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Edmund Lee

Aug 22, 2013, 11:29:37 AM8/22/13
Hello all, ... and welcome in particular to those who have joined the Arches Discussion Forum recently.

This online group was initially set up for the project team, and has just recently been opened up as the public, so some of us haven't met before. How about we all share a bit of background, just like we would if we were meeting in the real world? If that sounds good to you, reply to this thread and share with the group some or all of the following:
  • what is your interest in Arches?
  • where in the world are you working?
and, just to make it a bit more fun,
  • what can you see out of the window? Is there any heritage in your view?

I look forward to getting to know everyone a bit better!


Van Daele, Koen

Mar 13, 2013, 6:59:15 AM3/13/13
to Edmund Lee,

Hi Ed,


Just to get things started:


I’m interested in Arches because I’m the application-developer-manager for heritage inventories in Flanders ( The past 10 years I’ve been dealing with and thinking about data-models for heritage inventories, thesauri, GIS, … using open source software. Basically the same things that Arches deals with, but focused on a much smaller area. I’ve been providing input and feedback on what a system like Arches need to be able to handle. And I’ve contributed some code to the system to help make it run on Linux.


As said, I’m working in Flanders, roughly half of Belgium. Probably the country with the most governments per square kilometer in the world. But still the best beer and chocolate.


When I look out of the window, I can see snow. Lots of snow. And concrete and glass buildings. Sadly little of heritage value…





Koen Van Daele


M +32 (0)499 94 93 68  |  T +32 (0)2 553 16 82

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Edmund Lee

Mar 13, 2013, 7:31:49 AM3/13/13
Thanks Koen good to hear from you!

And just to answer my own questions:

I'm working in a knowledge and data management role at English Heritage in the UK. My background for the last 20 or so years has been in heritage inventories - initially capturing information, and then later in the development of data standards, particularly for content I've been involved in advising Arches on data standards since early 2012. I have a personal interest in the use of open source software, and ways of developing its use in practice. I have some tarining and background in techniocal writing, including for software and standards, and this has led me to my work this week on researching documentation approaches for Arches as a personal development project.

I'm based in Swindon, just below the current snowline for the last few days, but bitterly cold.

Right now I'm working from home, and I am fortunate to live in a Conservation Area in Cricklade a few miles outside Swindon. Beyond the shrubs in the front garden I am just able to see the 16th century spire of St Sampsons church (a Grade 1 listed building) in the distance. It was built by the Hungerford family, allegedly with the proceeds from gambling, though that isn't mentioned in the official record


Keith May

Mar 13, 2013, 10:46:06 AM3/13/13
Hello anyone and everyone reading this.

At the risk of making it like one of those meetings where you stand up and confess to things here goes...

what is your interest in Arches?

I have had initial discussion about Arches with members of the Arches 'team' at a meeting at the British Museum at the end of last year. In my (day)job at EH I have involvement with other colleagues - Ed Lee is one of them - who are involved in working with Arches and how it might best be developed for the sector. My specific interest at present is how we can develop useful ways for archaeological information collected in systems such as Arches to be made interoperable with other archaeological data in other systems.
  • where in the world are you working?
Currently I am in my study, working at home in Portsmouth. 
I work for English Heritage (EH), based at Fort Cumberland in Portsmouth ( ).  My role at EH is as digital Information Strategy Advisor, and I am also a Visiting Fellow at the University of Glamorgan, and have been a partner on the AHRC funded STAR and STELLAR ( ) projects with the Faculty of Advanced Technology. These projects and related work at EH have applied semantic and knowledge-based technologies to the digital archaeology domain by developing new methods for linking digital archive databases, vocabularies and associated grey literature, exploiting the potential of the CIDOC CRM ontology and natural language processing (NLP) techniques.

I am interested in exploring differences between uses of Open Source for the outputs of Research Grant aided projects as opposed to more 'commercial' uses of Open Source.
In the UK I think it is common now for Research Bodies to specify Open Access to software created though projects funded with Public money. Not sure if that happens around the world, and what other issues Open Source and Open Access have for non-Research based organisations.

As and example of what I mean by Research outputs, the open source STELLAR project outputs developed by Ceri Binding at Glamorgan are available at GitHub
  • what can you see out of the window? Is there any heritage in your view?
Right now all I see are Blue Skies with occasional clouds through my loft sky-light window :-)
But if I stand up I can see my garden and "the Shed" or garden office where my wife is working.
I can also see the flood-lights of Fratton Park football ground. It has been the home to Portsmouth FC (Pompey) since its construction in 1898

Best wishes

Unmil Karadkar

Sep 19, 2013, 11:30:50 AM9/19/13
Hi folks,

I am an assistant professor at UT Austin in the School of Information and am just starting a project to record conservation activities being conducted at the Alamo in conjunction with the Alamo (of course, and Texas A&M University's Dept. of Architecture). We are exploring mechanisms for integrating 3-D models of the Alamo, high-resolution photographs, and the conservation records to present a coherent, digital, data-backed 3-D presentation of the site and evaluating Arches as an infrastructure for the data management.

I love the fact that Arches is based on standard, open data representations and hope that this aspect will be an asset when we attempt to build custom modules, if necessary. We will be happy to contribute back anything we develop to the arches community.

I work in Austin, TX, USA and if you don't already know what the Alamo is, check out

Outside my window right now, a cloudy sky from outlying bands of Hurricane Manuel or Ingrid (I can't tell which just from looking at the sky ;) ), an Indian food place and stalled traffic due to street repaving... 

The building that houses the Indian restaurant is considered an Austin heritage building... just out of sight are the Texas Capitol and several heritage buildings certified by the Texas Historical Commission... 

If you're planning to visit Austin, drop me a line so we could connect. I'll be happy to give you a tour of the city.

What a great addition to the usually dull introductions... thanks, Keith!


Peter McKeague

Oct 16, 2013, 12:21:05 PM10/16/13

Hi all

What is your interest in Arches?


I am interested in information management systems for heritage. I was first introduced to Arches at a meeting at the British Museum in late 2012 and have seen it demonstrated on a few occasions since.


Where in the world are you working?


I am a Database and GIS Project Manager at the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland, usually abbreviated to RCAHMS ( Our online searchable database Canmore ( provides access to over 300,000 records relating to Scotland’s archaeological, built and marine heritage and over 1 million associated items in our collections. We also host a web-map portal ( which brings together spatial datasets about Scotland’s historic environment from RCAHMS, Historic Scotland ( and many of Scotland’s local authority Historic Environment records.




What can I see out of the window? Is there any heritage in your view?


I can see Arthur’s Seat, the remains of an extinct volcano near the centre of Edinburgh. There is plenty of archaeology up there including:-

the remains of a prehistoric fort around the summit (

and cultivation terraces over some of the slopes (


See some of the amazing images from the RCAHMS oblique aerial photographic surveys of the area:



Peter McKeague

Catalin Ungureanu

Nov 12, 2013, 11:50:11 AM11/12/13

Hello guys!

My name is Catalin Ungureanu and I'm a 4th year student at Politehnica University from Bucharest, Romania and I'm trying to do my graduation thesis in Arches, about a system of roman archaeological sites.

I hope that when my work is done, to be able to show you the whole project, but, in the meanwhile, I have problems running Arches :p

All the best,


Solborg Una Palsdottir

Dec 5, 2013, 5:35:45 AM12/5/13


My name is Sólborg Una Pálsdóttir, project manager at Cultural Heritage Agency of Iceland. My main field is registration and standards so it is obvious why I find this project very interesting. I live in the north part of Iceland and currently I can´t see a thing because of the snow-storm outside.
My best,

MC Collins

Dec 5, 2013, 12:43:03 PM12/5/13

Hello -

My name is Mary Catherine Collins and I learned about Arches through an APT message board. I have an interest in Arches because I work for the City of Alexandria, Virginia and in partnership with ESRI and NPS, my office has recently developed a mobile data collection application to survey historic resources. We just wrapped up the beta testing of version 1.0 and I am excited to see how others are applying current technology to heritage conservation. Thanks for initiating the introductions and opening up the message board! Outside of my office window I can see the rooftops of some of Alexandria's 18th and 19th century rowhouses and the holiday lights wrapped around the street trees.

- Mary Catherine

Annabel Lee Enriquez

Dec 5, 2013, 7:40:53 PM12/5/13
Hello everyone, 

I'm the GCI's graduate intern working on the Arches project for my internship year, and while I've been a part of the forum for several months now, I've never really introduced myself here. To answer the questions:

My interest in Arches is obvious in that it's what I spend all of my day working on, but beyond that, I do study heritage inventories as part of my overall research interest in heritage and GIS and other forms of digital documentation.

I'm working at the beautiful Getty Center campus in Los Angeles, and unfortunately, I really don't have a window to look out of, unless you count the high clerestory windows in my corridor where I can see reflections of our lovely sunsets from my desk. 

Looking forward to interacting more with all of you!

Annabel Lee Enriquez

Dec 5, 2013, 7:56:10 PM12/5/13
Welcome, Mary!  From the sounds of your project, you might be particularly interested in our progress in customizing the Arches system for the data from the SurveyLA project. Stay tuned in 2014 for updates on this.

Also, the scene outside your window sounds like one from a very nice holiday card. Hope it's not too chilly inside the Beltway!


