ATS templates vs. C++ templates

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Jul 5, 2020, 6:53:44 PM7/5/20
to ats-lang-users

When I see a programming feature, I tend to ask myself immediately how such a feature
can be implemented. Not trying to get the fine details. Just the big picture.

The template system in C++ is first and foremost a macro system. Of course, in order to
better understand C++, we need to start with C.

In programming language implementation, we face the issue of binding of names early on.
Basically, if a function foo is used in some code, we need to figure out where the 'foo' is declared.

For instance, static binding in ATS3 is handled in the module trans12 (for translating from level-1
o level-2).

C originates from assembly, which explains very well the way in which binding is handled in C.
Every function in C is given a unique global name. If there are two functions of the same name,
a link-time error is to be reported (by the command, say, ld). By the way, if I ever want to make sure
that a chosen name is globally unique, I often just map the name to a dummy C function (assuming
I am compiling to C); a link-time error is to occur if the name turns out to be not unique.

The C++ template system handles binding like C but with a twist, that is, overloading resolution. In short,
if there are two or more declarations for a name, say. foo, then there needs to be a way to determine
which of these declarations should be selected. C++ makes heavy use of the types of the arguments of
foo when determine the selection. Once a template/macro declaration is selection, it is used to perform
macro expansion; and the expanded code goes through type-checking.

ATS does binding based on the model of lambda-calculus, which is the gold standard for static binding.
Actually, Alonzo Church invented lambda-calculus for studying binding and substitution. After each template
function is declared, it can be implemented in a legal scope as many times as is needed. Note that a legal
scope refers to one where the declared template function is accessible. Let me use an example to clarify a bit.
The following template function g_equal is for testing whether two given values are equal:

g_equal(x: a, y: a): bool

g_equal<int>(x, y) = (x = y) // integer equality

g_equal<list(a)>(xs, ys) = .... // equality on lists

The first implementation of g_equal is given the type:

(int, int) -> bool

The second implementation of g_equal is given the type:

{a:type} (list(a), list(a)) -> bool

Note that both implementations have types that are special
instances of the general type for g_equal:

{a:type} (a, a) -> bool

Say g_equal is used in some code. ATS uses the type of this instance of g_equal
to select (based the static scoping principle) the "closest" implementation of g_equal
that has a matching type. There is no macro expansion involved. At least not in the
traditional sense.

Where is the need for traits in ATS3?

The search used for template resolution ATS3 is like finding a matching ancestor in a tree
(of implementations of a template functions).

Say that an ancestor is found. Is it the right one? If some form of backtracking is allowed,
then we can determine whether it is the right one later. But if no backtracking is allowed,
then one often applies a quick test to tell if the found ancestor should be returned or skipped.
And traits can be used to construct this quick test.

In summary, I envision introducing traits in ATS3 to affect the way in which template resolution
is performed.




Jul 6, 2020, 12:31:51 PM7/6/20
to ats-lang-users

Here is an example of template metaprogramming in ATS3:

(* ****** ****** *)
abstype Z
abstype S(type)
(* ****** ****** *)
( xs: array(a, n)
, ys: array(a, n)): a
(* ****** ****** *)
<a><Z><0>(_, _) = g_0<a>()
(* ****** ****** *)
{n1 > 0}(xs, ys) =
(* ****** ****** *)

The above ATS code roughly corresponds to the following C++ code:

template<typename T, std::size_t N>
struct DotProductT {
    static inline T result(T* a, T* b) {
        return *a * *b + DotProduct<T, N-1>::result(a+1,b+1);

// partial specialization as end criteria
template<typename T>
struct DotProductT<T, 0> {
    static inline T result(T*, T*) {
        return T{};

Matthias Wolff

Jul 6, 2020, 3:34:22 PM7/6/20

Some thoughts about the example (c++).

In general this pattern is often used. This special example has the disadvantage,
that the type T and the size N must be in any case explicitely declared in the call
DotProduct<int,3>::result(...). So here are two alternatives - dp1 and dp2.
The first one uses fold expressions in combination with variadic templates and the
second "if constexpr" for breaking the recursion.
(btw. inline is default within the struct)

#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>

namespace detail {
    template<typename T,std::size_t N, std::size_t... I>
    T dp_(T (&a)[N], T (&b)[N], std::index_sequence<I...>) {
        return ((a[I] * b[I])+...);


template<typename T, std::size_t N>

T dp1(T (&a)[N], T (&b)[N]) {

    return detail::dp_(a,b,std::make_index_sequence<N>{});

template<std::size_t P, std::size_t N, typename T>
T dp2(T (&a)[N], T (&b)[N]) {

    if constexpr (N == P) { return T{0}; } else {
        return a[P] * b[P] + dotprod<P+1>(a,b);

int main()
    int a[] = {1,2,3};
    int b[] = {4,5,6};
    std::cerr << dp2<0>(a,b) << std::endl;
    std::cerr << dp1(a,b) << std::endl;

    return 0;

Am 06.07.20 um 18:31 schrieb gmhwxi:
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Hongwei Xi

Jul 6, 2020, 4:14:19 PM7/6/20
Wow! This is wild C++ code :)

Can't support variadic stuff in ATS3. The type system for type-checking
in the presence of variadicity would be too complicated.

I did an imitation of your code in ATS3:

<D:t0> // N = n-i                                                                                                                                    
( i0: int(i)
, xs: array(a, n)

, ys: array(a, n)): a
(* ****** ****** *)
<a><Z><n,i>(_, _, _) = g_0<a>()

(* ****** ****** *)
{n-i >= 1}
(i0, xs, ys) =
dotprodN2<a><D><n,i+1>(i0+1, xs,ys)
(* ****** ****** *)
val ans3 =
dotprodN2<int><S(S(S(Z)))>(0, B3, B3)
(* ****** ****** *)

Right now, dependent type-checking is not yet implemented. Once dependent
type-checking is available, one should be able to capture array-bounds errors
(even in template implementations).

In C++, templates are not type-checked; only template instantiations are type-checked.
In ATS, templates are type-checked before they can be used in instantiations. I suppose
that these two designs are rooted in fundamentally different philosophies regarding program
correctness and program verification.


Dambaev Alexander

May 20, 2021, 11:26:15 PM5/20/21
can I confirm, that ATS2 does not supports partial template specialization?

пн, 6 июл. 2020 г. в 20:14, Hongwei Xi <>:


May 21, 2021, 12:28:05 AM5/21/21
to ats-lang-users
ATS2 does support partial template specialization.
For instance,

fprint_list0<list0(a)>(out, xs) = ...

Dambaev Alexander

May 21, 2021, 6:13:46 AM5/21/21
are there any gotchas with partial specification?

I have such template definition:

  ( env: !INV(env)
  , i: !INV(a)
  , f: (size_t, !INV(env),!INV(element))-<fe> bool
and this partial implementation:
implement(env_t) ifold_left<Text0><$BS.Bytestring1>( env, i, f) =

but I have this error on the line of such implementation:
/data/devel/ats2/text/src/DATS/text_templates.dats: 1966(line=75, offs=1) -- 2033(line=76, offs=6): error(2): the template is expected to be fully applied but it is not.

Hongwei Xi

May 21, 2021, 12:34:28 PM5/21/21

implement(env_t) ifold_left<Text0><$BS.Bytestring1>( env, i, f) = ()

should probably be:

implement(env_t) ifold_left<env_t><Text0><$BS.Bytestring1>( env, i, f) = ()

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Dambaev Alexander

May 21, 2021, 5:51:34 PM5/21/21
thanks, that helped!
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