Initial provisioning/user setup via root remote_user, continued CM via other remote_user?

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Jeff Geerling

May 19, 2014, 9:50:53 AM5/19/14
When I order a new server from a hosting provider which doesn't have images like AMIs or user-created Images, I generally get a minimal OS installation and a root user account.

The first thing I need to do on the server, before I can start securely configuring the server from an admin user account, and deploying an app to that server, is to create the admin user account with which I'll do the rest of the work, and then disable password-based login and root SSH access.

Currently, I have two separate playbooks to accomplish these two separate tasks (first setting up the server/security minimally, second configuring the server and deploying an app).

Are there any better ways of doing this? Basically, I'd like to have a way of saying "if this is a new server/my admin user can't connect, first run this set of plays as the root user, then continue on as the normal remote_user".

Using Digital Ocean or AWS makes this a bit easier, as I can use Packer and create an initial image that already has the minimal base configuration... but I manage a lot of hosts from a lot of providers, and usually don't have a way to manage fresh images.

Michael DeHaan

May 19, 2014, 10:14:11 AM5/19/14

There is of course the "user" keyword on a play to change users.  You can have multiple plays in one playbook (and each can include lists of plays from other files, or can just be a list of them) so you don't need to launch ansible-playbook three times.

(If using a cloud provider, what you really should do is look into the provisioning modules, and have a play to bring up new resources that also includes your list of configuration plays)

If using physical setups, you can do some basic configuration in kickstart/preseed, so your base systems come up correctly at the end of the install process.  You could even use ansible inside the installation environment to do this.

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Jeff Geerling

May 19, 2014, 11:32:45 PM5/19/14
The main difficulty I foresee, though, is that I want to use remote_user: "admin" normally—but that user won't exist on the first run (many of the providers I use—LEB-type providers—don't have the ability to use kickstart or anything like that... they just provision a VM with whatever image they have laying around :().

In this case, the first run would fail unless I manually change remote_user for the entire playbook to 'root' and then use 'user' for every included playbook/role/task to set the user for the particular play.

Or is there a conditional way, using gathered facts or something, to attempt to log in via the normal remote_user, and if that fails, drop to root?

Brian Coca

May 20, 2014, 8:52:52 AM5/20/14

You can run a ping task with ignore errors and register result, then conditionally create the user with diff remote user based on that.

Brian Coca

Jeff Geerling

May 20, 2014, 10:15:00 AM5/20/14
So, I have a playbook set up with remote_user: admin, and the remote server only allows 'root' until the admin user is set up. If I add a ping task as the first task in the playbook (with failed_when: false and gather_facts: no), then I get the following:

PLAY [playbook] *****************************************************************

: [Check if we can connect using ping module.] ****************************
: [drupal] => SSH encountered an unknown error during the connection. We recommend you re-run the command using -vvvv, which will enable SSH debugging output to help diagnose the issue

Is there some way, in a playbook, to have a 'pre-pre-task' or a way to catch an SSH connection error and set a flag based on that? Basically, I don't want to fail after SSH connection error, but attempt to run a separate play as root... something along those lines.

Worst case, I'll just keep doing what I'm doing (separate small playbook to configure admin user and SSH security that runs as root, and kick that playbook off by hand for each server provision). But it would be great if it were possible to provision and re-run a playbook on any hosting provider (besides the ones with nice APIs or kickstart abilities) with one playbook :)


Jeff Geerling

May 20, 2014, 11:36:05 AM5/20/14
So I got quite a bit further, but was ultimately stymied by the fact that I can't override a playbook/role variable or global variable using the set_fact module (at least, after 1.5/1.6). Here's the code I had almost working:

- name: Check if we can connect using the normal user.
: "ssh -oBatchMode=yes {{ admin_user }}@{{ ansible_ssh_host }} exit"
: false
: false
register: ssh_result
: local
: no

- debug: var=user_creation_account

- name: Switch user account if necessary.
: user_creation_account="root"
when: ssh_result.rc != 0
: local
: no

- debug: var=user_creation_account

When I run the playbook, it checks if the local host can connect to the server via the normal admin_user, and if not, it tries to override the 'user_creation_account' variable, which would then be used (defaults to admin_user elsewhere) for the initial user creation 'remote_user' configuration.