Annabel Lee Enriquez

Dec 5, 2013, 8:23:24 PM12/5/13
Thanks for joining the forum, Sólborg, and welcome! Hopefully, that snowstorm doesn't last too long and your outside visibility is restored as soon as possible. 

Message has been deleted

Elizabeth Warren

Dec 10, 2013, 8:29:07 AM12/10/13
I am an archaeologist working in western Norway for the County Council of Hordaland. We are in the process of helping local municipalities evaluate and manage cultural heritage at a local level and are looking for easy, inexpensive ways that they can manage, record and update infomation about buildings and sites that are important on a local level. A database to manage photos, maps, descriptions, protection and condition of sites is needed. Thought you might be on to something we could use with arches.
The view out my window is of  St.Jacobs Church here in Bergen. Otherwise several 19th Century apartment buildings surrounding a little park. Up the top of the hill in the background is a huge 1970s university building

Edmund Lee

Dec 10, 2013, 8:58:30 AM12/10/13
Hello Elizabeth, and welcome to the Arches group: you are the 74th member! Thanks for posting a bit about yourself. It sounds like you are working in a similar context to my colleagues at English Heritage.

If you have subscribed to this group recently by email, you may not have seen the 'Signing In...' thread in the discussions visible on the web page for the group (  ) . So for those members can I repeat my invitation to everyone to share a bit about yourself, just as if we were meeting in the real world? If you would like to do that do feel free to Reply to this message and share as much as you like of the following...

- what is your interest in Arches?
- where in the world are you working?
... and to make it more fun,
- what can you see out of the window? Is there any heritage in your view?

If you have used a Google account to log into the group, do remember also that you can upload a profile picture, so if we do meet up for real we'll know who we are.

All good wishes


Dec 13, 2013, 5:00:21 AM12/13/13
Hello everyone!
My name is Thomas Engel - i am an archaeologist working in geoinformatics in the middle of Germany. With me are Tobias Kohr, a cartographer, and Prof. Kai Bruhn. Together we are based at the i3mainz, a research institute based at the local University of Applied Sciences.

Our goal is to develope a web-based archaeological data infrastructure with the focus on collaboration and analysis features for a dataset of several thousand (mostly neolithic) findspots provided by the RGZM (Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz). Although Arches has a slightly different focus we feel it could serve as a perfect basis for our needs. Currently we are doing test mappings of our heterogeneous data to the Arches data model, so.. i might contact the group again soon..

Looking of my window the misty morning shows the new stadium of Mainz05, the local Bundesliga club (ok, not really a heritage site). Also, there are nicely shaped hills covered by lots of fruit trees. Not far away there is a roman water pipeline and the remains of the Roman legionary camp of Mogontiacum..
..all the best, Thomas

kl. 11:29:01 UTC+1 onsdag 13. mars 2013 skrev Edmund Lee følgende:
Hello all, ... and welcome in particular to those who have joined the Arches Discussion Forum recently.

This online group was initially set up for the project team, and has just recently been opened up as the public, so some of us haven't met before. How about we all share a bit of background, just like we would if we were meeting in the real world? If that sounds good to you, reply to this thread and share with the group some or all of the following:
  • what is your interest in Arches?
  • where in the world are you working?
and, just to make it a bit more fun,
  • what can you see out of the window? Is there any heritage in your view?

I look forward to getting to know everyone a bit better!



Anjo Weichbrodt

Dec 14, 2013, 10:47:19 AM12/14/13
Hi Everyone,

my name is Anjo Weichbrodt - I am conservator of architectural surfaces and working as one of my professional commitments at the Roman archaeological site AVENTICUM in Switzerland.

At the site we are looking for solutions to organize and share information regarding the conservation of architectural decoration, elements and complexes, including data from survey, monitoring campaigns, interventions and maintenance plans.
We hope we will be able to discover Arches in continuous exchange with the community.

When I look out of the window I look to Amman covered by a lot of snow *****.

Best wishes,


Annabel Lee Enriquez

Dec 18, 2013, 7:33:19 PM12/18/13
Welcome to the group! And yes, do feel free to ask any unanswered questions you might have about Arches at any stage in your exploration here in the community forum.

Stay warm!

Christopher Johnson

Dec 26, 2013, 3:22:51 PM12/26/13
Hello all,

My name is Christopher Johnson and I am a master's student in Kulturinformatik at BTU Cottbus.  I am also a Werkstudent for the Wikimedia Deutschland Software Engineering Team.  I am currently working with the Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities on a project called "Semantic Blumenbach".  CIDOC has been my focus with Göttingen for several months, and prior to that I studied the IANUS project at the DAI.  

I will be starting my master's thesis in the spring and my general thema is "Graphing World Heritage", so my interest in Arches revolves around evaluating tools and methods for implementing the CIDOC CRM for the production of linked open data sets.  

As of this evening, I have a fully functional version of Arches running on my Kubuntu laptop.  :)

My view of heritage is that it is created and functionally conceptual.  We attribute intangible values to physical objects and deem this as "heritage", but without these intangibles, the objects are just objects.  For CRM modeling, this is critical, because in CIDOC there are physical objects and conceptual objects.  Documenting both the physical and conceptual objects together is rather important in the creation of heritage... Yet, clearly this is an academic discourse, and perhaps not relevant, because a tool like Arches seems to be designed for the management of physical objects.  Ideas and values cannot be put on a map, correct?

I would really like to see a way of incorporating more of the intangible aspects of heritage into the project, but for now, Arches is a good start.  

Kind Regards,

william dupont

Jan 3, 2014, 7:29:12 AM1/3/14
Hello. I am a professor and direct the Center for Cultural Sustainability at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA). I am interested in using Arches as a teaching tool in my historic preservation seminar class, though not yet certain it will be suitable. Also interested because San Antonio needs more documentation per the American Latino Heritage Initiative. There have been some recent issues of contested heritage that might have been better resolved with appropriate documentation. I am presently in Adana, Turkey, with a view to the distant Taurus mountains across the broad Seyhan River valley. There's no shortage of heritage here. 

-Bill Dupont

Jan 6, 2014, 5:50:32 PM1/6/14
Greetings! Briefly -- I am a program manager for the national US non-profit Partners for Sacred Places. While we are a preservation organization at our core, for over 25 year we have worked with partners across disciplines to create effective strategies for continued use and preservation of historic religious properties nationwide. I am located at our head office in Philadelphia which is focused on extensive work throughout the Northeast region and nationwide while we maintain regional offices in both Chicago and Fort Worth, Texas. 

One of the ways I am interested in Arches is related to my hope that our organization can partner nationally with different regional/local preservation and heritage agencies in order to generate data for a national deployment of Arches that could focus on historic religious properties. Partners for Sacred Places has partnered on creating traditional architectural survey projects before (such as Philadelphia). 

From the window of our offices in the Rittenhouse Square neighborhood I can look down at the neo-Byzantine style dome of the First Baptist Church built in 1900. It is a beautiful and significant landmark in the Rittenhouse community. 

I look forward to sharing questions and helping to find answers together! 


Joshua Castaño

Liliana D. Cazacu

Jan 8, 2014, 4:43:01 AM1/8/14
Hello everybody and I hope you all have a great start in the new year!

I am an architect working to preserve the Transylvanian fortified churches (there are around 180 churches and ensembles) and a PhD student who's researching the annex buildings of those monuments. I was just looking for a resource to help me organize my work and Arches seemed to be the perfect match, therefore I just started testing it.

I work in Romania and if I look now on the window I can barely see the Main Square of Sibiu/Hermannstadt (2007 European Cultural Capital), part of the Historic Medieval Town, which is a protected area. Fog is to be blamed! Although, seems to be an appropriate atmosphere to inspire writers as Bram Stoker. Therefore I won't look on the window any more, but in my own office, which is located in the Bishop's palace built in 1802.

It's great meeting you all. Good luck with your work and thank you for the Arches project and this forum.

Best Regards,


Tudor Cristina

Jan 12, 2014, 4:50:21 AM1/12/14

Hello everyone!

I'm student and I'm working with Arches on my licentiate's degree.

Brian Crane

Feb 6, 2014, 10:39:15 AM2/6/14

I am an archaeologist working for an environmental engineering firm, and I have been working on a variety of cultural resources information management projects over the last nearly 15 years.

Out my window I see a narrow stretch of woods along the railway line from Washington DC to Manassas, Va. No visible heritage from my window, but occasionally foxes, groundhogs and deer.


Feb 8, 2014, 6:46:18 PM2/8/14

It´s great to have this forum, so thank you so much for the project, its members, and all the research developed.

I´m an archaeologist, originaly from Portugal, currently doing PhD at the Industrial Heritage and Archaeology program, at Michigan Technological University.
We are working on the development of a comprehensive database of industrial heritage resources in the US, so I´m trying to figure out if Arches would be the best model for such a database.

Here from our offices in Houghton, we can see snow, more snow, and across the Portage Canal lots of industrial heritage and some ski trails!



Indradhanush Gupta

Feb 24, 2014, 3:20:04 PM2/24/14
Hello all!

My name is Indradhanush Gupta and I am in the final year of my B.Tech in Information Technology. I am interested in contributing to Arches in this year's GSoC.

