Arches 5.1.1 released

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Cyrus Hiatt

Mar 2, 2021, 2:54:01 PM3/2/21
to Arches Project
The Arches team is happy to announce the 5.1.1 release which includes a number bug fixes and a few new minor features. When we released 5.1.0 we had a number of features that were partially completed that we wanted to include in 5.1. That work is included in this release, so there are perhaps more changes than would typically be in a micro release. 

Here some of the release highlights:
  • Adds absence data searches in advanced search
  • Allows JSON-LD to import geojson FeatureCollections
  • Fixes the related resource info button
  • Fixes UI issues with the resource instance node config panel
  • Defers ES indexing after resource instance load
  • Adds EDTF formatting help in the ETDF widget
  • Fixes issues with values not loading properly in the concept widget
  • Adds a crosshair cursor to the map widget's drawing tools
  • Fixes the search export email file link
  • Configures notification emails to use project name instead of 'Arches'
  • Fixes false dirty state in number widget
  • Applies card constraint check to provisional tile data
  • Fixes image report header when images tiles are created in csv import
  • Fixes missing file records following json import of file-list datatype
  • Adds an API endpoint to receive resource instance data with labels rather than UUIDS
Users are encouraged to update at their earliest convenience. Please be sure to read the release here:  5.1.1 release notes

If you are upgrading from Arches 5.0, you will need to follow the project upgrade instructions to 5.1.0 before proceeding. 

As always the documentation can be found at <>

Mala Mathur

Mar 5, 2021, 2:59:50 AM3/5/21
to Arches Project

I was currently on Arches 5.1.0 and followed the instructions:
1.  pip install --upgrade arches
2. python migrate
No errors and I restarted the server and can see the splash screen  for 5.1.1 - however when I click on search I just get the spinning icon. No error. Cannot go to Manage either. Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this? Hopefully the migrate worked and the models and associated resources are preserved.

Thank You, Mala

Cyrus Hiatt

Mar 5, 2021, 4:54:28 PM3/5/21
to Arches Project
Hi Mala,

The migration was very minor, so unless you saw some obvious errors when running the migration, I don't think that is related to the issue you're having.

Just to confirm, you're not seeing any errors in your browser's devoper tools console or in your Apache error log? 



Mala Mathur

Mar 5, 2021, 10:09:15 PM3/5/21
to Arches Project
Hi Cyrus,

Alexei may have already informed you - but I had to run yarn and that fixed it. 5.1.1 has some good fixes. Thanks, Mala

Cyrus Hiatt

Mar 8, 2021, 12:08:35 PM3/8/21
to Arches Project
Thanks Mala,

I'm happy you got it working and that you like the improvements.

Kind regards,


Jelena Lazova

Mar 22, 2021, 10:43:07 AM3/22/21
to Arches Project
Hi Mala,
I have the same problem spinning icon on Map and Settings after upgrade, I have run yarn install but did not solve the problem, what exact steps did you take?


Brett Ferguson

Mar 25, 2021, 4:26:46 PM3/25/21
to Arches Project
I've been having the same issue too, but from a clean 5.1.1 install. It seems to be related (at least for me) to the project extent polygon. The area is quite large for our trial implementation, which seems to be causing the issue. If I remove the project extents from System Settings -> Default Map Settings -> Project extent, or define a much smaller polygon it resolves the issue for me (not a fix, just an observation of behaviour).


Mala Mathur

Mar 25, 2021, 4:33:17 PM3/25/21
to Arches Project
Hi Brett and Jelena,

Apologies for the delay in getting back on this. In my specific instance the yarn install fixed the issue - some of the dependencies for Arches needed upgrading - your problems seem related to the map which I do not have - but let me try to get the map working and let you know if I run into any issues.

Thanks, Mala

Jelena Lazova

Mar 29, 2021, 8:29:02 AM3/29/21
to Mala Mathur, Arches Project
HI Mala,
I managed to fix the issue by coping packages @tmcw from the local version to the server.

Thank you for teh support,

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