Unfortunately, 'user_creation_account' remains set to the value in the included playbook variables file, so it seems my set_fact can't override that variable :(

For now, I think I'll just stick to one playbook to do initial user setup, then the normal one for once the accounts/SSH are configured correctly. And for most other projects, just using DO's droplet API/integration, or AWS integration, is perfectly adequate and much simpler!


Michael DeHaan

May 21, 2014, 6:02:10 PM5/21/14
There has been a discussion about a possible set_global.

Facts are less secure (machines may be less trustworthy) and need to stay in a particular lesser scope, so that's why they don't override globals -- a fact could control what software gets installed, etc.

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Jeff Geerling

May 21, 2014, 10:42:56 PM5/21/14
That would be perfect—and I understand why it's not good for facts to be overriding globals. Plus, my use case here is probably not ideal in any way (though I know of more than few people who don't have the luxury of working exclusively with providers that allow kickstart configs or any kind of prebuilt images).

Is there an issue or some other discussion I could track for set_global. Someday (I promise!) I'll get some time to start contributing actual code to the project, rather than little docs fixes :P


Michael DeHaan

May 23, 2014, 8:14:35 AM5/23/14
The discussion happens all over the list.   This is part of that discussion.

Adam Downer

Jul 4, 2014, 11:04:43 AM7/4/14
Do you actually need to detect at all?
your first play, which sets up the admin user, could run every time. If set up to be properly idempotent then would you need to test for anything?

I am facing a similar issue. I would like a play to set up a user and a second play (in the same book) to start doing things as the created user. So far I have tried the following:

- name: create user with an ssh key in authorized_keys
  hosts: testMachine
  sudo: True
    userName: 'auser'
     - { role: creatUser, userName: "{{ userName }}" }

- name: use the new user to install required stuff
  hosts: testMachine
  remote_user: auser
     - moreConfigWithAUser

I invoke this playbook using -kK so that it is able to connect and create the new user. But what appears to happen is that the second play fails to use the public key and re-uses the ssh password I previously provided, which obviously is not correct for this user as no password is set. Am I going about this wrong or am I just missing a crucial config item somewhere?

Mark Casey

Jul 10, 2014, 7:07:38 PM7/10/14
Do you actually need to detect at all?

If you want to be able to remove the original access (ssh as root, or perhaps a default user like 'ubuntu') then yes, I'd think you have to know whether the change has already been made or not. If you just want to add access, and not revoke the initial method, then perhaps no detection is necessary.

Anyway I think I may have just gotten this sorted for my own setup using a lot of the ideas here. Just did it today so I'd call it pre-alpha. Any suggestions for improvement welcome:

(We have a role for each IAAS provider we use, so these tasks come after the local_action call to the ec2 module, in our 'ec2add' role. This seems to be working with multi-instance calls (exact count>1) to the ec2 module...)

- name: Attempt SSH as initialUser - succeeds only if user customization not yet done (also adds private IP(s) to known_hosts, when succeeds)
  shell: "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ../ssh/{{ key_name }} {{ initialUser }}@{{ item.private_ip }} 'exit'"
  with_items: ec2.tagged_instances
  when: wait == "yes"
  ignore_errors: yes
  register: ssh_attempt

- name: Add instance(s) still requiring user customization to 'host_users_customized_False' group
  local_action: add_host hostname={{ item.item.private_ip }} groupname="host_users_customized_False"
  with_items: ssh_attempt.results
  when: wait == "yes" and item.rc == 0

- name: Re-SSH as initialUser using private DNS name(s) instead of IP(s), to also add them to known_hosts (skips if first attempt failed)
  shell: "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ../ssh/{{ key_name }} {{ initialUser }}@{{ item.item.private_dns_name }} 'exit'"
  with_items: ssh_attempt.results
  when: wait == "yes" and item.rc == 0
  ignore_errors: yes

Then in a later playbook I just target the group of hosts whose users aren't yet customized (union'ed to a serverGroup sort of ec2 tag group, to prevent friendly fire).

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