Indradhanush Gupta

Karl Fogel

Feb 24, 2014, 3:28:06 PM2/24/14
to Indradhanush Gupta,
Indradhanush Gupta <> writes:
>My name is Indradhanush Gupta and I am in the final year of my B.Tech
>in Information Technology. I am interested in contributing to Arches
>in this year's GSoC.

Hi, and welcome! Have you looked at to
see what improvements might interest you? (Or feel free to propose new
ideas here, ask questions, etc.)


Zeyu Chen

Feb 24, 2014, 7:01:16 PM2/24/14
Hello all,

I am a CS student from National University of Singapore, I am interested in Arches gsoc Mobile App project.

I have some experience on iOS development and have an app on App Store.

I want to know if Arches provides any sort of API for mobile app to get heritage data?

Currently I am an exchange student at University of Waterloo, Canada. Looking out from my window, I just see snow everywhere.

On Wednesday, March 13, 2013 6:29:01 AM UTC-4, Edmund Lee wrote:

Niharika Kohli

Feb 25, 2014, 2:57:00 AM2/25/14
Hello everyone. 

I am Niharika, a third year engineering undergrad.. I am interested in working on the "Admin UI Improvements" projected floated for GSoC this year by Arches. The mentor listed on the page is Rob Gaston. What's the most convenient/preferred way for communication here? I'm comfortable with IRC, GTalk etc.

Thank you.

Aditya Chandran

Feb 25, 2014, 3:08:10 AM2/25/14

My name is Aditya Chandran . I am doing my 2nd year Btech in Computer Science and Engineering. I am really interested in contributing to Arches through gsoc and further as well.

I am proficient in Django-python and have moderate skills in CSS, html , javascript as I have worked on development of the website with specialization in the backend and database.

I was especially interested in working on projects number 4 and 13. Though I am not very familiar with geospatial data representations, I am willing to learn it as well as I can.

I am from Bangalore, India and I have always been interested in heritage around the world especially in my own country. I am currently residing in Hyderabad, India and there is an amazing fort called Golconda situated about 12 kms from my University which is worth a visit for anyone who comes here.

Thank You

krutarth patel

Feb 25, 2014, 4:22:22 AM2/25/14
Hi all,

I am Krutarth Patel, a 4th (final) year undergraduate pursuing my B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad. I love programming and learning about different cultures and traditions. I would be glad to use my coding skills to contribute to the mankind. I am proficient in Python, HTML, CSS and Python. This is what I liked about Arches the most. I have a keen interest in the projects "Import/Export Improvements" and "Application Logging". I have never worked with archaeological data but are quick at adapting to new things.

Lee, Edmund

Feb 25, 2014, 5:08:43 AM2/25/14

Hello Aditya, Niharika and Krutarth, and let me be the first to welcome to the Arches project group!


You will find here an amazing mix of skill sets – technical specialists such as yourselves, and archaeologists and heritage people who have some enormously interesting datasets to work with from around the world. Do feel free to ask questions about the Arches project here on this list. I believe project participants in the USA are setting up IRC chat functions as well so there will be lots of ways for us to support you.


There’s plenty more information about the types of information archaeologists work with on the project website at  and the sorts of heritage inventories the Arches software can support at


With all good wishes




English Heritage

United Kingdom



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Portico: your gateway to information on sites in the National Heritage Collection; have a look and tell us what you think.

Lee, Edmund

Feb 25, 2014, 5:11:49 AM2/25/14
to Zeyu Chen,

…and welcome to the group  Zeyu as well!


Other group members will be better able to answer your question about APIs.


Hope the weather warms up soon for you. Here in England we just hope for the rain to stop.


All good wishes





English Heritage



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Karan Dhamele

Feb 25, 2014, 11:44:06 AM2/25/14
Hi Everyone,

  Myself, Karan Dhamele, presently in my sixth semester, pursuing computer science at International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad. I have regularly participated in competitive programming events and some appathons. I like to code, learn problem-solving techniques and designing applications. I have previous experience in algorithms, android development, etc and particularly I would like to contribute this summer by developing Arches mobile app, as I have relevant experience and I would also like to contribute on other projects(related to frontend/UI development) given the opportunity.

Technologies known: Python, Java, C++/C, HTML, CSS, jquery, AJAX, web2py.
My Interest in Arches: Social Science with a blend of Computer Science... Interesting :) .
Working Location and Heritages: Hyderabad, India. Lots of old palaces, mosques, and towers among which Char Minar is one(famous but Not in my view ).
Heritages in Hyderabad

Karan Dhamele,

Rob Gaston

Feb 25, 2014, 2:47:10 PM2/25/14
Hi Niharika,

Feel free to email me directly at this address (from Google Groups you can find it by clicking on my name); I'm also in the IRC channel #arches on

- Rob Gaston

Karl Fogel

Feb 25, 2014, 2:51:42 PM2/25/14
to Rob Gaston,
Rob Gaston <> writes:
>Feel free to email me directly at this address (from Google Groups you
>can find it by clicking on my name); I'm also in the IRC channel
>#arches on

Let me please push to keep such conversations here on the Google Group.
Traffic is unlikely to get too high, and if it does, then it's just time
to split into a dev group and a users group (IOw the current group stays
as the users group, and we create another forum for technical
development conversations).

The main thing is not to have GSoC or any other dev conversations ever
get spun off into anyone's private inbox. "If it didn't happen in one
of the project forums, it didn't happen."


Sindhu Kiranmai Ernala

Feb 25, 2014, 3:07:17 PM2/25/14
Hello all :)
This is Sindhu Kiranmai. I am a 3rd year undergrad student at International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, India pursuing Btech in Computer Science + MS by Research in Exact Humanities. My interests include Digital Humanities and Ontological Engineering. I worked on a project very similar to Arches, namely History visualizer. The idea of the project was to have a web based visualizing tool, which crowd sources historical event related data from the user community. The tool provides three types of visualizations: through space, through time and both space time. Arches seemed a very similar project with many new interesting aspects.
As I look outside my window, there is the magnificent Golconda fort. Yes, I am from the city of pearls, Hyderabad, India. There are many heritage sites around from the Nizam rule.

Good to keep in touch with this great project.

May, Keith

Feb 25, 2014, 7:47:07 PM2/25/14
to Sindhu Kiranmai Ernala,
Hi Sindhu,

Good to hear from you.
The History Visualizer project you mention sounds interesting. 
Do you have any links to anything online that you can share with the Group?


Information Strategy Advisor
Capacity Building Team
Strategic Planning & Management Division
Heritage Protection Department
English Heritage
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Dominic Sharrock

Feb 25, 2014, 9:42:45 PM2/25/14
Hi all,

I'm Dominic, a first year undergrad CS student at York, UK. I'm a mature student and also have a BA in Archaeology and Anthropology.
    • what is your interest in Arches?
      • This seems to be a real step towards bringing Archaeology and Cultural Resource Management into the information age - it's the sort of thing I wished I could have worked on when I studied and worked in Archaeology, and look forward to contributing now that I've found it. I'm hoping to join in through the Google Summer of Code, but even if that doesn't happen I'll hopefully contribute somewhat anyway when I can.
    • where in the world are you working?
      • York, UK.
    • what can you see out of the window? Is there any heritage in your view?
      • Not directly out of my window, but if I step out to the street I can see the city walls and Walmgate Bar, and the Minster is only a few minutes walk away.
    I have experience in Python, Java, and web development, and some knowledge of SQL, C, and Android development.

    I'm on IRC as Beornwulf, and look forward to getting to know people and working with you all.


    Lee, Edmund

    Feb 26, 2014, 5:18:07 AM2/26/14
    to Dominic Sharrock,

    Hi Dominic, welcome to the group!


    Do read through the messages on the Google Group page , and have a look at the Ideas page for the project . There is also a well established bug tracker in the BitBucket page for the project, and a Road Map for the project overall linked to from .


    York is an amazing city – I’m lucky enough to visit quite often as English Heritage has an office there.


    All good wishes,









    From: [] On Behalf Of Dominic Sharrock
    Sent: 26 February 2014 02:43
    Subject: [Arches] Re: Signing in


    Hi all,


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    Prashant Kiran

    Feb 26, 2014, 2:11:45 PM2/26/14
    Hi everyone,
    I am Prashant , from BITS Pilani , India , currently in my 3rd year of study of Engineering .I know following languages and have prior experience of working in them 
    PHP,HTML,CSS,C#(kinect module),
    jQuery,Flotr.js,Angular.js ,Sencha Touch(A OpenSource library for UI development for mobile devices).

    My interest in arches is about its GSOC Ideas particularly the idea about User Settings that allows the user to Customise his Arches according to him.

    Currently I am working in Rajasthan,India and to be true I don't see anything outside my window but yes I have been to many Heritage SItes in India.
    warm regards

    On Wednesday, March 13, 2013 3:59:01 PM UTC+5:30, Edmund Lee wrote:
    Hello all, ... and welcome in particular to those who have joined the Arches Discussion Forum recently.

    This online group was initially set up for the project team, and has just recently been opened up as the public, so some of us haven't met before. How about we all share a bit of background, just like we would if we were meeting in the real world? If that sounds good to you, reply to this thread and share with the group some or all of the following:
    • what is your interest in Arches?
    • where in the world are you working?
    and, just to make it a bit more fun,
    • what can you see out of the window? Is there any heritage in your view?

    I look forward to getting to know everyone a bit better!


