, 5:14:47 AM8/17/19
to Audax Australia
Thanks Peter, so many great riders to follow.

A few others on my list

Alain Collongues U210 , starting his 12th PBP
Claus Czycholl K250, age 76 and doing his 8th PBP, gives me hope my best Audaxing and my first PBP are still ahead of me (sarting a four year preparation program tomorrow!)
Fiona Kolbinger G288, her first PBP but while most riders were "tapering" Fiona knocked over her final  PBP training ride 10 days ago, a mere 4,000kms across Europe (TCR) in 10 days, beating all the boys by a good margin.
Sina Witte A001, (must have been quick on the registration keyboard to score that frame number), with Claus also in the "Brevet" movie (Vimeo OnDemand) about PBP 2015, I get inspiration from it , watch it often, get my $15 worth

Have to get to bed early and carb up so I can cheer on the team for the 4 days & nights

There is heaps of Youtube & Vimeo videos, maybe the best from a raw handlebar view of the first 100 kms is (warning it is 3h40m, so gets a bit tedious but dipping in at various bits is interesting, at least for someone how hasn't been there.

On Friday, 16 August 2019 18:42:58 UTC+10, Peter Mathews wrote:
Apologies to those concerned and thanks to those who have alerted me.

I missed Mark Newton Y135 from Beechworth, Vic (Australie ;-)
Andrew Heard (Tas) G005
Simon Ward (Tas) X008

The entry system applies no consistency to club names, so if you spot an others I've missed please let me know.



Peter Mathews
p: +61 (0) 43 999 2130

Peter Mathews


Sep 2, 2019, 8:30:53 AM9/2/19
to Audax Australia
Any word on how the Aussies did?

PBP’s tracking was a bit hit-and-miss, particularly at the finish. It was pretty easy for folk to completely miss the courtyard loop over the sensors and I know of several riders who were in time at every control without their tracking confirming it.

Bill Parker

Sep 4, 2019, 9:35:16 PM9/4/19
to Audax Australia
YACF says someone has done a scrape of the PBP Tracking data and presented it in a different (better?) form, You can select by nationality which shows up some additional Oz riders registered via UK, European or US clubs but loses Oz riders with other (especially Kiwi) nationality. Can also select via club but not all Oz riders have one of the Audax Aust (A.A.XXX) regions as their club. Discussion seems to suggest it might be months before definitive results are available, presumably most vollies have gone back home leaving a few ACP persons to sort through 6,600 brevet cards and match to tracking data at controls.

Anyway, regardless of result, a big thumbs up to all participants, just getting to Paris is hard enough for Oz riders let alone doing the 1200kms. Much admiration for all those who participated. I am hoping my enthusiasm lasts to 2023  

Peter Mathews


Sep 7, 2019, 5:38:36 AM9/7/19
to Audax Australia
Scraping the online tracking gives somewhat pessimistic DNF rates. I know several folk who finished in time but the online tracking didn’t pick them up at the finish. Also, several folk have time allowances for assisting other riders that the online tracking doesn’t consider.

Bill Parker

Sep 7, 2019, 7:17:44 PM9/7/19
to Audax Australia
The site now also indicates riders with some missing control data, mostly more than just the final one, but still with any inaccuracies in the tracking data itself and unadjusted for other reasons.

The best video I have seen is from a Japanses group G rider who got full value from his registration with a time of 89:10:33 but compressed down to 2 hours of video for us non-endurance viewers, includes the start, each of the controls, scenic and atmospheric highlights and finish including medal presentation, just like actually riding (less effort though), recommended for reliving it or starting a familiarisation for 2023

and another for the recumbent riders , only 30 minutes as they are faster, if only I had the balance and courage to try one, the Danish rider makes it look so easy. Guest appearances of Fiona Kolbinger fresh (!) from her European TCR victory (4000kms) only 13 days before.


Jan 6, 2020, 8:53:36 AM1/6/20
to Audax Australia
Given that the official PBP19 results have been published at
and previous PBP results are aggregated (using ACP's records) at
it is probably time for the Australian PBP results page
to be corrected and updated.

Some errors that I've noticed in Audax Oz's PBP results page are:
Paul Cribb finished 5 x PBP 1999-2015, ditto Dave Minter
Gerry Tatrai finished PBP87, '91 and '99, not PBP95
Obviously the results of PBP19 need to be added.


Dave Minter


Jan 6, 2020, 3:26:25 PM1/6/20
to DaveM, Audax
All the awards pages are outdated, and haven't been updated in years. Lack of people wiling to do the work.

FYI, anything under under is not being updated at all as the new website Thomas has built supercedes it at

People are needed to assist with updating so if you contact Thomas Price he can provide you access so you can contribute your updates online and update the actual website.

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Dave Minter

Jan 6, 2020, 3:32:00 PM1/6/20
to Russell, Audax
Are non-members able to do that sort of thing?

I’d have thought that a simple re-direct to the new website would have occurred once the new website was created.



Jan 6, 2020, 6:46:33 PM1/6/20
to Dave Minter, Audax

No idea, I don't manage the new website, Thomas Price is the contact.

The old website was a redirect from to 

The new website is just at 

Unfortunately there is now way for us to remove the old cached redirect from your web browser, so if you go to and see the old website you may need to removed the redirect from your web browser cache.


This is a legacy from how the website was previously operated.

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