Archivematica and integration with SharePoint

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May 18, 2015, 4:54:55 AM5/18/15
Good morning,
Does anyone have any experience of integrating Archivematica with SharePoint? 
In particular, I am interested in whether it is possible to automate the transfer of files out of SharePoint when they cease to be "working files" and need to be ingested into digital repository for long-term preservation?  Is it possible to set up an ingrest/transfer workflow, triggered by, say, a date field in SharePoint? 
If anyone is using Arkivum with Archivematica in combination, can it be done this way (i.e. auto-ingest from SharePoint into Arkivum, then transfer into Archivematica afterwards)?
Any ideas, advice would be very welcome.
Many thanks

Sarah Romkey

May 25, 2015, 12:35:34 PM5/25/15
Hi Amy and all,

Just a note that Amy and I also discussed this off-list, and while there's currently no built-in integration between Archivematica and SharePoint we hoped that as a start some users in the community might have some ideas for manual workflows between the two. Anyone have some ideas or experience to share?



Sarah Romkey, MAS,MLIS
Systems Archivist
Artefactual Systems

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Tony Kurtz

Feb 27, 2017, 2:50:51 PM2/27/17
to archivematica
Just checking to see if there have been any updates to this thread that might have happened off-list. If so, I'd love to hear it!

Tony Kurtz, Western Washington University

Sarah Romkey

Feb 27, 2017, 3:08:09 PM2/27/17
Hi Tony,

None from our end, but would still love to hear about manual workflows for preserving SharePoint content through an Archivematica pipeline. Anyone have ideas/solutions?



Sarah Romkey, MAS,MLIS
Archivematica Program Manager
Artefactual Systems
@archivematica / @accesstomemory

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Elizabeth-Anne Johnson

Dec 6, 2018, 6:03:15 PM12/6/18
to archivematica
Hi everyone,

I'm just re-bumping this post in the hopes that someone has some experience integrating (or choosing not to integrate) Archivematica with Sharepoint or Office 365?


Yukon Archives

Dec 10, 2020, 2:05:00 PM12/10/20
to archivematica
Hi everyone,

It looks like it has been a couple of years since this topic has come up on here, so I am going to take the liberty to bump it again. :) 

If anyone has manual workflows to share going between Sharepoint and Archivematica it would be greatly appreciated!

John Richan 


Dec 11, 2020, 4:06:15 PM12/11/20
to archivematica
Hi John,

For users of the third-party tool Recordpoint, this work will be of interest:
It converts Recordpoint exports to Archivematica SIP format including a metadata CSV file.

Artefactual is currently in the midst of a client project to design a technical path for exporting records out of Sharepoint into Archivematica. The trigger will be retention schedules applied either via Recordpoint or Sharepoint Compliance Center. For records that are scheduled for permanent preservation we are investigating the best way to export the files and their Sharepoint metadata into Archivematica. We are paused now for the Christmas break but will pick up again in the New Year with a deep dive into Power Automate ( as the likely tool to facilitate the export (in preference over the Sharepoint API, Sharepoint Management Shell, or the third-party tool Sharegate). The analysis will include requirements for converting the Sharepoint exports into an Archivematica-friendly SIP format, like RPEAT has done.

As long as it doesn't violate any client confidentiality I'm pretty confident we will be able to share some generified findings/results by late February. Just bump this thread again if you haven't heard anything by then.

Happy Holidays!


Peter Van Garderen
Senior Analyst/Developer
Project Delivery Team
Artefactual Systems Inc.

John Richan

Dec 14, 2020, 11:57:26 AM12/14/20
Hi Peter, 

Thank you very much for this update. It sounds very promising! I'll keep my eye on this thread in the coming months. 

All the best, 


Joseph Collard

Sep 9, 2022, 8:22:14 AM9/9/22
to archivematica
Bumping this to see if there is any update on a native SharePoint integration solution. 

BTW, using a tool such as davfs2 to mount a SharePoint site locally, one can read and write files to SharePoint.  With a local mount, it should be possible to access those files with Archivematica. 

One problem (among potential others), is that it uses session cookies, a username, and a login to authenticate.  Once the session cookie expires, it has to be manually retrieved and input into a configuration file, and credentials re-entered. This could probably be automated via a script, though.

Apr 10, 2024, 3:59:55 PMApr 10
to archivematica
Did anything ever happen with this...?

Joseph Collard

Apr 10, 2024, 4:32:58 PMApr 10
to archivematica
Hello there.
I was able to integrate SharePoint using rclone with the webdav protocol. Here are the instructions I used for CentOS. I threw this together hastily, so let me know if you have issues.

Webdav worked well. The only issue I had is that periodically I would need to reauthenticate with SharePoint. 

Oh, and I also had to disable Object Counting in Archivematica otherwise the storage service freezes when clicking BROWSE on AM Dashboard. It can be found under the Storage Service administrative interface. Just check the "Object counting in spaces is disabled."

**How to mount SharePoint Online on CentOS (Linux, using webdav via rclone)**

1.  Install latest version of rclone (repository version may be too old,
    so may have to do this manually from rclone's website)

2.  Login as archivematica user (or whatever account is used for managing archivematica on the server)
3.  Configure rclone to connect to SharePoint     `rclone config`

a. Press 'n' to create new remote

b. Give remote a name (e.g. sharepoint)

c. Type number for webdav (number 46 at time of this writing)

d. Paste URL to SharePoint archive site: (Can keep adding subdirectories if wanted)

e. Enter username with with permission to access the SharePoint directory (ensure is appended)

f. Choose No, leave this optional password blank (default)

g. Press enter to leave bearer_token empty

h. Press 'n' to skip editing advanced config

i. Press 'y' for Yes this is OK (default)

3.  Create SharePoint directory and assign permissions
    mkdir /mnt/sharepoint
    chown -r archivematica:archivematica /mnt/sharepoint
    chomod -R 755 /mnt/sharepoint
    >[!note] If you have a different user than archivematica, you would use `chown -r username:username /mnt/sharepoint` instead.
1.  Create rclonemount service
    vim /etc/systemd/system/rclonemount.service
5.  Paste the following and save:
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/rclone mount \
            --config=/home/archivematica/.config/rclone/rclonemount.conf \
            --vfs-cache-mode full \
            # --ignore-size \
            # --ignore-checksum \
            # --update \
            REMOTE-NAME: /mnt/sharepoint
    ExecStop=/bin/fusermount -u /mnt/sharepoint
6.  Enable system --user command for archivematica account.
    `sudo loginctl enable-linger archivematica`
- Enable the new service and start it
    systemctl daemon-reload
    systemctl --user enable rclonemount
    systemctl --user start rclonemount

10. Test the configuration: `rclone lsd remote_name:`
>[!note] Don't forget the colon at the end
11. Mount SharePoint site using rclone: `rclone mount remote_name: /mnt/sharepoint --vfs-cache-mode full --daemon`
12. Enable SharePoint site mount using `XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/\$(id -u \$otherUser) systemctl --user start rclonemount.service`
13. Test mount worked: `ls /mnt/sharepoint`
14. To reconnect rclone: `rclone config reconnect remote_name:` OR `rclone mount remote_name: /mnt/directoryname/ \--vfs-cache-mode full --daemon`
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