    Shubham Chaurasia

    Feb 27, 2014, 12:50:24 AM2/27/14
    Hello Sir,
    Yesterday I started a conversation but did not introduced myself on this particular thread.

    I am a final year Computer Science, Bachelor of Engineering student.I just visited ARCHES and found it to be a nice concept.I liked the idea of Improving Representation of Spatial-Temporal Relationships in particular. I got the sense of it by the example of 'Iron Age' given with the topic.
    I know JavaScript and learned python recently. I am comfortable with both of them.
    I have a question regarding the project, whether in this project we have to maintain database also or only we have to focus on the representation of those data across the map?
    And should I learn postGIS database for this project?

    Kindly guide me through this and tell me about more technologies/Algorithms that I have to study to accomplish this project.

    Shubham Chaurasia

    Lee, Edmund

    Feb 27, 2014, 5:31:55 AM2/27/14
    to Prashant Kiran,

    Hello Prashant, and welcome to Arches! Do please continue to use the group to find out more about the project,  to ask questions, and to contact other project members. Theres plenty more on the project website at


    I’m sorry to hear that the view from your window isn’t so good. I used to be able to see a fine medieval church, but now there are houses being built in the way…




    From: [] On Behalf Of Prashant Kiran
    Sent: 26 February 2014 19:12
    Subject: [Arches] Re: Signing in


    Hi everyone,


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    Harsh Sharma

    Feb 27, 2014, 11:02:02 AM2/27/14
    Hello everyone,

    I am Harsh and I am a 3rd year undergraduate student from India. I have a experience working in Python and C. Currently I am learning Java. I also have some knowledge of PHP.

    Interest in Arches - I read about the project on the project website and found it interesting. I think that the work being done by the team is really commendable. Moreover keeping it open source is just a brilliant idea. I would love to contribute to make the project better.

    Location - I am currently working from my hostel room in a small town called Pilani located in the state of Rajasthan in India.

    Outside my window - There is nothing much to see outside my window apart from the front lawn of my hostel. But, in the past I have seen many heritage sites all over the country.

    Lee, Edmund

    Feb 27, 2014, 12:00:16 PM2/27/14
    to Harsh Sharma,

    Welcome Harsh! And thank you for signing in on the Arches project forum. Do have a look at the  rest of the posts on this Group, online at  and ask any questions you may have.


    All good wishes




    From: [] On Behalf Of Harsh Sharma
    Sent: 27 February 2014 16:02
    Subject: [Arches] Re: Signing in


    Hello everyone,


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    Karl Fogel

    Feb 27, 2014, 12:53:00 PM2/27/14
    to Shubham Chaurasia,
    Shubham Chaurasia <> writes:
    >Yesterday I started a conversation but did not introduced myself on
    >this particular thread.
    >I am a final year Computer Science, Bachelor of Engineering student.I
    >just visited ARCHES and found it to be a nice concept.I liked the idea
    >of Improving Representation of Spatial-Temporal Relationships in
    >particular. I got the sense of it by the example of 'Iron Age' given
    >with the topic.
    >I know JavaScript and learned python recently. I am comfortable with
    >both of them.
    >I have a question regarding the project, whether in this project we
    >have to maintain database also or only we have to focus on the
    >representation of those data across the map?
    >And should I learn postGIS database for this project?
    >Kindly guide me through this and tell me about more
    >technologies/Algorithms that I have to study to accomplish this

    Welcome, Shubham Chaurasia. You got that particular idea from, right?

    I'm not sure what you mean when you ask whether you will have to
    "maintain" the database. The Arches Project can probably supply sample
    data to work with. You might have to learn some of the database schema
    or other internals, though (I'm not sure -- I'm not an Arches developer
    myself, but I realized I didn't understand your question so I thought
    I'd ask you to clarify).


    utsav kumar

    Feb 28, 2014, 2:34:22 AM2/28/14
    I get really excited when i get to know organizations that help in protecting our cultural heritage.It's a pity that the vast treasure of our monuments are destroyed just because it's inventory is not organized.I am a computer science engineering student from india .I chatted quite a lot with robert gatson yesterdayon irc  who guided me in building arches into my linux ubuntu 12.04 yesterday.This is a screenshot of my system with vagrant up command that setup up virtual vm into my system .. .I am really eager to start contributing to arches and  make this dream of preserving our heritage come through . :)

    And well,india has a rich history of culture.Indian civilization is a very ancient one and some of the special things like yoga originated from here and we have the taj mahal ..yayy :)

    Shubham Chaurasia

    Feb 28, 2014, 3:08:58 AM2/28/14
    to Karl Fogel,
    Hello Sir,

    I realized that "maintain" database was misleading term there. I'm sorry for that.
    Actually I wanted to ask that the project is titled Improving Representation of Spatial-Temporal Relationships .
    My question is, does the scope of this project only limited to the front-end representation of Spatial-Temporal relationship or we have to do back-end programming also, including the databases.

    Also guide me about more technologies that I need to learn.
    I've got it clearly what the problem definition says.

    Shubham Chaurasia.

    Lee, Edmund

    Feb 28, 2014, 5:08:30 AM2/28/14
    to Jayanth Koushik,

    Welcome Jayanth! It’s great to have so many new members signing in just now. Do please have a look around the Arches Project website  to find out a bit more about the sort of heritage inventory that Arches is designed to support, and do ask any questions you may have by starting a new thread in this discussion group, or contributing to those in progress at


    And I’m sorry to hear the view from your window isn’t too great,




    From: [] On Behalf Of Jayanth Koushik
    Sent: 28 February 2014 06:42
    Subject: [Arches] Re: Signing in


    Hello all!

    I am Jayanth Koushik. I am a final year Computer Science student from BITS Pilani, India. I found out about the Arches project through GSOC and I am really interested in the 'Import/Export Improvements' project listed on the 'Ideas' page. I do have experience with Python and JSON.

    Lots of heritage in India, but I can't see any of it from my window unfortunately...


    On Wednesday, March 13, 2013 3:59:01 PM UTC+5:30, Edmund Lee wrote:

    Hello all, ... and welcome in particular to those who have joined the Arches Discussion Forum recently.

    This online group was initially set up for the project team, and has just recently been opened up as the public, so some of us haven't met before. How about we all share a bit of background, just like we would if we were meeting in the real world? If that sounds good to you, reply to this thread and share with the group some or all of the following:

    • what is your interest in Arches?
    • where in the world are you working?

    and, just to make it a bit more fun,

    • what can you see out of the window? Is there any heritage in your view?

    I look forward to getting to know everyone a bit better!




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    Lee, Edmund

    Feb 28, 2014, 5:19:13 AM2/28/14
    to utsav kumar,

    Welcome to the Arches project forum Utsav!


    As well as computer and IT specialists on this group you will find many members such as myself who share your passion for the past, and work in heritage organisations aimed at doing what we can to ensure that the significance for all of us of heritage sites is maintained for future generations. Do feel free to ask questions about how heritage inventories work in practice, as well as the technical questions about Arches.


    And of course there’s a lot more than just the Taj Mahal out there… (and that’s just the World Heritage Sites).


    Everyone… Do we have any specialists in the archaeology of India in the group?




    From: [] On Behalf Of utsav kumar
    Sent: 28 February 2014 07:34
    Subject: [Arches] Re: Signing in


    I get really excited when i get to know organizations that help in protecting our cultural heritage.It's a pity that the vast treasure of our monuments are destroyed just because it's inventory is not organized.I am a computer science engineering student from india .I chatted quite a lot with robert gatson yesterdayon irc  who guided me in building arches into my linux ubuntu 12.04 yesterday.This is a screenshot of my system with vagrant up command that setup up virtual vm into my system .. .I am really eager to start contributing to arches and  make this dream of preserving our heritage come through . :)


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    utsav kumar

    Feb 28, 2014, 5:35:57 PM2/28/14
    to, utsav kumar
    Yes,sir actually i think i may know a good deal about the tradition and culture of India(i just wanted to keep my introduction short :D) and i can start in a small way towards contributing to inventories of  sites from India. My interest in heritage blossomed from my reading of Dan Brown novels and getting to understand the deep richness of any culture.

    As i find out more about arches i will be asking more question about how really the inventories work practically.One of the awesome things i feel is that we can learn so much about a site by examining it's ruins and then get to know more about the ancient culture of that place.

    If it's possible,please do share some references about how inventories really work!

    And robert gatson has guided me a lot in setting up arches on my ubuntu.

    And it's so nice to get to know someone who has a vast trove of knowledge on culture and history.

    David Myers

    Feb 28, 2014, 7:34:02 PM2/28/14
    to utsav kumar,
    Greetings Utsav
    Welcome to the Arches forum! One source that I would recommend to learn more about how heritage inventories work (as well as about the Arches project) is the fall 2013 issue of the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter, which is focused on the theme of heritage inventories. It's online at:
    Best regards,
    David Myers
    Arches Project Team

    Rahul Sharma

    Mar 1, 2014, 3:37:16 AM3/1/14
    Hello all,

    I'm Rahul, a third year undergrad CS student at IIIT Hyderabad,India.
      • what is your interest in Arches?
        • This seems to me like a good initiative towards helping students lean about our culture.There are lots of Historical/Archaeological monuments which represnts our culture and we need to preserver that.I think this initiative has the potential to be as much important to the monuments as the Google Art project is for the Arts.
        • I am hoping to join though GSoc to be a part of this wonderful project.
      • where in the world are you working?
        • Hyderabad,India
      • what can you see out of the window? Is there any heritage in your view?
        • Yeah, I see  Mecca Masjid. I have seen lots of heritage during my upbringing in Rajasthan such as Forts, Battle Fields etc.
      I have experience in Android Development, Java , Html and Mysql.

      So as a starting point i have set up Ares on my amazon aws instance and it works fine.
      In the meantime i will be exploring the software in detail.
      Looking forward to having a good time here.

      Rahul Anand


      Mar 1, 2014, 4:52:50 AM3/1/14
      Hello Rahul, and thanks for joining the Arches project group and for sharing this information about your interests and background. Certainly the inventories of haritage sites that can be developed using systems such as Arches are an essential part of looking after heritage sites all over the world.

      Mecca Masjid looks amazing!

      All good wishes

      utsav kumar

      Mar 1, 2014, 7:17:37 AM3/1/14
      to, utsav kumar
      Thanks for sharing this newsletter with me.I will do my best to get back to you as soon as i finish  deploying arches on my desktop. :)

      On Saturday, 1 March 2014 06:04:02 UTC+5:30, David Myers wrote:
      Greetings Utsav
      Welcome to the Arches forum! One source that I would recommend to learn more about how heritage inventories work (as well as about the Arches project) is the fall 2013 issue of the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter, which is focused on the theme of heritage inventories. It's online at:
      Best regards,
      David Myers
      Arches Project Team

      Joshua Ng

      Mar 1, 2014, 8:56:24 PM3/1/14
      Hi everyone,

      I'm hailing from Singapore. Currently a Master of Science (Information Systems) student at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. I got to know about Arches from Google Summer of Code (GSoC) and I intend to apply to GSoC 2014. 

      I am a self-professed history/archives/heritage geek. I did an internship stint at NUS Hollywood Lab & UCLA Hypermedia Studio and worked on the Remapping LA: Hollywood Place project. Then I did another internship stint at Asian Film Archive, mainly web development and maintenance. My last project I went on to try to revive the long forgotten Eusoff Archives for Eusoff Hall, a residential college of 50 years. I have always wanted to contribute more in the cultural heritage scene. 

      So when Arches popped-out from the list of approved mentoring organization, I almost jumped out of my chair. Arches seems to be the perfect tool for the Bukit Brown Cemetery* project that I might be working on with my university professor after my Master's dissertation! It is open source too!

      I am familiar with Python as I'm using pandas to analyse JSON data for my dissertation. I would rate my JavaScript and CSS3/HTML5 knowledge as intermediate. I went through the Django tutorial once some time ago, probably need a refresher. 

      Looking at the list of suggested ideas, it would seem that these are the ones that I think I could handle:-
      1. User Settings 
      2. Admin UI Improvements 
      3. Richer CRM Classes for GIS data looks interesting. 
        1. I was introduced to ontologies and RDF in the Information Architecture and Design class last semester. So I think I'm still quite new to the area. It will be great if there are more information on what exactly are the classes and how would the incorporation processes look like?

      what can you see out of the window? Is there any heritage in your view?
      As I look out of my window, I see a typically quiet estate as it's Sunday morning. Even the demolition work down the street took a break today. As Singapore is an island state and land is scarce, the struggle between progress and heritage preservation is very real. Case in point, my housing estate was built circa 1976 and many people lived and grew up here. Despite the significance of it, one whole section of housing units are currently being demolished to make way for newer buildings. 

      In Singapore, anything more than 20 years old is considered old. My housing estate is merely one among many similar projects across the island. The most prominent one is the aforementioned *Bukit Brown (BB), a cemetery for pioneering Chinese immigrants tracing back to the mid-nineteenth century. It is said to be the largest Chinese cemetery outside of China. But that doesn't stop the government from initiating plans to bisect BB with a major thoroughfare and repurpose it for housing. Exhumations of several thousand graces has already begun in December 2013. This issue has garnered international attention and Bukit Brown has just got listed as a World Monument Watch Site (2014). As it is unlikely the government will change its mind now, we are trying our best to document and preserve as many information about the graves and the cemetery. Arches seems to be a perfect fit for this project. 

      So yup, I have checked out the arches source code from bitbucket, tested the 3GB VM and vagrant is building arches as I type. 

      All in all, I am ready to get my hands dirty and have a great time. :D

      Joshua Ng
      (i'm lurking on #arches IRC for the past few days as joshuatj. Do say hi if you see me!)

      Ayush Datta

      Mar 2, 2014, 11:40:43 AM3/2/14

      I'm Ayush Datta and i am third year undergrad CS student at IIIT Hyderabad,India.
        • what is your interest in Arches?
          • It's a great initiative to help students lean about our culture.There are lots of Historical/Archaeological monuments which represents our culture and give us an idea about how things were in the past and we need to preserve that.
          • I am enthusiastic to contribute for this great initiative.
        • where in the world are you working?
          • I am pursuing a Dual Degree Btech+ MS by research from IIIT-Hyderabad,India
        • what can you see out of the window? Is there any heritage in your view?
          • I have seen Monuments like Taj Mahal to Sri Padmanabhaswami Temple in Kerala, India where Gold worth billions of dollars was found recently.
        I have good knowledge of Android Development, Java , Html and Mysql, Java web technologies

        I have already set up Ares on my virtual machine.
        Please guide me on how to contribute to the open source group.
        Ayush Datta

        Vishakha Gupta

        Mar 3, 2014, 9:58:40 AM3/3/14
        Hello everyone,

        This is Vishakha Gupta.I am a 3rd year undergraduate student at Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management,Gwalior,Madhya Pradesh,India pursuing Integrated Post Graduation(B.Tech+M.Tech) in Information Technology branch.I have been developing Android apps since an year and also I have always been interested in heritage sites around the world.So,I thought to combine both.I am very much interested in developing Android App for Arches.

        Currently,I am studying in Gwalior,Madhya Pradesh,India .
        Looking outside my window,I can see the beautiful Gwalior Fort.

        I want to discuss the idea for the Android app in detail .So,please guide me how to proceed.

        Palash O'swal

        Mar 3, 2014, 11:35:31 AM3/3/14


        My name is Palash Oswal. I am pursuing Computer Engineering. I am really interested in contributing to Arches through GSoC and further as well.

        I am good at Django( which I've been practicing since past 18 months) and have moderate skills in CSS, html , java. I've keen interest in the project titled "Modifying Admin UI" which is under Rob Gaston! I've done this prior on my own sample projects and I have experience in modifying the extremely powerful Django Admin Interface.
         I've used django grapelli and developed personal alike app for django administration.

         This is just an example of modifying css of admin interface. I'd really wish to get in touch with Rob Gaston (since I couldn't get in contact through IRC, Reason : Different timeframes).   
        • where in the world are you working?
        I'm currently working as a free lance web developer in Surat, Gujarat. I've got interest in penetration testing as well :D
        and, just to make it a bit more fun,
        • what can you see out of the window? Is there any heritage in your view?
        I see a protected forest when I see out of my window. Sadly there're no heritage sites in the place of my current residence. 

        Hope to hear soon from everyone onboard!

        Signing on :D

        Lee, Edmund

        Mar 3, 2014, 12:32:34 PM3/3/14
        to Joshua Ng,

        Hello Joshua, and welcome to the Arches project forum!


        Many thanks for sharing this information about your previous experience, which sounds fascinating. Here on the forum you will find many developers and heritage specialists who share your enthusiasm for the documentation of the past, so do continue to post your thoughts.


        With all good wishes




        From: [] On Behalf Of Joshua Ng
        Sent: 02 March 2014 01:56
        Subject: [Arches] Re: Signing in


        Hi everyone,


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        Marju Niinemaa

        Mar 3, 2014, 6:58:41 PM3/3/14
        Hi! :) 

        My name is Marju Niinemaa and I'm studying IT Systems Development at Estonian IT College. I have coded only little over a year and half but I am really eager to learn. I have basic knowledge of Python, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, MySQL, Java and Ruby.

        The reason why I fell in love with Arches is that I have a MA in history and projects like Arches made me want to learn to code. I like the opportunity to create amazing projects to historians to give them better access to data and also to society to have a better visual access to historical data. I have worked at Estonian National Arcives and in one small museum, Harju County Museum. Both jobs were related to databases. As a historian I know how the userside and as a programmer I can relate to technical side. 

        Arches is a project I want to take part in. I would like to learn more about the visualization and user expericence. And I just started to explore the code from Bitbucket. I got Arches up and running on my laptop. It really looks amazing project. Keeping up the good work!

        where in the world are you working?
        I'm Estonian girl who I is living in Berlin for the next two mounths.

        what can you see out of the window? Is there any heritage in your view?
        From my window I see another bulding and people living their everyday life. I don't see any great monuments but I'm in Berlin and in Germany where you can see history and heritage in every step I make as in everywhere in the world and that is what make it wonderful.  I can not wait to discover it.

        Best wishes! 

        Lee, Edmund

        Mar 4, 2014, 11:56:18 AM3/4/14
        to Marju Niinemaa,

        Hi Marju, and welcome to the Arches project forum. There is a really lively community here, including those who love to code and those who love heritage. You’ve come to the right place!


        Do have a look at the project website at  where you will find a great deal of background information, for example on the different projects and organisations that have been consulted in developing Arches and a great deal of information and links for developers and programmers at


        Do look through the threads on this group at . Ask any questions you have, and please feel free to post thoughts to help others in the group, for example with installing Arches.


        Thank you for sharing your thoughts about Berlin.. surely a very historic city.


        All good wishes







        From: [] On Behalf Of Marju Niinemaa
        Sent: 03 March 2014 23:59
        Subject: [Arches] Re: Signing in


        Hi! :) 


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        utsav kumar

        Mar 4, 2014, 7:29:20 PM3/4/14
        to, utsav kumar
        I was able to skim through the newsletter and i made a post for it on the forum Gosc Idea Expansion.

                                                                              Thanks :)

        On Saturday, March 1, 2014 6:04:02 AM UTC+5:30, David Myers wrote:
        Greetings Utsav
        Welcome to the Arches forum! One source that I would recommend to learn more about how heritage inventories work (as well as about the Arches project) is the fall 2013 issue of the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter, which is focused on the theme of heritage inventories. It's online at:
        Best regards,
        David Myers
        Arches Project Team

        Alexei Peters

        Mar 6, 2014, 2:03:35 PM3/6/14
        to utsav kumar,, utsav kumar
        Hi Utsav,
        I'm having trouble understanding your Idea.  Can you please explain what you're proposing?

        Director of Web Development - Farallon Geographics, Inc. - 971.227.3173


        Mar 7, 2014, 8:52:15 AM3/7/14
        to, utsav kumar, utsav kumar
         I looked up Stonehenge from this url and it just seems fascinating to me really how much more we can do with arches. :)

        As i have set-up arches on my Ubuntu, i found out that Stonehenge has been described vividly by arches and it looks great :)

        It seems to me it would be a good idea to expand arches to set-up another prehistoric monument.:)

        I know this wouldn't be easy so i want to divide it into phases:

        Phase 1: (Must do phase) The minimum i want to do with my project is that i would want to make sure i have a   new prehistoric monument with all it's inventories available on arches.

        Phase 2:(If time permits)This url i embedded above in this post also has a street view available.Street view seems a fascinating concept,you can have the actual experience of visiting a site
        (i)if you use the google street view api(link) and
        (ii)if you can upload panorama pics of the site.
        So this may seem a little ambitious but if we are allowed to take a panoramic view,it will make google street view possible and make our project look so good.

        All explained,i do need a prehistoric site to base my project on and i want the forum to decide which site would be the best. :)

        Cheers :)

        Message has been deleted


        Mar 7, 2014, 11:41:38 AM3/7/14
        to, utsav kumar, utsav kumar
        I don't think my idea is good enough yet and you guys have a better understanding of everything.

        So please help me in rectifying my mistakes and help me in making this idea better.

        Thanks :)

        Akshay Upadhyay

        Mar 7, 2014, 4:22:12 PM3/7/14

        I am Akshay Upadhyay, pursuing Master degree(M.Tech) in Spatial Information Technology from DAVV university, India, Madhya Pradesh(state) and am fascinated by GIS and MAPs working, as it is said “a picture is worth a thousand words”. 

        I have an experience working with Shapefile, Kml, GeoJSON, QGIS and with other GIS tools. Please see the link of my project i.e Shapefile to SVG Map, which reads shapefile information i.e from shp and dbf file and converts and display the same as an SVG vector Map. 
        • what is your interest in Arches?
        --->  Arches project being an open source, comes up with an unique idea to bring Heritage inventory and management system digitally where we need
        to deal with location and its attribute values properly. Widely used Shapefile is one of the non topological gis vector file. As I have a good
        experience dealing with shapefile byte by byte, i want to accomplish and work for "Workflow for Uploading GIS Shapefiles" project by joining in through the Google Summer of Code.
        • where in the world are you working?
        --->  INDIA, 
               Indore, Madhya Pradesh.
        • what can you see out of the window? Is there any heritage in your view?
        ---> I am seeing a garden, with a small temple placed in center of it where i can hear and feel temple bell sound.

        Looking forward to have a good time here.

        Thanks and Regards,
        Akshay Upadhyay 

        Daphne Ippolito

        Mar 9, 2014, 4:05:27 PM3/9/14
        Hello, everyone.

        I'm Daphne, and I'm currently a student at the University of Toronto in Canada. I started off as an archaeological science and computer science double major, but have since leaned more towards the computer science side. I was really excited to discover Arches on the GSoC site because it helps to solve a problem I've personally encountered. In my cartography class last year, I wanted to do a research project on the proximity of violence during the War in Afghanistan to the country's archaeological sites. I found the website of a phd student who had mapped many of the heritage sites in Afghanistan, but unfortunately he had only released this data as a jpg, and the image was too small-scale to be of use to me. Despite my best efforts, I couldn't get into contact with the guy to ask him for his data.

        This is a huge problem in archaeology. In the excavations I've been on, records were still in large part done by hand, and even when they are digitized, there isn't always a straightforward path available for researchers to make this data publicly accessible. Arches looks like it's taking a big step toward addressing this, and I hope to have some time in the next few days to start familiarizing myself with its implementation.

        Unfortunately right now I am working in a windowless computer lab on campus :( but I look forward to finally having some sunny days that aren't freezing later this week. 

        Lee, Edmund

        Mar 10, 2014, 12:22:35 PM3/10/14
        to Daphne Ippolito,

        Hi Daphne, welcome to the Arches project group! Thanks for sharing this information about your interests in Arches and in heritage documentation. Do feel free to use the other threads on this discussion group to ask questions, and contribute to finding answers for other members of this growing online community. You’ll find a mix of computer and programming specialists along with those who work in organisations that manage heritage inventories, such as me.


        You’ll maybe have seen from the project website the articles by the project team that development of Arches  sprang from concern for the fate of archaeological sites in Iraq following the 2003 invasion.



        War and heritage inventories have a much longer history than that, however. In the U.K. where I work, the earliest consistent records of archaeological sites were made by the Ordnance Survey, which, as the name suggests, were maps made during the Napoleonic war with France in the early 19th century to plan movement of troops and heavy artillery in areas likely to be invaded. Many of the historic buildings in England were first systematically photographed when under threat from bombing during the Second World War. Both of these records eventually ended up forming the core of the datasets managed by English Heritage available via PastScape  


        I’m sorry to hear you haven’t got a view to report! Hope that improves,


        All good wishes



        English Heritage



        From: [] On Behalf Of Daphne Ippolito
        Sent: 09 March 2014 20:05
        Subject: [Arches] Re: Signing in


        Hello, everyone.


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        Lee, Edmund

        Mar 10, 2014, 12:41:18 PM3/10/14
        to Akshay Upadhyay,

        Hello Akshay and welcome to the Arches project forum!


        Thank you for sharing this information about your background, skills and interests. You will find on this group many colleagues working around the world in specialist technical fields, both in programming and in heritage. Do use this group to ask questions and explore your ideas further, and to suggest ideas and fixes for problems that other members post about.


        There’s much more information on the project website, for example at . Do have a look around.


        The view from your window sounds beautiful – calm and peaceful.


        Thank you again,






        From: [] On Behalf Of Akshay Upadhyay
        Sent: 07 March 2014 21:22
        Subject: [Arches] Re: Signing in




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        xuebin wei

        Mar 10, 2014, 9:10:50 PM3/10/14
        Hello everyone,

        I am Xuebin, a third PhD student in Geo-science, University of Georgia.My undergraduate major is urban planning and architecture. Therefore, the Arches fits my interests very well :)

        Athens, GA, a nice small town near Atlanta.

        Message has been deleted

        Virginia Gresham

        Mar 10, 2014, 9:18:31 PM3/10/14

        Hello everyone!


        I'm Virginia Gresham, a student at Connecticut College pursuing a degree in Computer Science.  Even though I just started coding eight months ago I already know Python and currently am learning Java. I am really excited about Arches interdisciplinary mission to link heritage and technology. Over the past few years, I helped my town develop a cultural heritage walking tour through our downtown while also being the captain of my high school’s robotics team. Now that I am in college, I am looking to continue pursuing both my passions for progress while examining the past. I learned about Arches through Google's Summer of Code and I am interested in working on the import and export improvements project. Outside my window is a quintessential New England town, which actually has one of the highest concentrations of colonial homes and the largest continuous town green in all of New England.

        Daphne Ippolito

        Mar 10, 2014, 9:56:36 PM3/10/14
        to, Daphne Ippolito
        Thanks for the article link! I didn't know that that the war in Iraq was the origin for Arches' development.

        Edmund Lee

        Mar 11, 2014, 5:59:42 AM3/11/14
        Hi all,

        Can I welcome Chris Potrebka to the group as our 150th member!

        Chris - do feel free to say hello and tell us a bit about yourself when you're ready. There's an amazing range of talents here now asking and answering questions about Arches.

        All good wishes


        Tharindu Rusira

        Mar 11, 2014, 10:16:52 PM3/11/14

        On Wednesday, March 13, 2013 3:59:01 PM UTC+5:30, Edmund Lee wrote:
        Hello all, ... and welcome in particular to those who have joined the Arches Discussion Forum recently.

        Hello community,

        I'm Tharindu Rusira.

        This online group was initially set up for the project team, and has just recently been opened up as the public, so some of us haven't met before. How about we all share a bit of background, just like we would if we were meeting in the real world? If that sounds good to you, reply to this thread and share with the group some or all of the following:
        • what is your interest in Arches?
        I recently came across Arches and I saw a lot of novel ideas implemented in it. Also, being a prospective GSoC student, I'm hoping to make a worthwhile contribution to make Arches better. 
        • where in the world are you working?
        I'm a third year Computer Science and Engineering undergraduate at the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.
        and, just to make it a bit more fun,
        • what can you see out of the window? Is there any heritage in your view?
        A bunch of trees in my garden which are few decades old.  :)

        Alexei Peters

        Mar 12, 2014, 12:48:14 AM3/12/14
        to Tharindu Rusira,
        Hi Tharindu,
        Welcome to the Arches project!

        Director of Web Development - Farallon Geographics, Inc. - 971.227.3173


        Peter STOTT

        Mar 29, 2014, 2:39:31 PM3/29/14
        My name is Peter Stott. I have been working with heritage inventories for the better part of three decades, both in the US and at the World Heritage Centre (UNESCO). Watching heritage inventories expand (and sometimes being part of that expansion) has been exciting, especially in the last two decades, as more organizations make their materials available online. In Massachusetts, we are just now completing the last few weeks of a six-year project to put the statewide historic resource inventory on line ( Nonetheless, we as discipline don't seem much closer to making these systems compatible. I hope that Arches (as well as the foundation work of the Council of Europe, the Getty, and other organizations) will allow heritage organizations to move closer toward that holy grail "interoperability"!

        My programming skills are minimal, and I am sure in other posts, I will be asking for help as I move through the installation Arches (and Python, Java et al.)!

        From my window, I see the iconic stacks of the South Boston Power Station, once the Edison Electric Illuminating Company's landmark 1902 generating station. A cross-platform search of hundreds of heritage databases for the heritage of electric power generation (or other themes) would be an exciting accomplishment!

        Looking forward to learning more

        Peter Stott

        Lee, Edmund

        Mar 31, 2014, 11:34:05 AM3/31/14

        Great to hear from you Peter and welcome to the Arches Project Forum!


        You’ll find here a happy mix of heritage folk (such as myself – ‘programming’ for me began and ended with BASIC in the 1980’s…) and IT specialists from around the planet. There’s bound to be someone out there who can assist with your question, or, if not help get something fixed.


        The power station you can see sounds great –  English Heritage, has put a lot of energy (no pun intended) into historic infrastructure projects (see for example and ) and it’s a global area of interest, so maybe that electric power generation cross-search isn’t so far off.


        All good wishes



        English Heritage


        From: [] On Behalf Of Peter STOTT
        Sent: 29 March 2014 18:40
        Subject: [Arches] Re: Signing in




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        David Myers

        Apr 1, 2014, 3:51:59 PM4/1/14
        to Peter STOTT,
        Dear Peter
        It's great to have you join the Arches forum and to know of your years of experience working with heritage inventories both in Massachusetts and at the international scale. And thanks for sharing the Massachusetts online inventory.
        Regarding your comment about the aim of data interoperability, if you haven't seen it you might wish to take a look at the "Standards and Interoperability" page of the Arches project website at:
        In that connection, you might also find of interest this recent post on the forum about the current work going on by CIDOC as well as CIPA to finalize the International Core Data Standard for Archaeological and Architectural Heritage.
        This is essentially an effort to combine and update the 2 separate 1990s standards, Core Data Index to Historic Buildings and Monuments of the Architectural Heritage and Core Data Standard for Archaeological Sites and Monuments. These standards were created, in part, to facilitate data sharing across political boundaries and to serve as a reference for heritage organizations, which, as they create inventories, often grapple with identifying the optimal set of inventory data to meet the practical requirements of heritage stewardship.
        The Arches Project used a working draft of the  International Core Data Standard for Archaeological and Architectural Heritage (which you will see referred to as the CDS)  as the basis for identifying data fields for version 1.0 of Arches.
        Best regards,
        David Myers
        Arches Project Team

        Sjoerd van der Linde

        Apr 3, 2014, 11:31:51 AM4/3/14
        Hi Ed,
        its good to see so much discussion on this forum!
        Just a quick introduction on myself:
        My name is Sjoerd van der Linde, and I am an associate professor of heritage management at Leiden University. We are currently investigating the possibility of implementing Arches on the island of St Kitts, as part of our Nexus 1492 project. We have been in contact about this with David cc and we are quite excited abuot the possibilities. Personally,  I will be mainly overseeing management issues, as I gladly leave the programming and real tech issues to the PhD's which are much more capable than I in these matters ;-)
        If I loko out of my window I see a sad, but gladly sunny, industrial part of our universiy, which is a shame, as we just recelty moved out of our lovely old faculty of archaeology from the old center of Leiden.

        On Wednesday, March 13, 2013 11:29:01 AM UTC+1, Edmund Lee wrote:
        Hello all, ... and welcome in particular to those who have joined the Arches Discussion Forum recently.

        This online group was initially set up for the project team, and has just recently been opened up as the public, so some of us haven't met before. How about we all share a bit of background, just like we would if we were meeting in the real world? If that sounds good to you, reply to this thread and share with the group some or all of the following:
        • what is your interest in Arches?
        • where in the world are you working?
        and, just to make it a bit more fun,
        • what can you see out of the window? Is there any heritage in your view?

        I look forward to getting to know everyone a bit better!


        Adam Cox

        Apr 7, 2014, 12:43:19 AM4/7/14
        Hello all,

        My name is Adam Cox, and I'm currently putting a proposal together to implement arches for the Cane River National Heritage Area here in Natchitoches, Louisiana (USA).  The project won't begin until this fall, hopefully by October, but I'm really looking forward to carrying out this operation.  The heritage area already has a local resource file geodatabase (ESRI-style) that was commissioned a few years ago, but it really isn't very accessible.  Therefore, the built-in web front-end that Arches provides is very appealing to the parties involved.  So, the project will really be an installation and conversion endeavor.  I'm very interested to see what comes out of the SOC, as the top priority projects are all pieces that foresee as very useful to me, and the larger success of Arches.

        I expect to do a test install with the standard resource types, but am really interested in the ability to customize and create new resource types (forgive me, I'm still working on the Arches lingo).  Specifically, one of the most important cultural resource categories down here are graves, and I will be incorporating at least one full cemetery.  A resource type specifically for graves is something I'm very interested in developing for my installation.  I have experience with Python, mostly in an ESRI setting, so I also look forward to diving into the source code... 

        From my window I'd be able (were it light outside) to see the American Cemetery, which is generally billed as the oldest cemetery in the Louisiana Purchase.  Many French epitaphs, a few revolutionary war veterans, and overall, a beautifully peaceful place for a walk.


        Lee, Edmund

        Apr 7, 2014, 6:30:01 AM4/7/14
        to Adam Cox,

        Hi Adam thanks for posting here, and welcome to the Arches project community! I’m sure you will find here all the expertise you need to advise you on installation and conversion of Arches and your existing data, so do ask review the existing forum posts and start new threads if you need to.


        The option to develop a new resource type for graves sounds good – I’ll leave it to the more technically minded colleagues on the group to advise further.


        I just Googled the American Cemetery – it does indeed look a peaceful place.





        From: [] On Behalf Of Adam Cox
        Sent: 07 April 2014 05:43
        Subject: [Arches] Re: Signing in


        Hello all,


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        David Myers

        Apr 8, 2014, 5:06:08 PM4/8/14
        to Adam Cox,
        Hi Adam
        Welcome to the Arches community, and thanks for letting us know about the proposal that you're preparing to implement Arches for the Cane River National Heritage Area. I had the pleasure of spending time in Natchitoches and the Cane River National Heritage Area during the 2004 US/ICOMOS symposium there, so have an idea of the types of heritage resources to be inventoried there.
        If you would find it useful, the Arches project team would be happy to provide feedback on your proposal. If you would like to follow up on that, feel free to get in touch with me off-forum.
        Best regards,
        David Myers
        Arches Project Team

        Apr 19, 2014, 1:21:35 PM4/19/14
        Hello Ed and all, my name is Andy B. I am a Chartered Electronics Engineer and the founder of the Megalithic Portal ancient sites web resource which has been running since 2001.

        I see we have quite a few from India on the list so you might be interested in our pages for the subcontinent:

        You might also like to try 'Click or QR code to find ancient sites close to your current location'

        Some of the features we offer are
        * worldwide ancient site database
        * 'geographically enabled' archaeology news and email newsletter
        * Feeds to RSS, and GeoRSS, Twitter, Facebook etc
        * the facility for visitors to log their visits to ancient sites and view all their contributions
        * data downloads in KML and other formats.
        * A simple REST/XML API that can be queried and which forms the basis of a mobile version of our site.
        All this has grown organically over the last 12 years to include 115,000+ images, 50,000+ pages, thousands of amateur contributors and a society of 150 members affiliated to the CBA.

        We work very hard to involve people from a host of different backgrounds - many not otherwise invvolved in archaeology - to document and protect prehistoric and other ancient sites near them.

        But to get back to the point:
        What is your interest in Arches?

        In the past we as a group have tended to 'plough our own furrow' but as developer I would like to see how I could work in more of a collaborative manner to continue to develop what we have done so far. Our underlying infrastructure is based on an open source content management system (CMS) and consists of conventional pages with 'geo-hacks' (if you will) rather than a full map/GIS format. Our infrastructure is old in web terms but stable and well understood by our contributors. We find having a 'site page' / gallery / user contributed format to be our major strength but I would like to use more of a GIS/layered approach to presentation.

        I'm interested in how CMS based sites such as ours which use PHP could interact with the map/GIS format of Arches. I've done a lot of evaluation of Drupal, Wordpress etc but have not really found anything with flexibility or longevity we would need. I've been very impressed with a community mapping project called Ushahidi with which I think links could be forged. As a group we work with projects such as Geograph, and to integrate images from Flickr and Google Street View.

        I'm also interested in how 'proper' dating (of various levels of accuracy) can be added to such geographic databases.

        Where in the world are you working?
        Surrey, UK
        What can you see out of the window? Is there any heritage in your view?
        I suspect we have buried archaeology in the field opposite as it is the site of a (water) spring and there are Saxon burials quite close by. However I have not looked!

        Best Regards
        The Megalithic Portal

        Alison Dalgity

        Apr 19, 2014, 2:34:27 PM4/19/14
        Greetings Andy.
        Nice to meet you and welcome to the Arches forum! 
        Our official greeter, Ed, is off on vacation (actually here in the States) and I agreed to step in for him, but I cannot hope to aspire to his level of eloquence.

        I'm so pleased that you've made everyone on the forum aware of your enormous efforts and the very impressive Megalithic Portal. I'm sure that many will find it extremely interesting, and there are bound to be opportunities to collaborate in the future.

        Best for now,

        >>> <> 04/19/14 10:21 AM >>>

        Daniel Vivian

        May 7, 2014, 9:27:26 AM5/7/14
        Hi Everyone,

        I'm very excited to learn about the Arches Project and to participate in this form.  I teach history and historic preservation at the University of Louisville, Kentucky.  I have worked in historic preservation for about 20 years, including stints with the South Carolina State Historic Preservation Office and the U.S. National Park Service.  I'm particularly interested in using Arches for teaching purposes -- introducing students to documentation methods -- and documenting buildings and sites in the lower Midwest.


        Edmund Lee

        Jul 16, 2014, 5:49:02 AM7/16/14
        A very much delayed 'hello' to Daniel, and also 'Hello and Welcome' to Joon, Carlo, Jyoti, Walter, Tom and Alban who have also joined us on Arches while I was on a long and much enjoyed vacation, and an even longer period of catching up on other stuff.

        We now have just under 200 members on the group - a whole conference hall full! and an amazing collection of technical and heritage talent.

        If you haven't had a chance to, do so, do check out the project web page at, the installation and user guides at or the developers page and links to the code source at

        Do also please feel welcome to reply to this thread if you would like to tell us all a bit about your interests in Arches, where you work, and the crucial 3rd question 'What can you see out the window'....

        Looking forward to hearung from you,


        LeeAnn Gordon

        Sep 7, 2014, 9:35:12 PM9/7/14
        Hi everyone, my name is LeeAnn Gordon, and I am working with the ASOR Syrian Heritage Initiative (SHI) project, which will be using Arches to create a heritage inventory of cultural resources in Syria. I am an archaeological conservator based in Boston and am particularly interested in the Condition documentation aspects of Arches. Outside my window the sun has set, but earlier today I drove across the Zakim Bridge:

        Looking forward to discussions!

        Scott Branting

        Oct 22, 2014, 10:18:45 AM10/22/14
        Hello everyone,

        Like LeeAnn, in the post just above this one, I am working on the ASOR Syrian Heritage Initiative (SHI) project.  We're using Arches to display cultural heritage sites in Syria, and eventually to provide assessments of the damage that they have sustained and their ongoing risk within the conflict.  We're also very much looking forward to version 3 of Arches!  Thank you all, in advance, for your assistance.  We've used this forum extensively while we were doing installations on our local development machines.  You've helped us already immensely, and we've a couple more questions that we'll be posting in threads on the forum.



        Dr. Scott Branting
        Director of Geospatial Initiatives 
        American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR)

        Chaitanya Nalla

        Nov 3, 2014, 8:03:59 AM11/3/14
        Dear All,
        Good day to all of you. I want to contribute to the project as i find it very interesting. I started with the documentation section. Is there any IRC to discuss the ideas and clarify doubts. I want to develop the android project for arches.

        I contributed to other open source organizations before like Redhat, OPENNMS, etc.

        chaitanya nalla.

        Edmund Lee

        Nov 5, 2014, 8:35:07 AM11/5/14
        Hello Chaitanya, welcome to the Arches group! It's great to have your expertise included in this expanding network of over 200 heritage specialists and IT specialists looking to grow the Archaes project.

        Other colleagues on the list can correct me on your question about IRC, but I *think* the idea is to keep discussion mostly here on the Google Group.

        And don't forget to tell us what you can see out of the window, wherever you are in the world... is there any heritage out there?

        All good wishes


        Karl Fogel

        Nov 6, 2014, 12:51:57 PM11/6/14
        to Edmund Lee,
        Edmund Lee <> writes:
        >Hello Chaitanya, welcome to the Arches group! It's great to have your
        >expertise included in this expanding network of over 200 heritage
        >specialists and IT specialists looking to grow the Archaes project.
        >Other colleagues on the list can correct me on your question about
        >IRC, but I *think* the idea is to keep discussion mostly here on the
        >Google Group.

        Generally yes, though for real-time communications, there is the IRC
        channel #arches on Arches folks were often there
        during the Google Summer of Code period (though no one is in the channel
        right now). Maybe that channel should be mentioned on ?

        >And don't forget to tell us what you can see out of the window,
        >wherever you are in the world... is there any heritage out there?

        You know, I don't think I've ever answered this question, so:

        Chicago City Hall! :-)


        Rob Gaston

        Nov 6, 2014, 1:44:40 PM11/6/14
        Hi Chaitanya,

        Great to hear of your interest in contributing to Arches!  A good place to start would be by installing the system and reviewing the documentation.  Feel free to start reviewing code and playing around a bit to familiarize yourself with the system.

        At present the core team is hard at work on a major push towards Arches 3.0, so it may be difficult to fully ramp up new contributors until after that's completed.  An Android app is not something that we currently have on the roadmap, but it might be a good 2015 Google Summer of Code project (assuming Arches is involved again next year).

        Please feel free to reach out here on the forum with any questions as you start to familiarize yourself with the system.

        - Rob Gaston

        Lee, Edmund

        Nov 7, 2014, 10:38:18 AM11/7/14
        to Karl Fogel,
        Hi Karl,

        Looks nice :-)

        >And don't forget to tell us what you can see out of the window,
        >wherever you are in the world... is there any heritage out there?

        You know, I don't think I've ever answered this question, so:

        Chicago City Hall! :-)


        Lucy FJ

        Nov 30, 2014, 7:17:53 AM11/30/14
        Hi everyone,

        I am working for the Theban Mapping project and we are going to adopt Arches version 3 for a database of all archaeological sites and monuments in Egypt. 
        I have an Archaeology degree and have worked with commercial software as a project manager/analyst and also have website design experience.
        I am working in New Cairo, Egypt on the Campus of the American University in Cairo. This is a very beautiful, new campus in the desert some 20 miles from downtown Cairo. 
        I would like to say that I can see the Great Pyramids from my window but I cannot. However, I can see some beautiful modern Islamic architecture, palm trees and lots of sand!

        Edmund Lee

        Dec 1, 2014, 6:32:34 AM12/1/14
        Hi Lucy,
        Welcome Lucy! that sounds like a facsinating project, and an amazing place to work. Do feel free to post more about your project as it develops - I'm sure we will all be envious.
        Shame about the view of the pyramids.. I was going to insist that you post a photo :-). But what you can see sounds beautiful too.
        Just an update on the view from my window... There is now a new block of apartments built on the site of the Engineering shed at the Great Western Railway site at Swindon in the UK which rather obscures my view of the 19th century industrial architecture. But I can still just see the roof of the Pattern Store (now a pizza restaurant)

        Chaitanya Gupta

        Dec 30, 2014, 1:50:21 PM12/30/14
        hello all,

        My name is Chaitanya Gupta, i am pursuing Computer Engineering from Jamia Millia Islamia,New Delhi,India, currently in 3rd year of my Undergraduate studies.
        I very much like to work with Django, i have created two apps using the Django Framework and MySQL as the backend, one of the application is also live on heroku!!
        I like Django so much that I have made almost all my friends at college try Django and quite a lot have also taken a similar liking!!
        I am also familiar with CSS,HTML5 and javascript.
        I also like to code in Python and have made some useful scripts.

        I am a GSoC aspirant and would like to contribute to Arches Project in whatever way i can.


        Edmund Lee

        Jan 7, 2015, 11:56:08 AM1/7/15
        Hello Chaitanya, and welcome to the Arches project forum!
        It's great to hear such enthusiasm for the software that supports the Arches application - do encourage your friends to have a look at the Arches website.
        There are also many specialists in heritage on this group  who can answer questions about why it is important to record historical sites.
        Do you have a favourite historical or archaeological site?
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